"Vinegar? What do you mean?" The girl is foggy water.

"Hey, I forgot that your French did not eat vinegar." Leizhen won the seasoning bottle, explained her, "These things you are not ready, you still have to sit, I will give you breakfast."

"Do you think I don't have to eat it?" The girl is unfortunately.

"No, I am just ..."

"Then let's eat together." The girl ends two plates and go straight to the restaurant.

"You try it first." Leles is resolutely will not eat those dark.

The girl has got some eggs with the fork, and I immediately spit it out: "I am too difficult to eat, this strange taste."

Le Leng smiled and packed the kitchen simple and re-made breakfast.

"I taste the macaroni." The girl eats some powder again, "Ah - too difficult to eat ----"

"Haha ..." Leigh couldn't help but laugh, "This is what you said, I didn't say anything."

"You hate." The girl has a glass of warm water to drink.

"Come over, I will teach you." Leizan recruited her.

The girl ran in the foot. Leisha's movements were very familiar, just like masters, but also special handsome, girls have been watching.

"What shape is what shape?" Lei Li Chong girl blinked, "Hey is good?"

"Can the fried eggs can make a shape?" The girl is curious.

"Simple shape can." Leishe's onion was shaped in a pan, then hit the egg inside, very fast, the egg was fryed, turned into a heart shaped shape, and Onion's aroma.

"Wow, you can't afford it." The girl excitedly applauded.

"Hey!" Leizi gave her two heart-shaped eggs, taking advantage of the time of Italian powder, he also used the pear to give her a beautiful white orchid. Being next to the egg, the girl looked at the heart I am going to be drunk, "You great !!!"

"Not only look good, it will be very delicious." Leisi put the boiled Italian powder, then fried sauce, "In fact, according to your French, drain the water, add tomato sauce, but I don't like the taste, so I have added some peppers and meat sauce, and there are mushrooms and carrots. This is the combination of Chinese and Western. I saw that when you eat porridge last night, I also ate the soaked radish with pepper, prove You still like the taste of Chinese food, then you should like this. "

"I like it." The girl nodded, "Even if you don't have to eat, it is a kind of enjoyment."

When I heard this sentence, Le Leiso did not help but looked at her.

The girl is staring at the sauces in the pot, the saliva is coming soon: "Good fragrance."

"Okay." Le Le came back to God, stir the pour into the pot, stir well, shut down, then put it into the plate, "You have passed the past, I will give you a little milk."

"Well." The girl put two trays to the table, and slammed it directly, "God, it is too delicious, this is what I have eaten."

"Oh .." Leigh smiled and heard such appreciation, it was a satisfaction.

Leizie quickly cooked milk, ending to the restaurant with girls, looking at her wolf swallowing, he couldn't help but smiling: "Slow down, no enough, I also give you this."

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