"What do you mean?" Qin Xiang reaction is very big, "Who lost?"

"In this kind of thing, they can't be like the same hand as the same as before, and will not do business together, so there should be someone to quit." The night flame said faintly, "But I just speculate, I can't affirmed," Waiting for a few days to watch their news. "

"Well." Qin Xiang said helplessly, "can only be the case."

"I am busy first, goodbye."



Hanging up the phone, the night flames are holding a blue thousand: "Qian Yu, the next few days, we can take a casual."

"You don't have to talk about business every morning?" Blue Qian Yu asked.

"No, wait for Louis Earl to start busy." Night flames, "Today is a good day, we have to celebrate."

"Good .." Blue Qian Yu nodded, "Mother and Shu uncle at night would come back, I will give you a good time."

"You still have a good rest, I am coming to dinner." Night flames looked at her, "But Breakfast is trouble you, everyone is going to clean up the room, will be busy."

"Well, I will go to breakfast now." Blue Qian Yu said right away.

"I will help you." Qiao Qing took a small thousand wings to keep up with blue thousand feathers.

"Little Cui Xiaoyun, luggage will be given to you." Night flame arrangement mission, "Bo Wei, grandfather's room for you to prepare, I will take care of Grandpa."

"it is good."


The night flames pushed the night, the old man came to the garden, and the morning sun was very bright, and it was warmly warm.

The eyes of the night, began to become heavy, this time, he had a special lethargy, always unknowingly fell asleep, everyone worried that he suddenly fell asleep, won't wake up again.

The night flames took a chair and sat down at night, and gently finished the collar. "Grandpa, grandson is not filial, these years have smashed so many disasters, let you break the heart, but will not, we will Soon, you can return to the night, I will find Louis Earl to negotiate the income of the night, our night's things, no one can take it away. "

"Well." Night of the old lady nodded, and his eyes were as kind.

"You have to take care of your body." The night flames hold the night of the old man's hand, "the day of the night to recover, we still have to stand in the president before you !!!"

The night old woman smiled slightly, but he didn't know unconsciously, hundreds of thousands of returns, caught hard, his grandson finally greeted, converges the front, it became mature, he won't worry for him, he I also want to witness that he will come to Dongshan again, and I want to see his second grandson.

Unfortunately, his time is not much.

He knows that they all know that everyone has lived over the day, and I hope that the night old man can stay for a short time, a little longer, a little longer.

But he will always have the day of leaving.

However, it is very gratified that the night of the night flames can be seen, and the night of the night is very pleased. In the moment, he closes his eyes, the corner will also be smile.

This is the best gift.

"Grandpa!" The night flames hugged the night and old crickets. "I really regret that I don't listen to you before, I always make you angry, those year, I wasted a lot of time, if I wasted those waste time You can live more than ten years ... "

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