Si Hui sent Dai Yu, Xiao Han personally arranged the special plane to Switzerland, set it in the day, just hanging up the phone, his heart, looked at the night scene outside the window, he suddenly felt a little confused, he There are a lot of women, but who is the real woman? ? ?

He doesn't seem to know.

Just before today, he felt that Qin Xia is very important. He is urgently wanting to find her, but now, he is not half-point. Every time she thinks her, consider more or children.

Xiao Han closed his eyes, exhausted on the sofa, he felt that he was very sad, the pocket turned to the end, the heart and the feelings were empty, but in the end, there is no woman to stay.

He suddenly remembered blue millet, although she and night flame calendar were killed, but now they have a heart, no matter what happens, it can be so firmly believed, the feeling is really envious.

Unfortunately, he will never have ...


On the car, Si Hui couldn't help but watched the woman in silently crying. It was soft to comfort: "Don't cry, the owner is also for you, you stay in Wen Jia, in the future, the fierce, now It is also a kind of free, you can start a new life. "

Dai Yu wiped tears, looked at her: "Si Hui, do you love Xiao Han right?"

Si Hui is shocked, saying: "You, what are you?"

"Don't hide, I have already seen it, you love him ..." Dai Yu bitter smile -

"Sometimes I really admire you, love a person can love silently waiting for him, pay, don't ask for any return, this kind of feelings are really great, I will never do it, Qin Xia can't do it.

Qin Xia seems to love Xiao Han. In fact, she is more loved by herself. In the same way, she and Xiao Han are all self-respecting people, and they will not be born to the dust for each other, so they finally The result is separated. "

Si Hui's heart jumped quickly. The secret that hidden in the heart was discovered, it was like being stripped, exposed under the temper, ashamed, embarrassed, and panic.

Dai Yu's feelings look at the window, self-calling, self-calling -

"A man like Xiao Han, it is difficult to feel the feelings, any woman falls in love with him, it is self-looking, but when he has a vicissitude, it is really exhausted, maybe, he will pay attention, want to find one At that time, at that time, the woman who left him is the last winner! "

Si Hui did not understand what she meant, just thinking in my heart, no matter what happened, I will stay in the owner, never leave him. .


Late night, Qin Jia.

Blue Qian Yu is sitting in the bed for the night flame to wear a suit, the night flames come out from the bathroom, watching her gentleness, lips raised warm smile.

The life is always looking for happiness. Maybe for everyone, happiness is different, and the night flame feels, just like this, caught the difficulties, returning home, but the woman is half a sentence, still gentle Thoughtful taking care of him, preparing clothes for him, this is a true happiness.

Maybe people living in the world have a lot of things, sometimes I have something wrong, but as long as we keep a clean soul, you can have a resilience of happiness! ! !

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