"Conscience?" Qin Xiang looked at him, "Wenhai, where is the conscience? Are you crazy???"

"He didn't have anyone, only to Xiao Han." Night flamested his head and looked at the scenery outside the window. "Qin, you should also know that a father can sacrifice himself in order to protect his own children. ...... "

"You are ..." Qin Xiang was wrong with his eyes, didn't say the words behind, but the face became unusual, "if this is the case, it is a good thing, or a bad thing?"

The night flames patted his shoulders, advised Qin, I know that you hate the sea, but hatred will make people fall into the abyss, sometimes, things have been, don't do it too much, people, always give I will leave the road. "

"Maybe it." Qin Xiang smiled, "Recently, Xia was born, my resentment is also a lot, maybe it is to be a grandfather, I really don't want to continue to kill, if I can solve it, I will solve it. Go by it. "

"You can think about it," Night flames are very pleased.

"However, if he is not willing, we still can't let him go." Qin Xiang added. "He made a law, must be sanctions."

"This is of course, so I will arrange another plan for you." Night flames sigh, "I hope that Wemewood can understand what I mean, this is the best ending!"

"Yes, I also save me." Qin Xiang said, "In the future, Xiao Han and Xia, there are their children, can not blame me."

"Let's go, wait for the news, at least you want to have a result."

"it is good."


Entering the elevator, Xiao Han is still a heart, I don't know why, I just made my eyes very uneasy, and there is also the meaning of it.

Si Hui risked and endured, and finally couldn't help but ask: "The owner, do you really decide to do this?"

"Staplening." Xiao Han's low drink, "things are on this copy, you still ask this question? Si Hui, what are you going? I used to do things very decisive, I never quit my decision. This time is so embarrassing, do you have any ideas? "

"No." Si Hui shook his head. "I never violated the owner's order, how do you say, I will do it, even if I let me die, I am doing it. However, this time, you are I am really worried about dancing, I am really worried ... "

"Don't say it anymore." Xiao Han is annoyed to interrupt her, "You should know that what I decided not to change."

Si Hui hangs his eyes and didn't talk again.

"You can rest assured, even if you really have something, I will resist it yourself, I will not be implicated to you." Xiao Han added a sentence, "If you do it, don't hesitate, if you misunderstand my big event I won't let you go. "

Si Hui looked at him. This is Xiao Han to tell her for the first time. Her heart suddenly chaos ...

"You haven't heard it?" Xiao Han is cold and drink.

"I heard it." Si Hui lowered, did not want to think more.

At this time, the elevator door opened, Xiao Han deeply saw her and went out of the elevator.

"Xiao, you are coming." A few lawyers came over, "the procedures have been done, we can take people away at any time."

"Very good." Xiao Han is satisfied, telling the Si Hui, "Let the people in the hospital come."


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