"Don't bargain with me." Bart took the gun to the night flame, "You have to know, I can kill you and your son now, I agree to let your son now, I am very kind, I can have no patience." It's grinding here. "

"I don't want to waste time." Night flames have surrounded by the eyes, "I can go to the airport first, but I want to make sure my son is safe to take you, otherwise, I would rather death, also Will not let you go. "

"OK!" Battest promised, "All let's go, let's go, the car drives to the airport, I will tell you, your son fallen."

"Well." Night flame nodded.


"Take him to get on the bus." Bart made a gesture, two brothers walked over the night flames, and looked back at the night. Bart is talking about the phone, what should be told to another two brothers.

They have six people, now only four, and the other two people have not appeared together, they should be watching the little wings.

I got on the car, and the night flame found that two people still did not appear, but Bart left a car in the dark to give them, the night flame is almost certain, the little wings are hidden nearby.

When I got on the bus, Bart's brother searched the night flames, took his mobile phone and documents all away, and when the flames were lifted, they made a gesture, and they showed that the two officers do not show up.

Night flame is very uneasy, I don't know if the two officers don't understand, Xiao Qianyi is nearby, if he is gone with Bart, the two officers have appeared to find a little wing, then his plan is Loss is a loss, the little wings will be very dangerous.

However, with the current situation, the night flames have to be introduced first. Xiao Qianyi has the opportunity to rescue. He keeps comforting himself in his heart. Even if the two officers can't find it, Lei Zhen Ting will think of the way. ......

In fact, Lei Zhen Ting did not disappoint the night flame.

The two officers saw that the night flames were gone before, I felt that they had embarrassing, but they didn't work with night flames. There was no tacit understanding, not very definitely what he meant. For the anti-case, they called Lei Zhen Ting to call the request - -

"The head, the night, with Bart reached an agreement, says for $ 300 million, also escorted them to leave the United States, now they have first go to the airport, Bad said to the airport and tell the night, the night, the night Before leaving, I did a gesture. It should be to indicate that we are temporarily not show, but we don't quite understand, they have already left, why don't we look for a night thousand wings? Is there anyone in Bart? "

"Do you have any findings?" Lei Zhen Ting asked.

"There is no." In order to find them in the dark, the two officers have been hiding in the dark, and naturally did not find the car left in Bart.

"Batt took a few hands?" Lei Zhen Ting asked again.

"Three, even four people." The officer said.

"You are sure ??" Lei Zhen Ting remembers six people in Bart.

"Affirmation." The military officer is unswervingly. "They only opened a car to leave, I absolutely didn't miss the wrong."

"There are six people in Bad, it is obvious that they have two people left, it is estimated to be guarding the thousand wings, and they are likely to be nearby."

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