When I said that, Qin Xia's tears did not stop the line, but she wiped her tears, and said: "I have a life for the man, I want to die, don't say others, even my own I look down on myself. In fact, I am clear, I don't have this, but I can't control myself ... "

"Xia, you just love too deep, this is not blame you." Blue Qian Yu looked at her, "It is necessary to blame Xiao Han, he repeatedly repeated, play with your feelings."

"No." Qin Xia cried and shook his head, "I blame me, love this kind of thing is your love, he didn't force me, I was guilty."

"Xia ..."

"But I will not be." Qin Xia worked hard to smile, "Qiao Qing just turned straight, I really woke up, I will never be self-cultivation, I will play my spirit, live, take care of it. my child."

"This is right." Blue Qian Yu nodded, "Xia, in fact, Joe Qing has a word really said very well, this world, no one is less, no one can not live, Xiao Han doesn't cherish you His loss, for yourself, for children, you have to cheer. "

"Well, I will." Qin Xiya nodded.

"Thank you!" A voice came from behind, and the blue thousands of feathers came back. It turned out to be Qin Xiang. I didn't know when, he and the night flames have come. Qin Xiang heard the words just those words, including Qiao Qing Qinxi, He is not angry, it is very grateful.

"Qin, when are you coming?" Blue Qian Yu is expected.

"I have been here for a while." The night flames came over, intimately with her, gentle kisses her forehead, "Hard work!"

He turned to Qiao Qing, "Qiao Qing, you usually look great, I didn't expect the key moments!"

"Oh, I just thought about it, I was very excited, so I was so excited, so I said this." Qiao Qing is sinking, "Qin, I hope you don't want to see it."

"No." Qin Xiang said with emotion. "You just talk about the needle, the words are truth, and the words have been truth. I have been distressed, and I can move, I can move, very few She watched her, let her continue to let go, in fact, you are right, everyone will encounter difficulties, it is important that after encounter difficulties, it is necessary to stand up, bravely stand up, don't be difficult to defeat. "

"I know, I am ..." Qin Xiya's low head, "Sorry, always let you worry, I will not be like this again later."

"No matter what happens, you will guard you, always make your strongest back shield." Qin Xiang held Qin Xia's hand, "But you are already a mother's person, you have to be responsible for your child, to cheer up "

"Well." Qin Xia took a head.

"Hey." Qin Qiang picked her.

Blue Qian Yu saw this scenario, which is very pleased, but she has a sense of strong dizziness, only feeling black, soft soft.

"Qian Yu, Qian Yu ..." Night Fighter hugged her, "What happened to you?"

"She is just too tired, so fainting, quickly take her to rest." Qiao Qing said.

"Sorry, because of me, Qian Yu has been holding me here, I have been holding me here, I haven't eaten, I didn't sleep." Qin Xia was very embarrassed.

"Qin, we will go first." The night flames left the blue thousands of feathers quickly left, and Qiao Qing hurried back.

Qin Xiang sighs: "There is a friend who has a love, and it is our blessing."

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