The mood of the night flame is a bit contradictory, and the warmth of the grandfather is the stroke, so that he is in a hurry, and he is insulted ...

Since these spent for half a year, how many millions have been encountered by the cry of Wemewood? Those past, he is in mind, and there is no forgetting, and you don't want to forget.

Now, as long as he holds to look by, the Wemewood can get the end of him, and he doesn't have to pay a lot to go to deal with him.

Perhaps this is the best ending, but the night flames can't do it. In fact, he used to do things, but also for the purpose of the purpose, but he has his own bottom line, maybe he is really blunting, becoming Being kind, maybe this kind of kindness is not necessarily right, but he still wants to be wrong.

Thinking of this, the night flames recovered all the concerns, slowly approaching the ward ...


Airport, Sihui broke into the security inspection, the Virtue and Bart were all told with her. Their group of people were allocated by professional training. The airport policemen wanted to stop, but I can't get close, I have to pay the police to inform the police, ask the police to come to process.

Wen Dynasty looked at the matter, it was a lot of trouble. When they were in Bad, when he was Zhu Hui, he took two boxes to escape.

Si Hui, a person, six masters, some should have a little wrong, see Wen Dynasty escape, she immediately shouted: "Wen Dynasty ran, do you want to stay when he is his own lamb?"

Bad's actions have a movement, and the Si Hui took the opportunity to push them, and they will take the temperature before, and Bad will immediately keep up.

Temperature Dynasty only had a conspiracy, no martial arts, soon he was grabbed by Si Hui, he raised two big boxes, but he fately, but he only won the Bad. They shouted: "Come and save me."

"I just want to catch a man, I will go back to Wen, and you can take the money and leave. I will not stop you." Si Hui returned, "The police immediately came, and now you go to register."

After listening to this sentence, those who immediately stopped, you saw me, I saw you, and finally, I watched the Bart, Bart, and six people ran directly to the boarding port. I didn't see it. Wen Chao.

"Hey, you ..." Wen Dynasty is about to be unscapage. "You have forgotten the uncomfortable things, no me, how much money you have, I have lost it."

When he spoke, Si Hui flew up and kicked out the box in his hand. Two big box fell to the ground, the Wen Dynasty also fell to the ground, and he also wanted to hold the two boxes, and the Si Hui immediately Rushing in front of his hand. .

"Ah -" Wenhai screamed, the face changed.

"Don't move." The police finally came, but they all took the gun to the Si Hui, "raise their hands and three steps."

Si Hui raised his hands, but did not retreat, and the waves did not shocked: "I am Xiao Han Xiao's personal affair, the Wen Dynasty is a traitor, betrayed the warmth, I am coming to arrest his, don't believe, you You can open the box to see, this is all the money he wore from Wen Jia. "

The police captain made a eye, and the colleague took the explosion-proof instrument to investigate it, and determined that there was no bomb in the box, so he opened the box inside, and there were some gold and diamonds. .

"What is going on?" The police questioned the temper.

"You don't listen to her, it is the warm minister called me to take these money to Russia to do things." Wen Dynasty was eager.

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