Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1255 of the feelings of the feelings

Blue Qian Yu looked at the Yao Yao, she stood in the same place, Baba looked at the night flames, tears like broken lines of beads kept, blue thousands of feathers, whispered: "Yu Yao, cold outside, go in "

Yong Yao is not uncomfortable, with a hateful eyes to open the blue millet, the eyes, the viciousness is like killing people.

Blue Thousands played a cold, and the heart has a strong unknown hunch.

"Go in." Night flamested Blue Qian Yu into the villa, leaving the Yao Yao alone left, blue Qian Yu frowned, his heart is heavy, the night flame whispered, "her current state is in the original settlement Almost, the more you are soft, the more you have a fantasy, so we have to worry. "

Blue Qianyu did not speak, he understood in his heart. In the night flame heart, the Yong Yao and Shen Co are not the same. If the night flames are not feelings, if they don't have a feeling, from the beginning, it is not anyone. Therefore, if Shen Coicheng is crazy for him, he is just embarrassed and bored.

As for the Yao Yao, Blue Qian Yu believes that the night flame has no husband and women, but they are the cousin of the parents, and the first love lover of Qingmei, the night flames have loved her, such as holding treasures on the hoe, if Yong Yao really has anything, the night flame is impossible to ...

"Good fragrance, what is delicious?" Night flames intended to break the stiff situation, so it is easy to say, "I am so hungry, I haven't eaten today."

Blue Qianyu reclaimed his thoughts, "I did a Chinese meal, made a meal, fried two dishes, and cooked a soup. I didn't be fried. I went to you first, you go to the clothes. "

"My wife is really good." The night flame was branded deeply on the forehead of Blue Qianyu. "I went upstairs, and immediately."

"Well." Blue Qianfei nodded and sent him to leave.


The soup in the kitchen sprayed out. Blue Qianyu quickly walked out of fire, uncovering the cover, stirring a few times, preparing for the fried vegetables, thinking of the Yong Yao is still outside, her heart is still a little worried, so I went to the door to call She, but there is no one in the door.

Blue Qian Yu is more uneasy, where did Qiang Yao ran? She won't do something?

Just thinking, a voice came: "Qian Yu, what are you doing?"

Blue Qianyu returned, Zhao Jun and Qiao Qing hand held his hand from upstairs, she quickly said: "Zhao Jun, Yu Yao just still at the door, this will suddenly disappear, I don't know where to go, I am worried She will do something, or do you go to find her? "

"Oh, good." Zhao Jun nodded, gentle, said to Qiao Qing, "I will go see."

"Go." Qiao Qingxun opened his hand.

Zhao Jun went to find someone, Blue Qian Yu returned to the kitchen, Qiao Qing came to help, deeply looked at Blue Qian Yu, whispered: "Qian Yu, do you know? It is a night flame called Zhao Jun to look at Gong Yao He is still very concerned about her. "

"This is normal, they are relatives after all, and I have loved it before." Blue Qianyu said.

"Hey ..." Qiao Qing sighed, said, "Qian Yu, I don't believe in Night flaming, I can see that he is really love you, you have experience so much, now the feelings are very strong, but I always I feel that the Miyao Yao is very strange. I am afraid that she will make a crazy thing, you also said, the night flame is her loved ones, they have loved it before, she launched crazy, night flames ? I look at you or reminded that I will take the procedure early, then send her away, the farther the better. "

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