Two in the morning.

The doctor finally came out, everyone welcomed the past.

"How is the doctor?" Blue Qianru shook and asked.

The doctor took the mask and sorrowful: "Sorry, we have tried our best."

"Ah ----" The corridor is crying into a piece, Blue Qian Yu is coma on the spot ...

"Qian Yu, Qian Yu ..." Cold if ice and Qiao Qing hand, hold the blue thousand feathers to go to the ward.

"No, no, grandfather will not die, no ..." The night flames are excited into the ward, just like a madman, Zhao Jun stands next to it, and tears.

Outside, the little nurse saw this scene, immediately convey the news to Wemai, the warm sea excited: "Well, good, it is good !!!!"

"Hey ..." At this time, the doorbell came from the downstairs, and the warm sea immediately caused alert. At this time, who will press the doorbell?

Wemewood made a gesture, with the opening of the monitoring system downstairs, through the computer, he saw the maid to open the door, and the Director of Harley was turned in.

A rid of a panic from panicked: "The master, the master, the Director Harley took a large number of people to find the door, saying to search the prisoner."

Wenhai brow wrinkled, this time, Harley Director runs to find a Wen Dynasty? This is not too strange, but where is it surprising, he can't think of it.

"The temperature is long, I haven't slept so late!" Said the voice of Harley ...

Wenhai immediately turned off the monitor, when looked up, his face has raised the formula smile: "Harley Director, so late, what is the advice?"

"I don't dare, I am also a public business." Harley said, "I found evidence under my hand, and the Wen Dynasty was related to the case of the royal scandal before, this case is serious, I specially arrested the criminal. Temperators, the Wen Dynasty is your person, so we must come to you to search here, really embarrassed, bother you. "

"I have retired the Wen Dynasty in the early days. He is not here now." Wenhai is cold and cold, "You still go to other places to find it."

"Hey?" Harley may not be so easy to retreat. "But we check that after that day, after the police brought him back, he never left your home, couldn't you have any news?"

"Harley, you monitor me? I have to give you a few points, you are a few years of old? "

"Sorry, you have to report me your freedom, but I have to handle the case, this is my duty." Harley took out a search order before the Wenhai face, smile, "I know that your official position is very High, I don't dare to sin you, but the emperor is committed to the crime of the people, you really want to protect your follow, and you can't let his dog. "


"Time is not early, I also want to do a finished column earlier." Harley did a gesture, and under the man started search.

"You walk, very fast, I will let you down." Wenhai bite his teeth pointed to him.

"Please." Harley dressed up the bokeh, sitting next to the chair, looking at the newspaper.

Wenhai looked at the time on a watch. He always felt something wrong. Harley Director had a reason, what is going on?

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