"You just threatened you." Xiao Hanmou out, "Qian Yu is your woman, protecting her is your responsibility, not my responsibility !!!"

"You really make me disappointed." Night flames are very angry. "From the beginning, you will maintain the Wenhai, I have to take my shares, you are refused, forced, I have to pick up Yao, so So many things, Bergao is dead, rain Yao is seriously injured, my son is kidnapped, and the Qianyu is also caught in the prison. Now you should threaten me with the safety of Qian Yu, your mother's conscience is eaten by the dog ??? If I was not good for me to save the sea, he had already killed it, and I could live it with me today. "

After listening to these words, Xiao Han has lived, I will come back to God for a while: "What do you say? How to happen so much ..."

"I am too lazy to talk to you." Night flame angry drunk, "Xiao Han, I told you that Wemeworrhea has done so many injuries, he must be punished, I didn't kill him, it is righteous, You fuck, let me let me let me. "

Said, the night flames hang it, and the fire is burning, "Xiao Hannao Wang Egg, it is really uncomfortable !!!"

"Don't be angry." Lei Zhen Ting advised, "Wenhai is Xiao Han's biological father, he is worried that he is also a human condition."

"He is really too much, actually threatened me with the safety of Qian Yu." The night flames want to be too angry, "If you are known by the thousand feathers, I am afraid it will be more cold."

"This shows that he is now having no men and women in Qianyu, you should be happy." Lei Zhen Ting smiled.

The anger of the Night flames slightly won some, but the heart is still a huge intention, in fact, from the beginning, he and the blue thousand feathers are very advocated, so many things have room, if the Wemewhat is not Xiao Han's biological father, he Never leave this way.

The last time the warm sea is rebellious, the night flame is saved, Xiao Han not only does not believe him, but he doubizes him.

That thing makes the night flames, and today, the two sides have once again conflict, Xiao Han still chooses to stand on the side of the Wemhai, and even the safety of the blue millet is used to do chips, so that the night flame is very cold.

Night flames have been determined in their hearts, no matter what, he will not give any chances to the warm sea. This time, it must completely disintegrate the warm sea, let him have no turning over.........................................................................


Xiao Han took the mobile phone, echoing the night flame, he just turned it. He knew that the temper of the night flames did not have to point the way. The guy would not say what happened in the end.

This is good, he said all the situation, but Xiao Han is not halftone in peace, but more restless.

He didn't think of something so serious. Bo Wei was dead, and the Gong Yao was seriously injured. Xiao Qianyi was already kidnapped, and it was no wonder that thousands of feathers would be so excited, playing people.

Wenhai, Wenhai, how many injuries have been done in the end? Why is it still so obsessed with this time? ? ?

Xiao Han hurts the head of the brain, and the mood is very heavy. .

"The owner, special plane arrangements, take off after two hours, we have to go to the airport." Si Hui hurriedly reported.

"Bare car." Xiao Han stood up, and the Si Hui tacit came to hold the coat for him, whisper reminded, "Do you want to make a phone call?"

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