"Harley Director is also full of catching Batt, I believe there will be results soon." Qin Xiang said, "Harry also needs to be interrogated, I will wait for the General Administration, you will go together."

"I will not go, I have something to do today." The night flames smashed the eyebrows, "I will contact you when I have finished doing things."

"Well." Qin Xiang helplessly said, "I will wait for you."



Hanging up the phone, the night flames are thrown together, hold the blue thousand feathers again, and the blue millet patted his shoulders: "I got up, it was at 7:30."

"Hug you again." Night flame kissed her auricle, said, "Qian Yu, do you know how much I love you? Just think that you may leave me, my heart is like a tear , Hurt, hurt ... "

"Fool, how can you say this, how can I leave you?" Blue Qian Yu asked uneasy.

"I have done a dream, dreaming that you don't want me, take your child." The sound of the night flames is a little dumb, "I drive out to chase you, I obviously see your figure is in front, I shouted you loudly The name, but you seem to be like it, the more far, I am so afraid, I accelerate like crazy, suddenly earthquake, then you fall into the place with the thousand wings, I am scared. "

Listening to these words, Blue Qianyu can almost imagine that the terrible nightmare, there is a strong unknown hunch in my heart, she suddenly remembered two years ago, when Qiang Yao donated the bone marrow for Xiao Qianyi, let her send it The poisonous vow, if she is with the night flames, she will not die well with the little wings, and they will not be super life ...

Is this curse true? ? ?

"Qian Yu, I will not let you have something to do with the child ..." The night flames seem to be in the idea of ​​Blue Qian Yu, and suddenly said in her ear, "I will protect you in any case, I will protect you !!!"

"Fool, it's okay, you think more." Blue Qianyu is easy to comfort, "Just now Qin is not to say that Harry is caught? It can be seen that the crime of Wenhai will soon be revealed, as long as his thing solves We have no disaster, and a family can finally live quietly. "

"To .." Night flame smile nodded, "We should be optimistic, don't worry about it."



The husband and wife comforted each other, do not want the other person to worry, but their mood is really heavy, because they have a strong unknown hunch, it seems to have a tragedy again.

Today's itinerary is very full, Blue Qian Yu is going to get cold. If the night flames should accompany the Palace, Hu Yao to the law firm, the couple will get up very early, washing clothes, hand in hand to walk out of the room.

Xiao Cui and Xiao Yun have prepared a rich breakfast. The two are ready to go to the breakfast, but they see Zhao Jun to be busy in Qiao Qingmen, will be asleep in the room, and then lightly fighted chair Move in, then clean up a lot of snack bag. .

"Zhao Jun, who did you sleep in Qiao Qingshi last night?" Asked the night flames.

"Isn't it?" Zhao Jun ashamed, "we both watched movies, chat, and guard you at the door last night."

"Guard us?" Blue Qian Yu asked, "What do you mean?"

"Oh, there is nothing." Zhao Jun avoided lightly, "Joe is afraid to have three branches, so it is ..."

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