"Later, I found out that she is my mother of my father." Leigh the sigh.

"Plute -" Feier spurted out, shocked, "Will n't it ??? This is what you encountered ??? It's better than the Chinese lottery !!"

"My luck is really not very good, but you don't need this to damage me?" Le Lee is unfortunately, "except that once, my emotional world is almost equal to a blank, exactly I have never talked about my girlfriend, unlike you, even the fiance is there. "

"Hey, which one is a fiance?" Fei Dei immediately protest, "This is what I gave me, what is the relationship with me? I have no good feelings for him, I didn't take it."

"Really?" Leigh my heart.

"Of course, it is true." Fili is a bit shy, "Today, your kiss, still kiss it."

" ..." Leigh is smile, "In fact, I am also."

"You are also? Will n't it?" "Fili is very surprised.

"Really, don't lie to you." Leizie is very embarrassed, "But I have no experience, so I'm a bit clumsy, I hope you don't mind."

"You are really awkward, it seems that you don't understand anything ..." Fili is a hipped or smirk.

"I don't know much, but ..." Leizie slowly made a close-up, the scorpion flashed, "I can learn slowly ..."

"You, what do you want to do?"

Fili is nervous, the closer to him, the more nervous, his breathing is close to his eyes, so that her heart is accelerating, panic.

"We ... try again !!!"

Leles deeply kissed the Feier, the two lips were connected, the hearts of the two were accelerated, and the strong warmth of each other, and the surrounding air as if he was heated. .

This time, Leizie had a little experience, trying to have some movements, although clumsy, but with sincere emotions, it will soon let the Feier sink in his hot kiss ...

Gradually, Leles' movement became off, and even felt Fili, the evil heard her shello, explored it, plundering every inch of the territory between her lips, hands, and began She is moving on her body ...

The Philippine's mind has a blank, and she has already forgot to struggle, the soft is under him ...

Leisha's hand is in the Philippine's clothing, is preparing to continue to continue ...

"Hey -" suddenly came to the doorbell, Leizie and Fei Dei opened his eyes at the same time, and the two were tapped, and the clothes were flustered.

"I, I, go to the door." Le Lee was tense.

Feier hurriedly ran into the room, closed the door, she squinted his face, said: "Heaven, how can it be like this? It is so cheap."

Outside, Leigh is gently smoked on his face: "You are shameless !!!"

Immediately, he muttered himself. "No, she is voluntary, male and female love, very normal ..."

Thinking here, he also smiled in the "".

"Hey -" The doorbell once again, Le Lee returned to God, and quickly opened the door, "Is you!"

"Leighing school, are you at home? I thought I was in accordance with the wrong door bell. How can I open it for so long?" Standing outside the door is the police captain Liu Kang and Leles.

"I have just something." Le Lee has an eye-catching door. "How did you find here? Is there something ???

"I am a victor, come over." Liu Kang rushed him smile, "But I am empty, you don't mind?"

"A nonsense, if you are taking things, I will not let you come in." Leishabao glance, "come in."

"Thank you." Liu Kang came in, looking at the room in the room, "William is still in your home?"

"Director Zhao let you come?"

Leizie has already guessed that the Director Zhao actually let him let him carry the weapon in Hong Kong, this kind of knowledge of the law, once known, but not only the leather, Director knows Liu Kang and thunder I have a good relationship, so Liu Kang came to help.

"Who can I still have?" Liu Kang sat on the sofa and handed a blank check to Leizie. "This is what he let me bring."

Leigh Brow wrinkled, "" "As a public official, not only know the law, but also open bribes, Zhao Director This top of the Wushen cap does not want."

"You don't want this." Liu Kang was busy advised, "Austin is not so provoked, although it is the land of Leijia, but his international influence is still very big, this is a big, you also fish No benefits, why? "

"Take this thing back." Leisi is cold, "Toning the Director Zhao, immediately expel the Austin, then he went to you, if I told these things, his crime was big."

"I know you will say this." Liu Kangbai glanced at him, "Director Zhao said that he will convince Osventin to France as soon as possible, so that you don't have to worry, as for that thing, I hope you don't tell Leigh heads."

