Love at First Kiss: My Devil Husband Surrendering to me

Chapter 1333, when the report is reported, 2

I suddenly said, the night flames solemnly said, "If Qin is really killed in the sea, Xiao Han will not let Qin !!!"

"No ???" Blue Qian Yu is watching him, "Wen Hai is suffering from Qin family so bad, Qin always pays that he is also able to revenge, and this matter is indirectly caused by Xiao Han, he How do you not let go of Qin? "

"Hey ..." Night flames sigh, "Qian Yu, if everyone considers like you, there will be so many grudges in this world."

"When I was reported, I was" the sigh of blue thousands of hurts, "I am not tired?" I have to come to the next generation, why? "

The night flames were silent, he didn't know what to say, sometimes, he felt too smart and not a good thing, it was too much, it would be very tired.

"Flame!" Blue Qian Yu Trial Protory, "It's better to persuade Xiao Han, he should listen to me."

"You must not." The night flame reminds, "Qin will not hurt the warm sea and may not be said, now these things are only my speculation, if you persuade Xiao Han, I revealed Qin's motive, when I arrive Xiao Han is so savvy, once it is found that the seedlings are not right, we will take measures immediately. At that time, we will harm Qin. "

"What should I do? Are we doing it?" Blue Qian Yu happily.

"This matter, we can only sit," said the night flames solemnly, "absolutely can't intervene."


"I know that you are worried about them, but there is a possibility ..." The night flames hold the blue thousand feathers. "Wenhai deeply, he also expected what I expected, he won't let Xiao Han are difficult."

Blue Qian Yu stunned, and the eyes were very open: "You said ..."

The night flame nodded slightly, the heart of Blue Qian Yu was trembled, and it was very uncomfortable like a whip.

Suddenly, she felt sad, sad and sad: "History is really a terrible thing, it can make people have a life, for death, for life is not as good as death, it is necessary to entang in it, just like wear Hold a heavy shackle, you can't get relief in a lifetime. "

"Don't think about it." The night flames patted the hands of Blue Thousand feathers, "people made a good time, they would pay for the price, think about those who were hurt by him."

"Oh ..." Blue Qian Yu sighted a sigh of relief, did not speak, she didn't know what to say.

At this time, her mobile phone received a SMS, is the mother's cold, if the mother is coming: "Qian Yu, I wish you all the way! We are waiting for you in Hong Kong!"

Just a simple, but let the blue thousand feathers are very warm, yeah, she is not the Virgin, can't control others, she can only cherish her own, cherish the people who love her, and love people.

At the same time, she will also warn her back, let them know, kind, justice, is the eternal way! ! !


Because of the time relationship, the night flames will be sent directly to the airport. Zhao Jun and Qiao Qing have a small thousand wings, and they will be delivered to the airport to the airport in the escort.

Night flames and Blue Thousands have more than 20 minutes in the airport, they all believe that they use a sincere and kind heart to create a happy future ...


It is not long for the special plane of Blue Qianyu. Xiao Han's special plane arrived in New York Airport. The plane stopped slipping. He opened his mobile phone, but he didn't know who would call him. No one came to pick him, because no one is looking for him. Today, his status is booming, but the relatives around you are getting less and less, and they are more and more lonely ...

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