The Si Hui's efficiency is very efficient. Soon, the private doctor of the Wen Jia is looking for, condemn around, Xiao Han straightforwardly asked: "Dr. Joe, there is no medicine, it can be eaten It's like a serious illness, but it will not hurt the body, and the doctor who is poor can not see? "

Qiao did herself, I am wrong: "Xiao, what is this?"

"I ask you, what you answer, don't be so much nonsense." Xiao Han is cold and low.

"Yes," Qiao did henit, "this medicine can be distributed, but it is impossible to hurt the body. It is a drug three-poison, especially the medicine that is very strong, there will be so There is a small impact, but it is okay to treat and nursery later. "

"That's, hurry up." Xiao Han said with anxiously, "The sooner the better."

"This ..." Qiao did hesitated, nodded, "Ok, I will give you tonight."

"OK." Xiao Han nodded, took out a check, wrote a number, "This is given you, after waiting for the sea, you will treat him, give you a lot later."

"Do you want to use Mr. Wen?" "Qiao Mao's horror widened," You, I want to make Mr. Wen to make a condition, then take the trial ???? "

"You are very smart, this is guess?" Xiao Han alert stared at him, "I warned you, if you dare to say ..."

"Don't dare." Qiao did not shook his head, "Xiao, in fact, this is indeed a good way, if you change it, I will support you, now Mr. Wen's case has caused the height of the vice president Pay attention to the impact of public opinion, you take action, will be fired. "

"Why are you so nonsense? Is money not to be?" Xiao Han played a check in his hand.

"This ..." Qiao did hesitated, low-end, "I will try my best to do things for you."

"This is okay, go." Xiao Han waved.

"Yes." Qiao did not leave.

"Si Hui!" Xiao Hanzhu's unhappy order, "Go to arrange it, I will see Wemai in Wenhai tomorrow."

"Yes." Si Hui never refused Xiao Han's order, how did he say that she is doing. .


In the evening, Si Hui has arranged all things, Xiao Han, a person, and sat in the window of the window.

Dinner is very delicious, the atmosphere of the restaurant is also very good, Xiao Han eats the same chew wax, a person, it is really loneliness, according to time, it should be the days of Qin Xia, but she is still not moving yet, this is what happened?

Thinking of this, Xiao Han lifted the Division: "What news is there?"

"The owner, they said that Miss Qin was delayed because of malnutrition. However, now there is a blue lady with her, and her state is much better." Si Hui said.

"That's good." Xiao Han nodded, "Sit down, accompany me to meal."

"I?" Si Hui is a bit of being shocked.

"I will sit on you." Xiao Han was a eye, "I want to eat anything, you are not the first time I will meal with me."

"Oh, thank you master." Si Hui is a bit shy, Xiao Han does not look different to her, often treat her as a friend, and can talk to the opposite phase, not an ordinary bodyguard.

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