"I am different from him, it is impossible to pay privately. Not more, even if I don't say, my father will also know." Leager is serious, "said words, if someone else, unless it has Mo is, we are a public official person, it should be an impartial law enforcement, just arrogant, can't make a complimentary thing because of the status power of people, this is a big taboo !!! "

"Le Le, we all understand, but sometimes people can't help but have been in the rivers and lakes." Liu Kang said, "Zhao Director can't afford Austin, he also has his difficulties, why are you so stubborn? People stay a little, it is also good for you. "

"Okay, don't pull me with me." Leager said, "You go back, turn my words to Director Zhao, I still have something today, I don't ask you to eat. "

"Okay." Liu Kang sighed and took a check up.

Leizan sent him to the door.

Liu Kang walked out of the house and whispered: "Le Le, we used a colleague, and it was a good brother who was born to death. I know that you are right, but I advise you, don't take this thing, the Duke of Austin and the princess of William, Even the French queen is recognized, you are involved in it, only bringing a lot of trouble to yourself. "

"I have an inch, thank you." Le Lee patted his shoulders, "drinking together !!!!"

Liu Kang frowned, and he was uneasy.


Lie Lieguan gone, turned, see Feiier stationed at the door of the room to look at him: "Do I have trouble for you?"

"No." Le Leidu said, "We didn't do anything wrong, can you have any trouble? Change your shoes, I will take you out to eat."

"Oh." Feier sat in the household garden shoemon, "What did the police say when the police left?"

"It is a few words between the brothers. What can I do?" Leles put on the coat, took the car key and wallet, "You don't ask, live peace of mind, other things are handed over."

"Austin will not give it easy ..." Feier's mood is very heavy, with her understanding of Austin, he will definitely fall into Leigh.

"Here is China Harbor, how can he?" Leigh said proudly, "You didn't hear it? That O Otte will soon be gone, it seems to know that I am, I don't dare to provoke me. After you can peace of mind. "

"Well." Fili gerberate lips, but would like this ...


Liu Kang's lower building, Director Zhao is waiting for him in the car, see him, and quickly open the door to ask: "How? Have he accept the check?"

"Confiscation." Liu Kang shook his head, "I have said, he can't accept your check, he is so straightforward, Lei Cheng can't move."

"He is as stubbornly as his father." The Director Zhao is very annoying. "How are he thinking now? Do you tell me?"

"I told him that you will soon convince Austin to leave Hong Kong, but ..."

"But what?" Zhao asked anxiously.

"He said this, the head will know sooner or later." Liu Kang frowned.

"Hey, he does not want to keep my secrets for me." Director Zhao is angry and drink. "He really thought that he was just just the incarnation of justice." If he didn't have him, he can be so young to go to school? ?? "

Liu Kang, I really want to say that Leles is indeed relying on their own business, but he doesn't dare, after all, now he has to see the face of Zhao's face.

"If I plant, don't want to have any days." Director Zhao bite his teeth said, "He has so many luxury cars, villas, there are hotels, shopping malls, these money is not known, as long as I report At the top, they were finished. "

"Director Zhao, don't." Liu Kang harened, "these money is earned by Leizie, and there is no relationship with the head of Lei, I can testify."

"You make a more assassination." Director Zhao slammed him, "I don't care if the money is related to the head of Lei, as long as I report it, I naturally have someone to investigate their Leijia, I see how they still Check me!!! "

"Director Zhao ..."

"You give it to me." Zhao Director is strictly warned, "these things are not allowed to say, otherwise, not only your rice bowl is not guaranteed, your family will not be peaceful, I am unlike people, I like fake Direct, I do what I did. "

Liu Kangzhen looked at Director Zhao, and he couldn't say a word.

Director Zhao took away the check of Liu Kang, closed the door, cold and said: "Drive."

The driver started the car, and the car was in a hurry. Only Liu Kang was standing in the same place, panic, Liu Kang was very contradictory. He would like to tell Leizie this matter, but also worried about him.

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