Silence, endless silence ...

The atmosphere became stiff, Xiao Han knew that he didn't say anything, did not dare to pick it up.

Blue Qian Yu didn't know how to respond to him, her heart is very uneasy, very embarrassed, she thought Xiao Han and Qin Xia's thoroughly separated because of the two grievances, I didn't expect it because she was because of her. .

Although Xiao Han used a sentence "may be" such a virtual word to appease her, let her not be so guilty, but she knows that some words can't be easily said, once it is said, it is true.

There is also water in the bathroom, the night flames have not been coming out, I don't know if it is busy, still avoiding, handling these things at a point in giving Blue Qianyu. .

For a long time, I finally was still Xiao Han first open: "Sorry, Qian Yu, I am not scared you?"

"I didn't think of this, I really don't want ..." The sigh of blue thousands of hurts, "Xiao Han, I thought you have put down, the past, has passed."

"I also want to put it down." Xiao Han's voice is a bit sad, "I thought I have put down, but I can't lie to myself."

"We can't." Blue Qian Yu's eyes are red, "" I have been impossible very long soon, you should recognize the facts. "

"I know." Xiao Han dumbly said, "I have already recognized the facts, so I don't expect you to go back to me, now, look at you and the night flames, I am in addition to my heart There will be some blockade, because I really accept this fact. But ... "

I suddenly said, "But I can't control my feelings, I can't be with you, I can't really fall in love with another woman, maybe, I have been destined to be lonely in this life."

"Hey ..." The sigh of blue thousands of hurts, "I said this, I am very embarrassed."

"It's none of your business, you don't need it." Xiao Han deliberately made his tone easier, "It is my own torture yourself, I am living."

"Xiao Han ..."

"Okay." Xiao Han interrupts the blue thousand words, smiled and said, "I just feel uncomfortable, I want to find someone to talk, I have heard your voice, I am in my heart, I will take it on time, go to Switzerland Hiya, although we have long been divorced, but she is still my responsibility, I will not escape this responsibility. As for you, don't think about it, I still love you, but I have nothing to do with you, I have a good life. Bar.. "

"Xiao Han, listen to me." Blue Qian Yu said, "Some people always like to miss the past and those who have not got, but they forget, in fact, miss, it is wrong. We can't be Together, there should be the reason why you should be together!!! I have no meaning !!! I wish you a good trip, goodbye !!! "

The voice just fell, the blue thousand feathers hanged the phone, she gently sighed, looked at the toilet, the night flaming finally pushed out, smiling at her, the eyes are like the tenderness of the past, there is no more blame and not Yue.

Blue Qian Yu also laughed with him. The haze in my heart quickly disappeared, because the smile of the night flaming was in the heart, let her mood suddenly open. .

She believes that everyone has their own life. She has no energy to complain, and there is no urgent life. She can only live their own life, cherish everything, this is enough.

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