"Okay, I will stay." Leizie came very well. "Then you arrange a nurse to take care of her, I will see the comrades sent last time."

"Well." Wang doctor nodded, "I just want to go to the patrol room, and I will take you in the past."

"No, I will buy something first, wait for himself to find him, you go!"

"okay then."


Lie Lie bought some fruits near the hospital, and the things such as milk were brought to the hospital. He bought two copies, a foreign girl who gave the comrades and another.

The foreign girl is in the first floor, so Le Le first in the past, just walked to the ward, he heard a noisy, the girl screamed, and the health care is anxious to persuade sound: "Don't be excited, here is here Hospital, no one wants to hurt you ... "

Le Le suddenly rushed to the door, pushed the door, one thing just flew, he responded very quickly, the lightning, it was a scissors, but fortunately he took it in time, otherwise it will hurt others.

"Leighing school, you are coming, she wakes up, I mad, we can't understand what she is saying." Two small nurse hide behind the Leigh.

Leizie looked at the past, could not help but feel the heart ...

Although this girl is hurt, his face is pale as paper, the lips like the faded petals, but there is no blood color, but the delicate outline, the perfect silhouette, ivory-like and white skin, just like the people who came out in Greek mythology Perfect, it is like a sacred flower in the night, the dust is not fat, the holy, the color is charming!

Le Le was watching, before she was scattered, he didn't see her look, now I can't open my eyes.

"Who are you?" The girl asked in French. The voice of her speaking is a bit tender, it looks, and the age should be great.

"What did she say?" Two small nurse stigted ...

"She is not like English, if it is English, we can also understand a few simple words."

"She said French." Le Leng responded, and then dialogue with a skilled French and girl. "My name is Le Le, I am gone in the Ministry of Military, just saved you back at the sea, you are nothing?"

The two nurses were very surprised. The original thunder is not only good, good personality, good family, good, and a man is over, it is still so blogging, even French will say.

"Yes, I think it is, you saved me." The girl's face finally raised a fascinating smile, the original enemy's eyes became soft, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome." Le Le took the past, put fruit and milk on the side, kindly asked, "How do you feel? Is it better? Is there uncomfortable?"

"The head is very hurting." The girl lied her back.

"Your back is hurt." Leizie said, "Doctor will give you a CT examination, tomorrow can come out, but I think, shouldn't you wake up now? "

"Is it injured?" The girl squinted, it seems to be something.

"Right, how much is your family's phone number? I notify you family." Leisi took out the mobile phone. "Are you traveling with your family?"

"Who are I, how do I think it?" The girl looked behind the brain and painful frowned, "My head is good, so pain ..."

"What happened?" Le Leido helped her, "Don't worry, I can't think of it, I don't want to think about it." I let the doctor will show you. "

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