When you hear the night flaming, Xiao Han's heart is a little forever, maybe, the night flaming is true, but for the sake of insurance, he said: "I will give the Si Hui first, then contact you."

"Well, hurry up." Night flames urged.

"Well." Xiao Han should have a sound, hang up the phone, immediately contact the Si Hui ...


Si Hui's car has been opened to the hospital in Wenhai, she found that the Wen Dynasty and several bodies opened the car from the back door. The few people showed a slight drum, and it seems to bring a gun. These people must has a problem.

Si Hui brows, touch the gun from the seat, hold the steering wheel, slowly follow the back of a van, ready to enter the hospital to verify the Wemeworthy, is preparing to park, the mobile phone shake, she looks When I arrive, I will answer: "Master!"

"Si Hui, is Wenhai is there?" Xiao Han asked anxiously.

Si Hui smashed, I didn't expect the owner to get news. If the owner's plane has already fly out of New York, even if he tells him the fact, he is not convenient to come back, even if it is late, everything is too late. It has become a foregone, with this, it is better to hide the facts, and save him worry.

Thinking of this, Si Hui said: "No, Mr. Wen is good end, what can be?"

"Nothing?" Xiao Han stood, in fact, he had completely believed in the night flames, just in the depths of his heart, just confirmed it, now the Si Hui said that the warm sea is fine, let him feel very unexpected.

"Yeah, I just came to see Mr. Wang Wen, and his injury is much better than the first two days, and it has recovered very fast." Si Hui calmly said.

"It seems that the night flaming is lie to me ..." Xiao Han frowned, the heart was burned in anger, "I believe him so much, he actually wanted to take the Hidden Hide of Wenhai here."

"Shouldn't, the night is not that kind of person." Si Hui quickly explained, the night flames can help them at this time, it is very difficult, she doesn't want Xiao Han to mistakenly.

"The night flame just contacted me, asked my Wemewood's situation, and still did something in Wenhai, you rushed to save him, I asked him what something, he refused, only chasing the temperature of the sea At, you said, he is no problem. "Xiao Han angryly said.

"Why are you so angry? Maybe, is I am lie to you?" Si Hui tried sex.

"You are my most trust, how can I lie to me?"

"Yeah, I won't lie to you." Si Hui smiled, "Master, thank you for your trust, I am really honored."

"Okay, don't say it." Xiao Han is a bit of irritability, "I don't want to influence the mood for these boring things. If you are looking for you, you must prevent him, don't be taken to Wimboast, do things I remember to report to me, if there is something, I will wait for me to come back. "

"OK, all right."


Hanging up the phone, Si Hui's lips also also said gentle and smile, Xiao Han said that she is his most trusted person, she is very satisfied, really dead no regret.

Looking up, the Virtier and the car is far away, and the Si Hui hides the gun in the clothes, parked the car on the side of the road, and then hurriedly got off the bus and rushed to the hospital.

"Boss, you see, is that Si Hui?" A follow-up discovered.

Wenhai stared at her from the rearview: "It's really her, she actually ran."

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