Night flames were suffering, suddenly heard the footsteps after hearing, he fierce, saw a white figure ran from the corridor, is it the shadow of Yao Yao? ? ?

"Yu Yao !!!" Night flames to chase the prosperous Yao ...


On the road, Blue Thousands of phones suddenly rang, she saw the call display, I couldn't help but come out, I will answer the phone immediately: "Boke!"

"Qian Yu, Night Flakes back ?? The old man is not enough." Bao Wei is in a hurry, and the sound is crying. "You hurry back, I don't want the old man not to see you."

"The flame has returned, I am on the road, I will arrive soon." Blue Qian Yu is excited, "Bo Wei, grandfather's situation? How can he fall down the stairs?" "

"Hey, tell the leader, wait for you to come back, you will come back, I am worried that the old man can't stand, I can't see you the last side." Bergao sadly said.

"Well, I will go immediately, I will come immediately."


Hanging up the phone, Blue Qianfei is awkward: "I blame me, I should not promise the night flames to play. If Grandpa has any accident, I will not forgive myself in my life."

"What did I say?" Lei Zhen Ting is very calm, "He urged you to go home?"

"He said that grandfather can't wait, I hope to see us last side." Blue Qian Yu said.

"This is strange." Thunder Ting frowned, "The night of the old man fell from the floor, they should call a rescue, now people should be in the hospital, why is it still at home?"

"It may be called private doctor." Blue Qianyu wiped tears, "Night home usually habits to call private doctors, Han Qing's medical skills, general problems can be solved ..."

If she didn't finish it, she will live, and after knowing, "I don't know, my grandfather is not good. It is so serious from the stairs, even if it is called Han Qing, it should be called ambulance. "

"You are very smart, you will react so soon." Lei Zhenwei looked deeply, "this must have a problem."

"Yes ..." Blue Qian Yu Hexin is a heartbeat, "" It is really very surprising. "

"Is there anyone who called you to call you? Is there anything wrong with the sound?" Lei Zhen Ting asked.

"Indeed, it is impossible to pretend." Blue Qianyu said, "And his voice sounded very anxious, there is nothing wrong."

"That is strange, if it is not pretending, it is not threatened, what is going on?" Lei Zhen Ting muttered his low words.

"Uncle Lei, you won't be suspicion?" Blue Qian Yu looked at him, "It is impossible, Bo Wei has been with grandfather for decades, and he is loyal to Grandpa, even when we are in the night, he Nor did it alien, he can't have a problem. "

"Belg, I didn't have a lot. I didn't seem to be a reliable person. I didn't doubt him. I just thought that this thing was really awkward." Lei Zhen Ting analyzed, "From the current situation, he is indeed suspicious."

"It's impossible, I believe in Bao Wei." Blue Qian Yu thought of these years, Bo Wei is suffering from them, how can he have a problem.

"Well, let's not say him first." Lei Zhen Ting transfer the topic, "If it is a thing in Yao Yao, then the situation is very simple, you can call home and ask, you are not from Hong Kong. Do two maids come? You ask them. "

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