Qin Xiang and Night flames rushed to the hospital at 9 o'clock in Switzer of the second day, just took a special plane, Qin Xiang was asked: "Zhao Jun, Xiao and children?"

"When I went out, Miss Qin just woke up, the child also received all treatments in the greenhouse, the doctor said that there was a specific report this afternoon." Zhao Jun said.

"How can this be, is there any disease?" Qin Xiang asked uneasy.

"Although the child is full of life, because of the serious malnutrition, the body is weak, there is something disease, but also to check the report." Zhao Jun said.

"Let's get on the bus, go to the hospital." Night flame reminded.

Everyone got a car, Qin Xiang is anxious and worried: "Xia was pregnant, he was hit several times, it was Xiao Han's bastard. I will engage in an affair. I will divorce again, and I will harm the Xia inspiration. Will be unhealthy, if this child has anything, Hya how to bear it. "

"How do you say such unlucky? The child will not have something." Night flames comfortable, "You don't be too pessimistic. In fact, it is not very healthy when the thousand wings are born. Later, it has had leukemia, and it is not as cured? Children are natural and delicious, as long as they are careful. "

"Yeah, the birth of the thousand wings is so many sins. Now it's not as well, Qin, you don't worry." Zhao Jun also advised.

"I hope so." Qin Xiang nodded.


In the hospital, Qin Xia Ma is watching the ceiling, the tears of the eyes are soaked in hair, and the face is pale like a white paper, and the lips are blue, no blood.

"Xia, you don't have this, you have just brought a child, you should keep a calm mood, you will hurt your body." Blue Qianyu loudly, "the child is still waiting for you to take care of you, you have to I am trying to play. "

I heard the child, Qin Xia's tears slowd down again, and said: "It is not good, I have not done my mother's responsibility, and it is not good to be treated, I am not good ..."

"Xia, you have to be strong, you are here soon."

Blue Thousands pity look at Qin Xia, the heart is sympathy, and it is anxious ...

During this time, Blue Thousands will try to give Qin Xia every day. I hope she can chest. At the beginning, Qin Xiya has some progress, and later I have to be born, I can't see Xiao Han's figure, she began to depressed.

When the origin is premature, Qin Xia's mood is very unstable. The doctor said that it is very dangerous, let her have to adjust her mood, but she can't control himself, and later the surgery is bleeding, everyone is frightened.

Fortunately, she didn't have any danger. When she woke up, she learned that Xiao Han still didn't come, completely desperate collapse, she has been crying to now, for two or three hours, put her wound Make it infected, and now there is a signs of fever.

Blue Qian Yu felt that he had already terminated. If you advise, he said countless times. She now doesn't know what to say. For Qin Xiya's things, she has been defending in the hospital, a pregnant woman, more than a dozen I didn't eat it in an hour, I didn't sleep, and my mental state was very poor. Now I have a little shake, and I will fall in any time ...

But she still supported, I hope to come to Qin Xiang and Night Flags, there is Qin Xiang, Qin Xia's mood should be better.

"What is I happening? I want the father of the child, Xiao Han -" Qin Xia started crying again.

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