"Yu Yao should not pass -"

Bo Wei is eager to shout, but unfortunately, Yong Yao flutes over the neck of Blue Qianyu, and Blue Qianyu uses mobile phones to smash her head, and the two pour it on the ground.

"Let her, you have this woman -" Bolu is in a hurry. "

Taking advantage of Bo Wei's chance, the night flames shot his wrist, "" said a sharp saying, Bao's hand hit it, he screamed, the detonator in his hand fell, once fell Bad, Bomb's bomb will be detonated ...

The night flames are rushed through the arrows, and they want to catch the detonator, but the detonator has dropped from the staircase.

At the time of the accident, it will happen, just at this thousands, Lei Zhen Ting has a longitudinal pass, accurately caught the detonator. .

The night flames have a long breath, turned to the uniforms of Bo Wei, remove the bombs on him, and at this time, Blue Qian Yu also pressed the Gong Yao on the ground.

Just when everyone thought that everything was over, there was a sudden pass on the car, followed by a group of black people, the people who were headed into the yard, the people headed by the head: "Catch the Blue Qian Yu!"


"It's the people of the sea." The night flamested, "Shu Shi, take Qian Yu and Yu Yao first."

"Well." Lei Zhen Ting flealed the Blue Qian Yu and Yao Yao, I want to take them away, and the Yong Yao is dead, and she will not let her go. She knows that the people of the Wemeworn rushed. She wants to let the people in the sea take away the blue thousand feather.

"Let go." Lei Zhen Ting reached out to push the palace rain Yao.

"Yu Yao, you are crazy? Let's let go, don't take everyone will do something." Night flamested anger.

Miyao Yao is in the consequences, she has lost reason, and it is bound to be blue and thousands of fem.

Lei Zhen Ting did not patiently, forcibly pulling the hand of Yao Yao, pushed her, and pulled Blue Qian Yu to leave.

At this time, the black man broke into the door, Lei Zhen Ting immediately hit them, Blue Qian Yu had to hide behind the cabinet, and Yao Yao saw the opportunity, grabbed a few fruit knives on the coffee table to kill Blue Qian Yu ...

"Don't -" The night flamested, and opened a shot against the foot of the Yao Yao.

Gong Yao is shocked, looking back, watches the night flames, and the grievance in the eyes is more intense, like a madman to stab the blue thousand feathers.

Blue Thousand Features Closed on your eyes ...

At this hairdressing, the night flames jumped from the second floor, and the hard-erased hand-made the knife, blood splashing to the face of Blue Qianyu, and splashed into the eyes of Yao Yao.

Gong Yao is boinched, excited to look at the night flames, and the heart is almost always stop jumping.

"You can't hurt her !!!" "The night flames say," You have to kill me !!! "

"Flame ..." Blue Qian Yu is holding the night flame, crying, "Let's let go, your hand will be abolished, play hands !!!"

Night flames still die, caught the knife, blood is going to cut his palm, but he doesn't mean it.

Miyao Yao is panicked to loosen the hand, keep back, tears continue, send a heartbreaking cry, desperately pour on the ground ...

At this moment, she finally understood that he didn't love her, and he didn't love her. All her crazy is so disgusting in his eyes. What is she doing? doing what……

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