The night flames are tangled to look at the grandfather on the bed, and there is a strong unknown hunch in the heart. It seems that this dream will become true, grandfather will really do things ...

After a while, the night flames had returned for a while, and looked at the time. He was already on the morning, tossing until two in the morning last night, four hours have been wrapped around, now, he feels the head and hunger, the whole People are very mentally state.

The slow, the night flame is gently got up, and the toilet is to wash it, and then put it on the clothes ready to leave.

"Cough ..." The night old woman on the bed coughed a few times, the heart of the night flame was tight, turned and walked over to cover the quilt for him, carefully observed his situation, and determined that it was nothing to leave.


Night flames ate a breakfast in the 24-hour business restaurant near the hospital, driving to the company, now the night is just recovering, he has a lot of things to handle, every day is the first to the company.

But today is still a bitaround, this time, most stores on the street have not opened the door, and there are not many vehicles.

The reason why Night flaming is so early, because he remembers the agreement of Harley yesterday, saying that it is going to go to Wemai before Xiao Han.

In order to prevent the Director of Harley, the Director of Harley is called in the car ...

"Early!" Harley's voice was lazy in his lazy, it was obvious that he was still sleeping.

"Apologize, wake you." Night flames said, "But I have to remind you, Xiao Han is going to see Wemai 10 o'clock, now it is 7 o'clock."

"I know." The Director Harley made a yawn, "I have been going to work nine o'clock."

"What are you going to arrange?" Night flames are a bit of a little, "I am afraid that everything is late."

"Okay, I will get up now to the police station." Harley Director finally had some spirit, "But, Night Flam, why do you suddenly see Wemai in this time?"

"You can rest assured, I will not move him, just tell him a few words." Night flames urged, "You hurry, I will go to the company first, wait until the police will go directly."

"it is good."


Hanging up the phone, the night flame speeds up the speed, today there are several important documents to sign, he wants to get to the company as soon as possible to handle things, then go to the police station to see the Wemewhere.

At this time, his mobile phone received a text message, opened a look, it was sent by Si Hui: "Night, the owner plans to change."

Seeing this simple word, the brow of the night flaming is closely frowned, what does it mean? What is the planning? What is the plan before Xiao Han? Do you want to take a warm sea? So what is it going now? ? ?

When the Night flame is thinking, the mobile phone suddenly received a call, and it was Harley Director. He quickly received: "How?"

"I just got the news, saying that Xiao Han canceled the things of Wenhai today." Harley dressed up, "He just arranged a lawyer to see Wenhai, he himself is going to the suburbs to visit Xiao's couple."

When I heard this sentence, the brow of the night flaming was more tight. Is it what it means to have the plan of the plan? ? ?

"Do you want to visit Wenhai?" Harley said, "You have arranged you before, you will see the Wemaihai, because Xiao Han? Now he is not seen, do you still see it?"

The night flames hesitate for a few seconds, saying: "I am not seeing!"

"Okay, then I will save it." Harley did his head smile, "Just like this, I will sleep again."


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