"Since you have a girlfriend, why don't you pay you?" The girl said coldly. "I am gone, don't pull me, I won't stay."

"Ming Ming!" Leizie is very angry, "What is the girlfriend ??? Hao end, what is this?"

The girl is in vain, looking back at him: "You said that you have no girlfriend? Who is this dress?"

"This is my sister's clothes." Leigh offs out.

"Little sister?" The girl asked.

"A mother, what are you saying?" Lei Li glanced at her, "Going to walk, no one pulls you."

"What is going on, I mean to go out to buy clothes." The girl quickly came to take the skirt, but also bark to please him, "I am now Rally, you will open me, hehe!"

"How do you change your face is faster than the book?" Lei Yan looked at her, "This is completely unambocular !!!"

"I just made a joke with you, I will go to the clothes first, wait for me." The girl ran in the room, when closed, and laughed on his stupid, " I will come out soon, hehe! "

"Women are so good?" Leisha helplessly shook his head, returned to the room, took the car key and wallet, the girl just changed the clothes from the room, "The zipper behind me is not enough, you helped me pull it. "

Leizie walked over, dialing the girl's wavy long hair, suddenly stunned, the girl is perfect, reveal, such as the jade and smooth skin, the charming line, there is a fresh and elegant aroma, no one Not revealing a tempting atmosphere.

"Happy." The girl urged it.

"Hey." Le Le came to God, bite the lower lips, tensely pulled her zipper, "You, you didn't wear underwear?"

"Wear." The girl puts it in the skirt, and the long legs of the slender, "you see!"

Leizie looked at her leg and immediately moved his eyes: "I am talking about this, chest, bra."

"That didn't worn, I washed last night, I didn't have to change it, I can only do this." The girl said faintly. "Anyway, this skirt has a sequined film, there is no, and my chest Enough, you can support it. "

Said, the girl turned around and squeezed his chest, smirked, "You see, I don't wear a bra or have it?"

"Why don't you be afraid of suffering? I have seen it." Leizie's face has begun to be hot, but the eyes are staring behind the way.

"Where to see? I will wear a four-legged trousers below. The dress is covered, the cover is covered, what is good to lose?" The girl is white, "said, I believe you, just give you You see, not everyone is giving, don't think that the French girl is open, I am still that. "

When I said the last sentence, the girl was a little ashamed. .

"Which one?" Asked Leigh.

"Don't tell you." The girl is white, go outside, "I'm so happy, I have to buy a lot of clothes."

"Come on." Le Le followed her sexy and fantastic figure, there is a feeling in my heart to move, if she is my girlfriend, it seems to be very good.

In front, the girl is secretly thinking in my heart, this guit is much better, if he is my boyfriend, it seems to be pretty good, at least every day, there is a good thing, and someone will accompany my mouth. .

Thinking of these, two people smiled silly. .

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