"Qian Yu is just a weak woman who is not boundless, or a pregnant woman, you have anything to rush in the night flame, don't move her."

"Now I want to move her, it is she ran to my home in the middle of the night. If so I can tolerate, then everyone will think that I am bullied."


"You don't have to say, there will be a knot here soon, you stay in Switzerland to take care of Hia, nothing is best not coming back."

The Wemewood left this sentence, directly put the phone, about Blue Qian Yu, did not have to discuss it, he didn't want Xiao Han to mix.

Xiao Han listened to the blind sound from the mobile phone, and his heart was even more uneasy. He had long known that he can't persuaded the warm sea, just want to do his best, thousands of feathers are inhabilitation, the situation is not serious, the most there is a few days to put it. Out, if she is uncomfortable, the police will give her a hospital.

But now Xiao Han is the most worried about Wenhai and Night flames. He has just been a knot, and it will now be very powerful now. If they fight, this war, the result is inevitably you die, otherwise I can't share it at all. ...

Whoever lives, Xiao Han does not want to see it, he can't let such a thing happen, so he also decided to return everything back to New York.


Since the at night, the Director Harley reported to the hidden love, although there is no official order, but since the year, the people have witnessed the rise and fall of the night home, and the night, Qinjia, Wen Home, and Louis Earl and Bacle companies have happened very turmoil. It is also worried about disrupting the US commercial market, so Director Harley secretly survey.

Harley Director knows that Wemewood hired Japanese killer killed Bart, and the night flames and Lei Zhen Ting and others would have danger, so they immediately reported it up.

It was still some hesitation above, but I thought that Lei Zhen Ting was also in it. He is ZHONGGUO's political empowerment, in case of things, they can't share, so they immediately dispatched a large number of special police to support Harley Director.

At the same time, the Shang Delong, Director Harley, ordered the action of Harley, and all heard the command of Harley.

Although Deron is unwilling, he does not dare to define ...


When Harley Director Handed, when the night flame and Lei Zhen Tie were fighting with Japanese killing in the airport, he had tried dozens of special police rushing. After a fight, they saved the Night flames. , Lei Zhen Ting and Bart and others, killed several Japanese killers, and saved several people.

This is a thrilling night, when the war is over, the sky is bright.

The dawn dawn is full of new hopes, and the night flames will take out the injured Lei Zhen Ting from the airport. The two looked at the sun slowly rising the sun, and I can't help but smile.

Lei Zhen Ting patted the shoulders of the night flaming, smiling: "Dark passed, dawn officially arrived, night flaming, is you ready to welcome your new life?"

"I have been preparing." The night flame is deeply sigh. "The war without smoke is finally over, but I still don't dare to relax. It seems that I will wait until the court announces the establishment of Wemeworrhea, I can judge the life of the people. Really loose. "

"It's not far away." Lei Zhen Ting said, "I have saved Bart and his brothers, they have promised to cooperate with us, the crime of Wemewhat will soon be public."

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