"The news that Si Hui got, is you telling her?" Xiao Han stared at Wenhai, "You have been sending people to Hiya?"

Wen Hai brow wrinkled, "Do you say something? What is the tracking? Qin Xia Huiya is a grandson, how can I set it? I am afraid that she has any accidents, so they only sent people secretly protect her. "

"I have long thought of." "Xiao Hanban face," How is Si Hui to check the drop of Xia, it turns out that you tell her. "

"Who tells her what is the relationship? What is important is that Qin Xia is now needed now." "Wen Dynasty is very concerned," Qin Xia had a pre-pre-pretextic depression, he has been depressed, and the body is very bad, and her pre-production period is coming, At this time, you must stay with her. "

"The birth depression in Xia is still not good?" Xiao Han's mood suddenly became very heavy.

"So you are going to find her soon." Wenhai once again urged, "You call Li Hui to prepare a special plane tomorrow, you will go tomorrow."

Xiao Han was silent for a few seconds, and the cold and said: "I have an inch, you don't worry."

"How do you talk?" Wenhai is angrec, "That is my grandson, I am not worried?"

"Okay, I went to Switzerland for two days." Xiao Han stood up, "I tell you, I see no one around you, I am afraid that you are bullied, so let the Si Hui left to protect you, you can Don't let her help you do things that should not do, haven't heard? "

"Your tone is a little bit, I am your dad." Wenhai got her face.

Xiao Han was white, turned and walked, when he went to the door, he remembered a thing, looked back: "Right, is it in you?"

"Yes." Wenhai remembered this big event, "I placed her in the small building in the back garden, arrange a few maids to take care of her, I originally intended to transfer her to Si Hui two days, let Si Hui go to deal with it, I didn't expect I have suddenly happened this happening now. Just here now, you can see her, her belly is getting bigger and bigger, then wait for more than a month to do sheep spun check, see if the child is not yours. "

Xiao Han has a eye, if you think, after a while, he didn't say anything, directly kicking the door and went out.

"Hey, Xiao Han ..." Wenhai shouted behind, "You can't let her go away, you must first understand that the child is not yours, that is, our donkey's flesh ..."

Xiao Han has never returned, go downstairs, go out of the villa, and go straight to the small building in the back garden.

Si Hui saw his back in the hallway, frowned tightly, with her understanding of Xiao Han, he should handle this matter. .


A few minutes away, passing through a beautiful lawn, Xiao Han came to the small building, here is a lot of coming, see him, all respectful greetings: "Young master!"

Xiao Han didn't pay attention to them, and I walked into the small building. A remarkable music came, I was very uncomfortable in my heart.

Xiao Han got on the floor, saw Dai Yusi like a luxurious pajamas, sitting on the sofa, sitting on the couch, eyes empty, numbness, and tea in front of the coffee table, but she didn't move, handshed hands The abdomen of the bulge looks like a poor.

"Young master!" Maid saw Xiao Han and was a bit surprised.

Dai Yu was shocking, looking back at Xiao Han, a pair of eyes immediately like death, there was a fly, then the arrow was as swearing ...

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