Mincure and good luck always like it, and the madness of the night home has passed, and now it is very smooth.

After returning to New York, the first thing in the night flames and Blue Qianxi is to take a small wing to visit the night, the old man is very stable, and now I have heard that he will pick him up, move back to the night, he is very excited.

In fact, the night home is only vacant for a few months, and there is no big problem. After cleaning the company's cleaning, the night home has resumed the previous luxury.

Moving this day, many people come to congratulate, the Director of Louis, Harley, and the senior officials of Delong Director and other politicalers.

After so much thing, the night home is not only unreasonable, but it is more status than before.

Night flames have proved his abilities to the world in his actual actions, and has also won the recognition of the border between government.

Now, many people come to Barn him, some are people who step on him when he is falling, and now he will follow him.

But today's Night flames, it is no longer as before, he will not be addicted to the kind of haunting rain, he has become calm, and it is low-profile, and no longer needs to make the night old woman worry.

Both the old saying, people are happy, now everything is smooth, the night is very good every day, and the body has returned a lot.

Blue Qianyu relieves the tires, and the color is getting better and better.


Fifteen days later.

Qin Xiang came to call from Switzerland, saying that Xia has been discharged, the child is not a big problem, but in order to be safe, it is still in the hospital.

Qin Wei's condition is also recovering.

Everyone's lives become better, only Xiao Han.

After the end of the Wenhai, Xiao Han left New York, and he didn't bring it, including Division.

No one knows where he went.

Just, before leaving, Xiao Han gave the night flames, and told him the password of the safe, let him remember to take the document to Qin Jia.

After receiving the SMS, the night flame immediately called Xiao Han, but unfortunately the phone had already turned off, and did not pass.

Subsequently, the night flames went to Xiao Han's safe to find the document, and it did not expect it. Xiao Han handed all the property to Qin Xia, including the company and other fixed assets. He only took part of the savings and left, quiet Sound, no shadow.

The mood of the Night flame is very heavy, recalling the scene of him with Xiao Han, everyone is spit with Xiao Han, but the night flame can understand Xiao Han, he is a person who is extremely uninferent, so everything is The preserved, this may be related to your own growth.

Although the night flames, the young funeral, but the grandfather's love and cultivation, let him become a responsible, and a man who has a responsible.

And Xiao Han, did not have passed love from sensibility, Xiao Jinpeng gave him a negative example, although he was 18 years old to receive New York by Wenhai, Wenhai also cultivated him, but it was just in just two years More time, and Xiao Han has grown up, the defects of the character have been fixed, and it is not easy to change.

In the final analysis, a person's childhood will directly affect his future.

Night flames are now deeply experienced, so he attaches great importance to the cultivation of thousands of wings, and even the child's prenatal education in the blue belly, he hangs.

Night flaming is a good husband, a good father, blue thousands of feathers have been so difficult, and finally have happiness, and Qiao Qing is happy from the bottom of the heart ...

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