Bacle left, the night flames couldn't find him in the Century Dynasty. The hotel person in charge only said that he left this morning. As for where, no one knows.

Night flames dial Backe and Danya's mobile phone, tips to shut down, it seems that things are more serious than he imagined, and the night flames look for Bacle, or can't find it. She also dials the phone of Louis Earl, still in the stop. status.

Finally, the night flame had to call the Blue Qianya: "Qian Yu, where is the home of Louis?"

"What happened? What happened?" YANG Qian Yu asked.

"It is a bit an urgent experience in the contract to find him to talk about it. He can't do it, so I have to go to him to find him." Night flames said.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Blue Qian Yu felt something wrong.

"No, you tell me the address." Night flaming is a bit anxious.

"Hey, the address is ..."

Hanging up the phone, the night flames will drive to the Louis count to find him ...


At the same time, the hospital, Wemewood saw the news, his big thunder, pointed to the nose of the modeled nose: "I clearly call you to give the audio to Bacle, why do you want to spread to the Internet? You said, you are Not deliberate to make it right with me? "

"The owner went out, I didn't deliberately." Wen Dynasty bowed his head, although it was low, but there was not much sincerity in the tone.

"Isn't it intentional? That is interested?" Wenhai sharp stared at him, "Do you think that I will not take the initiative to take the initiative, sooner or later will defeat, in case I have lost, you have not reached the mountain, so you I will make me more thanked me? "

Wen Dynasty is somewhat deficiency. He didn't think that the Wemeworn was able to see his thoughts.

"Sure enough." Wemewood is very painful, "Wen Dynasty, you don't think I have been painted, I have long known, you have done a lot behind me, just, I see you so many years. I have always been a blind eye to the eye, I will resist you, but I am so sad now, but you don't have to betray me, do you really think that I will not move? you??"

"the host……"

"Come !!!" Wenhai drunk, a few of the orders of the Wenhai, "I will take the Wemewood."

The few bodyguards face each other, there is no action to act, Wen Hai brow wrinkle: "Are you awkward? I told you to take him."

"They won't listen to you."

Wen Dynasty is cold and a smile. In fact, he has long prepared, convince the six participating wheels J Qin Wei's followed by the warm sea, he will know the news this morning, so arrange these six people in the medical room. Outside, other people have condemn them out.

Now, Wenhai is called every day, call the ground.

"You want to rebellion?" "Wenhai biting his teeth," Wen Dynasty, I trust you so much, you dare to betray me? "

"Trust?" Wen Dynasty ridicule, "these years, you will make me as a dog as a dog, call it, this is called trust? I used to rely on you to live, but you have become weak now. Will shrink, you think I will follow you again? "

"Forget the negative!!!" Wenhai is angry with iron green, look back at another few, "these years, I will not be thin, you have to betray me with Wen Dynasty?"

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