"How is this?" Zhao Jun was very shocked.

"I don't know, so let you follow it back, I still have anything, go." Blue Qian Yu is rushing.

"Oh." Zhao Jun quickly chased the night flaming.

Cold if ice, Lei Zhen Ting also has Qiao Qing to listen to the sound rushing on the deck.

Night flames have started the car, is preparing to drive away, Zhao Jun is running like an arrow: "Big Brother, wait for me, I will go with you."

"You don't want to go, stay in protecting thousands of feathers and thousands of wings." Night flames.

"This ..." Zhao Jun looked back at Blue Qian Yu.

"No, there is so uncle, I will not have something, you don't worry, let Zhao Jun go with you." Blue Qian Yu said anxiously, "You hurry back and see, let's follow "

"To your right, you will go, I have two bodyguards here, there will be no things." Lei Zhenwei said.

"Go Go." Cold if ice is also urging.

The night flame made Zhao Jun on the car and then opened the car.

"How can the old man doing the best end?" Qiaoqing asked, "Is there anything?"

"He said that he fell from the stairs." Blue Qian Yu is afraid. "

"Is Bo Hao not always watching the night old woman? How can he fell from the stairs?" Cold if the ice questioned, "and the old man upstairs is riding a lift elevator, at all, will not walk the stairs at all, This is too embarrassed. "

"Daughter, what do you mean?" Qiao Qing asked, "Who is the night of the old man? Is it a humor?"

"No." Blue Qian Yu shook his head, "If the warm sea is to do, it will take the grandfather directly. It is not necessary to put him down the stairs. Informed, but he did not mention them at all on the phone, it was obviously not the people of the warm sea. "

"Who is that ..." Qiao Qing's words just finished, "Will it be the madman of Gong Yao?"

"No." Cold if the ice is incredible, "the old man is her pro-husband, how do she get to her hand? What is the reason why she does she have?"

"This can be sorry, she is like a madman, than the original Shen Coicheng is terrible." Qiao Qingyi said, "Last night, she stood outside the night flames and thousands of peels, I have been to Zhao Jun It was found that her expression and eyes were twisted, like a ghost, and she was soaked in the bathtub filled with cold water, she could do it, how can she do this? Can't hurt the night old woman? He knows that once the night is going, the night flame will go back to find her. "

"If this is the case, it is terrible ..." Cold Ruozi heard the balance.

"I am worried about my grandfather and Night flames. I have to go back and see." Blue Qian Yu wants the downshore.

"Qian Yu, you are very dangerous." Cold if ice quickly pulled her, "You are now pregnant, it is inconvenient, and the thousand wings are still on the yacht, how can you walk so?"

"Yeah, you can't help you now, or stay here with peace of mind." Qiao Qing also advised.

"I still can't be relieved here." Blue Qian Yu, "Night flames were in order to appease me, and they decided to go to the sea. He just worried about the safety of grandfather, and regret did not let Zhao Jun put grandfather. If Grandpa has three long two short, I will not be peaceful for a lifetime. "

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