"What are you saying?" Blue Qianyu glared in the night flame.

"I ..." Night glamorous eyebrows, wrapped around for a while, and finally replied honestly. "I also accidentally speaking."

"Too much." Xiao Qianyi said, "said that many times, I heard it, he said that Mommy is now getting better and bad, often in the hands, it is looking for it. And I always asked him to repeat the problem, as if I have forgotten, I also say that Mommy is estimated to last for three years, because a pregnant silly three years. "

"You are stinky, you are framing me!" "The night flames gathered."

"It is you taught me, the child is honest." Xiao Qian wings spit out his tongue, and then ran away.

"Don't run ..." The night flames are going to chase him.

"Stand to me." Blue Qian Yu is drinking.

The night flames immediately stopped, weakly looked at her: "Wife, I know is wrong !!"

"Go back and pack you again." Blue Qian Yu glanced at him and walked down the stairs together with his arm.

Qiao Qing and Zhao Jun were behind, the two were intimate, and they were whisper from time to time. They were just in love. .

"Qian Yu!" The voice of Cold, came to see the blue thousand, and the face immediately "shidding," Mommy !!! "

"Mummy, Lei Shu!" Night flames also greet with cold ice and Lei Zhen Ting, "I don't have to pick us up, we have passed it yourself, you have been preparing for the wedding, you have to run, more Hard work. "

"It doesn't matter, the wedding thing has been prepared," Lei Zhen Ting smiled and looked at them, "thousand feathers, let you run so hard, it is hard!"

"Don't worry hard, my brother is married, I have to present." Blue Qian Yu said with a smile.

"Let me see." Cold, if the ice, the ice, the blue millet, satisfied, "Not bad, we are only more than a month, your color is much more, and it is too fat."

"Hey, don't laugh at me." Blue Qian Yu is sinking, "I don't know if I have done it."

If the cold smiles and said: "I can reduce it, your mother is now more than 50, the body is still so good, from me, I can see you, so don't worry. "

"Well." Blue Qian Yu smiled.

"Grandma, you only care about your daughter, you don't care about me?" Xiao Qianyi was unfortunately.

"Hey, my heart is baby, I don't care about you." Cold Ruozi hits a small wing, "Grandma can miss you."

"This is similar." Xiao Qianyi smiled satisfied.

"Well, let's go home, Thunder and Feier are still waiting for us." Lei Zhen Ting said, "Zhao Jun, Qiao Qing, you sit in this car with me."

"it is good."


Several cars went to Lizhan, on the car, the Thunder asked Qiao Qing and Zhao Jun to get married, Joe is shameless, and Zhao Jun is a big square saying that the end of this year will be engaged. Marriage will be married next year.

If you meet cold and blue, you can always say that you can't say it, but most of the topics are around your health and your child, so your lousings can also plug.

It is a night flaming, and it is like an outsider, and a sentence can also insert it.

However, look at the three people who are happy, the night flames feel a kind of enjoyment, life is like this, safe and healthy, family harmony, this is a kind of happiness! ! !

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