"This kind of person is not worthy of our owner." Harry said to teeth, "I have been waiting for the opportunity, give me my wife and children, and today I will wait."

Said, Harry pushed away the door of the ward and went in ...

"Wait a minute." The other followed him, "Harry, since we have to do it, you will do a little bit, you see, even the warmth is betrayed, and his gold card and certificate are taken away. We can't go empty. "

"You have to take anything yourself, I only have his life." Harry said impatient.

"Then you will wait for us to kill the money again." Then, "Harry, you have no wife, vision, we are not the same, we have to support the family."

"Harry, we are all brothers, what do you want to do, we must support you, but you also consider the brothers, they just want to take some money, wait for money, it will never stop you from killing." Two also advised.

"But his gold card and documents are walked by the Wen Dynasty. How do you want to pay?" Harry frowned.

"I can't get cash, we can take things, and his watches are millions. We will sell foreign countries to sell."

"The line is travel, I have to take it."


Those who came from the room on the room, Harry stood in the door, so as not to in case, it urgently urged: "Faster, almost the same, it will take too much."

"I know, I know."


At the same time, the Night flaming finally found this hospital, but he only had one person, there is no weapon on his body. He looked at the time, considering the first, but the people who did not arrive.

Previously, the Louis is arranged to arrange people, let him wait for them at the roadside, but the night flame is too anxious, did not wait for them, driving directly to the Wen Jia, I want to find the Wemewhere to find it again, when they come again.

Those who have not arrived yet, the leader came to the night flames: "Night, we are estimated that you will arrive in it, you will stay in place, don't act alone."

"I know, you hurry."

The night flame responded, hung it, looked at the hospital, there is no one in the hospital, and there is no sound, but he feels that there is a embarrassment, can they have transferred the position?

If this is the case, it delayed the time of saving people.

Thinking of this, the night flames walked to the hospital, he had to confirm that the warm sea is not here.


Si Hui took shortcuts, all the way, quickly rushed to the airport, she uses Xiao Han's name to call the airline to investigate the exit information of Wen Dynasty and others. I will find it to Russia, now I am working on the airport. On the boarding pass, I have to check it out for a while.

Si Hui didn't stop parking, and stopped the car directly at the airport. I got off the bus. I rushed out. Several airport security was shouting behind: "Hey, Miss, your car ..."

"You will help me stop." Si Hui lost the car key to ran in the Russian registry.


Wenhai and others have given four big boxes, all the money is all money, and they will make them consignment, but they are not willing to let their hands, and there are a few people who are very excited, thinking It is very excited to bring so much money.

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