Blue Qian Yu lived in Qin Xia home. She now knows that Qin Xia's grandfather is very bad. Recently, she has been treated in the hospital. Her auger is in the hospital, there is no time to accompany Qinya, Qin Xia is staying every day. At home, it is no wonder that he will depress.

However, the arrival of a family of Blue Qianyu changed the atmosphere here, and the atmosphere of the oliguous and urinary and pleasant.

Qin Xia and Blue Qian Yu are pregnant women, and there have been many experiences and total experiences, so two people have a lot of common languages, and they will say that they will speak.

Qiao Qing and Zhao Jun finally have time to get out of disputes, get along with each other, two happiness sweet, you are strong.

Xiao Qianyi feels that he is indifferent, and it is still a lot. Soon, everyone's attention is concentrated on him, he is innocent, lively, attracting a smile around.

The Qin family has also raised a gratified smile. Since these months, because Qin Xiya is inherent, everyone is careful, not saying, the atmosphere is getting more and more gloom, now finally ...


Qin Xiang received a call from Qin Xia aunt, and he was very happy to know that Qin Xia now became cheerful.

The arrival of Blue Qianfei has played a lot of role in Qin Xia, but she will not only accompany her, and will also affect her ...

Because the blue thousand is cheerful, strong and optimistic, encounter setbacks and dilemma, will always have courage to go forward, she will infect this courage to Qin Jia.


The psychiatrist introduced by Cold, is very powerful. Qin Wei has just received treatment for a long time, and the condition has improved.

The situation of the two daughters is slow, and Qin Xiang can be relaxed. Now, he wants to concentrate all the energy to deal with Wemai, so that the warm sea should be punished.


Time passed very quickly, and the blink of an eye has passed for half a month. Under Qin Xiang and all aspects, the court decided to trial the cases of Waihai's case after seven days, because his official position is high, this matter involves scope Very wide, so the above decided to open a trial, but not only there will be many listeners on the same day, and will also convene a reporter reception beforewards! ! !

I heard this news, Xiao Han's look became very heavy, holding mobile phones, it seems to be thinking about.

"Da Xiao, I will do my best to play this case, you don't have to worry too much." The lawyer said with a heart.

"At present, the police have mastered adequate evidence. This case has almost no possibility. What is your so-called doing?" Xiao Han stared at him.

"Hey .. I." The lawyer is speechless.

"Do you say that you can reduce the sentence?" Si Hui whispered, "we spent so much thoughtfully, in the major media, Mr. Xuanwen, Mr. Time, there are many people in the Internet ..."

"How?" Xiao Han ridiculously, "the law is law, no one can speak, others can also say that he is a false sense, not to mention, although there is no death penalty, there is accumulated imprisonment period, Wenhai committed Sin, enough to judge a hundred years, even if the lawyer uses charity, it is necessary to judge him, and it is necessary to sentence it for seventy eight.80 years. Can he live so long?? "

When I heard these words, Si Hui stunned: "What should I do?"

Xiao Han didn't speak, what should I do? He doesn't know what to do. Before I was impatient, I thought about various ways, I did a lot of unusual work, now he has no shortprint. .

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