"Well ..." The Wemewood suddenly became excited, and he kept shaking his head, stiffly made a hand, it didn't want to leave here.

Xiao Han brows wrinkled, and he turned: "Don't be afraid, you are sick, I will take you to the hospital now."

"No ..." Wenhai touched this word, dry hand grabbed Xiao Han's arm, Zhang Wang, I really want to say something, but because the body is weak, it is unclear.

"Nothing, the procedure is already working hard, you don't worry." Xiao Han patted his hand back, urgently urged, "lifted away."



The medical staff lifted Wewen to a bed, Xiao Han and Si Hui were close to, protecting them into medical elevators.

Wenhai dead stars Xiao Han, a pair of blood red eyes flashing with crystal tears, maybe a person is serious, especially easy to be injured, now he looked at Xiao Han, recalling the past past, really regret not regret More time to accompany you, let his childhood are so sad, grow up, and the feelings are also affected.

Unfortunately, everything is too late, he has no chance to make up for him, this life is not.


Xiao Han took away Wenhai, and Qiao did he prepare for his home. The medical staff placed Wenhai in the medical room. Qiao did school to give him a medication, and forced the previous poison.

After the injection, the Wemewood was coma. It was about more than an hour. His body was changing, and the whole body was soaked, and there was a small incontinence.

Musk for Joy made a cleaner, after an hour and then injected, it was injected three times. Every time, many sweat and urine were discharged.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, Wenhai finally woke up, opened his eyes, he felt that the whole body was like a matter, but the body did not be as uncomfortable before, he tried to speak, and he could clearly, he hurriedly shouted. A sound: "Xiao Han!"

"I am." Xiao Hanxin hit the hand of the Wemewood, "You finally woke up? How do you feel? Isn't it?"

"I seem to be much better than before, I still have a strength." Wenhai tried to sit up, and even can do it, he was shocked, "What is going on?" How could this? "

"Before I let Joe give you the medicine, I will have a vomiting blood, and then the physical condition looks very scary, but that is just temporary, just inject the medicine, pull the toxin, you are fine. "Xiao Han excited explanation," I have been six o'clock, we have to hurry to the airport, time is still there. "

Said, Xiao Han returned to Division, "Are everything ready?"

"Ready, the owner, you can start at any time." Si Hui said.

"Let the stylist come in, fast." Xiao Han urgently urged.

"Yes." Si Hui called a US stylist, Xiao Han said in English, "Hurry to give him the appearance, make a photo of the documents you have seen before, the time is fast, the effect is good."

"OK." The stylist opened the toolbox and prepared to start.

"Wait a minute." Wenhai pulled Xiao Han, "Can you tell me what this is to do?"

"Time can't get it, you will make your makeup first, wait until the road to the airport, I will slowly explain it again." Xiao Han said urgently, "You listen to me, I am saving you now."

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