The girl puts hot water in the bathtub, take off the clothes, lying, open the electric desktop, put the porridge of Leles and put it back, eat a few mouthfuls, and can't eat it again.

She hangs down, it seems to be thinking about.

For a long time, she recovered his thoughts and stared at the phone hanging on the wall. This is a household desk phone. As long as I don't go to the Telecom's investigation, I can't find the record. She hesitated for a while, pick up the phone, call a number ......

Soon, the phone is connected, an anxious voice came: "Hey, he, which one is it ??? Is it a kidnap?" Do you catch my daughter? "

"Mommy is me." The girl whispered.

"Fili, Feier, is really you? Where are you? You are nothing?" "The other's voice is very excited.

"I am fine." The girl got a door, rubbing his mouth with his hand, continue to say, "I am very safe, you don't have to worry, don't let the police find me, I am not kidnapped, just don't want to go back, there is , You will tell, I won't marry the bastard of Austin, let him die. "

"Feier ..."

"If you really hurt me, don't look for me."

The girl left this sentence, hangs up straight, and his hands cover his face, immersed in the bathtub ...


In the living room, Leles put down the phone and shook his head ...

This gimmick, I really thought that I didn't know that I didn't know, but I forgot what he did. He used to be a policeman. Now it is the military department. If you will be cheated, then he doesn't have to mix.

When she was in the car, she didn't like the police, he began to doubt that she had a problem. She just went to the house, and the line of sight stayed in the phone a few seconds. He saw her. attempt.

Sure enough, she didn't have a phone call. Of course, if he didn't have suspicion, he would not temporarily slammed the internal undertake, so in general, she is still very smart, planted in his professional hand, I can't blame her.

It turns out that she is really pretending to be illegally, it is no wonder that I have been so exaggerated in the hospital, I am still going to go, actually I don't want to make further inspections.

From the content you just talked about the phone, she should be to avoid a family package for the wedding, so she left home, as for her accident, this unexpectedly, there is no relationship with escape marriage.

What is this gimmick? Will n't she be Liu Kang to find people? ? ?

I thought about it, a scream came from the bathroom, and Leizan was shocked, hurriedly rushed, one foot opened the door ...

I saw the scene in front of my eyes, Leie stunned, the girl was lying in the bathtub, the porridge on the electric board fell into the bathtub, she was engaged in chaos, the small table board blocked her key part, Leles I didn't see anything that I shouldn't see, but I just saw the double-sleeved jade legs and fiber-optic jade hands, he jumped accelerated, red and red ...

Then fade out the bathroom ...

"Hey, come and help." The girl rushed outside, but he only heard the footsteps of the hilarious and fled. She looked at the door and looked at myself. "I am really funny, I wrapped in a bath towel. And no to reveal, I am not afraid, what is he afraid? I have been so big, I haven't seen such a pure man yet. "

Say the last sentence, she laughed himself ...

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