"You are crazy." Night flames harened, "I and Yao is a brother and sister, we can't be together at all."

"You are not the first day you know that you are a brothers and sisters, why do you love her before? Now it's ok ??"

Bo Wei slammed into the night flames, the night flames fell to the ground, forehead blood DC, dropped on the old man's face, night, old, slightly.

"Ah !!!" Yao Yao is screaming, and immediately rushed to hold the night flame, and it is better than it, "Don't hurt him."

"Night flaming, your aunt is very hurting you, and respects her father." Bao Hao looked at the night flames, "So those years, I have never done your things, I don't have to take care of you, from No two hearts, but since the Blue Qian Yu appeared, you will be too unfair to Yu Yao, especially him ... "

Bo Wei refers to the night old woman again, and the wisdom of the Senssen -

"In the past, when you were in love with Yao, he was not only to block, but also for the rainy Yao. I looked in my heart, but I couldn't be powerful. Because at that time, he was as good as the torch, I didn't dare to be in him. Under the eyelids. Until one day, you have something wrong, he is angry, I deliberately close him to the Wemewei chance, put him in stroke ... "

"It turns out that you are deliberate." The night flames are horrified, "I have lost me and Qian Yu thought you really because the scorpion is negligent, never blame you, you actually gain your grandfather stroke? ?? In the past few years, grandfather's body is getting worse, is it ... "

"Also because I interrupted his words, proudly said," You trust me too much, all the living diet of the old woman has me care, I want to make a medicine, it is easy. "

"You, you, you are vicious." The night flame is excited, "I trust you so much, you are so hard."

"Who let him be so worried about Yu Yao?" Bohi's hard anger, "The same is the descendant of the night home, how can he be so eccentric? You do something wrong, he will give you a bad stall at your way for you. However, it is Yu Yao? She also lost her parents from small, the body is not good, this old guy did what she did? Nothing did, I still have to be hard, I have to make a mistake, it is necessary to count on her head "

"That all because I, you have to hate me, you have to rush me, why should you hurt your grandfather?" Night flames.

"I have thought about dealing with you." Belg biting him, "Two years ago, when you sent Yu Yao away, I thought about dealing with you, but I would not hurt you, she said One day, she will return to you, then there are many problems at night, I think she is temporarily getting away, waiting for the night's things to solve it, then pick you back, not late, to At the time, I will shovel all the obstacles for her, let her grandmother on the night. "

"You are a madman, madman -" Night flames can crazy, "You do so much injuries, even if you don't forgive you under Jiuquan!"

"Your aunt is very kind ..." When you mention the night rain, the "" "" The hand, let me find cold if Ice, let me take care of you and Yu Yao. So I didn't move her ... "

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