"You are a madman." The night flames bite the teeth stunned, "Have you ever thought, even if I really go to Denmark with Yu Yao, I can leave, everything you do is useless, feelings There is no way to do things. "

"You can rest assured that these have long thought." Bao Wei shook his head, "I have chips in the hand, if you don't stay in Yu Yao, your son will die !!!!"

"What do you say?" The night flamested, "What did you do for the thousand wings?"

"Now tells you that there is no relationship. Anyway, they have been successful." Boke said that "Qianyi is now in Bart, I have reached an agreement with Bart, I will help them escape from the United States, they will Tinted to me. "

"You ..." The night flame is excited, immediately to touch the phone to inform the Blue Qian Yu, but the mobile phone just took it out, Bo Wei kicked the past, kicked the mobile phone far away, "You don't go, I will kill. This old guy. "

Said, he directly buckled the board machine and prepared to shoot against the night.

"Don't mess." Night flames in front of the night, "OK, I will go with Yu Yao now, but you have to promise me, can't hurt your grandfather and Xiao Cui."

"You can rest assured that this old guy has tossed into this way, even if I don't kill him, he can't live." Bo Wei smiled, "As for the two gimmicks, there is no threat to me, they are dead, live, I do not mind.."

Bo Wei made a look to the Yao Yao, and the Yao Yao immediately helped the night flames, and the night flames went out, Bo Wei brought the old man who followed the night ...


The rear garden, Lei Zhen Ting has relieved the signal jammer, and immediately said to Blue Qian Yu: "Take a lower home phone."

"Well." Blue Qian Yu found a few unpackable calls on the phone, it is Qiao Qing, but at this time, she has no time to scrap so much, she immediately dialed the home phone, and finally can be turned on, but no People answer.

Blue Qianyu doesn't understand what the intention of Lei Zhen Ting is, he clearly knows that the family is out, alone, why do you want to play at home? ?


In the villa, the night flames, Yao Yao, and Bo Wei walked to the stairs. Suddenly heard the landline of the home, and the three people looked at the footsteps, and Bo Wei took the night and the night. Around the war, the face is uneasy, and the Yong Yao has also chaotic feet, and I ask for saying: "What should we do?"

"Don't be afraid, you will walk around, I cover you." Bao Wei whispered.

Gong Yao will continue to go to the side of the night, but because of fear, her whole people are shaking, and Night flames know that Lei Zhen Ting is nearby, and he does not move around, looking for time to save the night. .


"Make the phone." Lei Zhen Ting once again ordered.

"Oh." Blue Qian Yu is ready to do it, because the signal jammer is lifted, very fast, the phone of Bao is also opened, Lei Zhen Ting listened carefully, looking for the direction of ringtone.


In the villa, three people heard the phone ringtone, once again, and Bo Yan hurried down the night old crowd, and took a hand out of the phone and wanted to turn off the ringtone.

Take this opportunity, the night flames push the palace Yao, kick off the gun in Bang, I want to take him, and I will take out the bomb detonator, excited to flash: "You dare to move I immediately detonated the bomb, everyone died here. "

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