Feier exclaimed, the next consciousness pushes Leigh, but how can it be pushed, he is a high body, but it is going to breathe, and she is flusted to look at him: "What are you doing? "

"You are beautiful !!" Leilie drunk blurred stared at her, fingering the abdomen gently pulling down her eyebrows, riding over her beautiful cheek, falling on her delicate lips.

Feier looked at him, heart, and couldn't help but indulge.

"Fili, Feier ..." Leishawei gently whispered the name of Fei, and then kissed her, his hard work is soft as the water, with sincere emotions, easy to touch the heart, she Didn't push him, but closed your eyes, silently undergling his hot kiss ...


The next morning, Le Le was awake from sleeping, turbulently turned into it, pressed a soft body, his heart was shocked, blinking his eyes, looked at the Philippine under the body I thought that I was dreaming, he used to blink, the eyes were great, and they didn't stare at the Philippine, yes, it's really right, the Philippine real clothes are not lying in him ... ...

He immediately panicked immediately. A large pile of seven-eight-torn ideas flashed from the mind. He carefully opened the quilt to look down, his mind, flashing, he fell asleep Williafei! ! ! ! !

"Well ~~" Fei Lier pushed Leizie and smiled in his arms.

Leizie's heartbeat, almost hit the chest, the whole person is like a tight string, nervous, the mind is messy into a group, Leizie, Le Le, how can you make this? What is the thing that is not as good as the beast? Do you actually dangerous? ? ?

"You woke up?" The Philippine shame came, Leizie hit a cold, weak, she was close to her, her red face, a beautiful woman, "How do you sleep?"

"I, I am ..." Leizie was tense.

"What?" Fei Lei looked at him, "Why is it so nervous? You are very different from last night."

"I ... last night, drink too much." Lei Lihe is self-reliant, "Sorry ~!"

"What do you mean?" Fili is turning his face immediately. "What you mean is, it is a mistake last night ?? You don't want to be like that?"

"Yes ..." Leigh myself.


"Not, I don't mean." Leigh's response is very fast, "I mean, last night ... I drunk last night, I accidentally put you ... hurt, but I will definitely responsible."

"What is it accidentally harm ??" Feier frowned, "You have been crazy last night, you can't die, I can't see anything wrong with you."

"I ..." Leizhen didn't know how to explain, it seems that no matter how he is wrong, Feier will misunderstand what he meant.

"Now, what are you going to do?" Queen Trial.

"I ..." Leizie thought about thinking, cautiously, "I will be responsible for you."

"How to be responsible?" Fili gently scared.

"How do you want to be responsible for it." Le Lee has been saying, "I must work together."

"Well, look at your attitude but also more sincere, it is estimated to spare you." Feiier said, "I am hungry now, you should be ..."

"I understand, I will give you breakfast right away." Le Lee turned down the bed, but he was stunned, he didn't wear anything below ...

"Ah -" Feier slammed his eyes and screamed loudly.

"Sorry, I'm sorry ..." Le Leishake is busy with clothes, and then ran out like an arrow.

Fei Lei listened to the voice of him, after a while, finally took the hand, Yang Yao, immediately, I thought about it, I couldn't help but smile: "This guy is really simple, yourself I don't know if I didn't do it, just holding a night, I thought I was here. "

Last night, Leles did very impulsive, but Fei Der pushed him at a critical moment, and later he fell asleep, I still slept very well, Feier was tired by him, just like this, sleep Go, in the middle of the night, she felt that he hugged her from behind, she was smashed on her, and then she was ...

It may be that at that time, he took his pants to take off, anyway, she slept very well, didn't pay attention to him, when I woke up, I saw him in a daze, and my face was a big array, she just I feel funny, deliberately tease him, I didn't expect him to believe it true.

It seems that he really has no experience, otherwise it will not be deceived by himself.


Leigh is taking a bath in the bathroom and recalls the matter last night, but what details can't I can't think of it, it is too drunk last night.

He shook his head, didn't think more, quickly wash himself, change his clothes, then went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Feier has already got up, wearing a Leles shirt, looking out from the room, Leizie saw her, his face was red, twisted the head, and the heartbeat could not speed up, even the movement of the hand Panic.

Feier "" smiled and couldn't help him: "How is you so shy? I won't eat you again."

"Cough .." Leisan cough and cough, weak, "I, I am doing breakfast, just right."

"Then I will wash it first." Feier walked in the bathroom, "I have to drink fresh orange juice, I have to eat italically, just like yesterday."

"Okay, I will do it right away." Le Leng looked at her, she wore his shirt, she took the road to the big shot, and the pretty little fart has elapsed with the swing of the shirt, it looks very attractive people. .

Lei Li couldn't help but sore, the throat was dry, but he repeatedly reminded himself in his heart, Le Le, Le Le, could not do the kind of thing that kind of animal is not as good, people are still small, do not know Not 18 years old.


After Fei Der washed, Le Lele's breakfast was made, in order to make up for her "harm" last night, he cooked a cup of red jujube curse tea, and he handed her: " ! "

"What is this?" Fei's is a bit, "the taste is not bad."

"This is a bloody." Leishe took her a bit, low, small whisper, "last night ... wrony."

"Plute -" Feier drunk tea all sprayed out, fortunately, did not spray it on the table.

Leigh frusttes: "What are you doing?"

"You are really thoughtful." Fili is like a laugh, "this kind of thing, the man should supplement it?"

"I am not used, my body is strong." The Leighing arm made a bodybuilding.

"Okay, eat breakfast." Fili is a little can't wait, I have long trying to taste the leworks, pick up the big mouth of the big mouth.

"Slowly eat, no one will grab it with you." Lei Li's petted her, "Not enough, give me this."

"No, I am enough, so big one." Fili's mouth is full of pasta.

"I know you like it, so I have done more today." Le Le will give her juice, "This is the bused Liu orange juice just squeezed."

"Thank you." Feier took a cup, "Why don't you eat?"

"Look at you is also a kind of enjoyment." Le Le took the pasta in his plate to her, "You eat more."

"Thank you, hey." Feier had a very happy, and she didn't forget to reach out the tongue of the tomato sauce.

Leizie also started to have breakfast, looked at the clock on the wall. Today, I have to go back to the army. I have to hurry. He smokes a paper towel and rubbed his mouth. He said: "I have to go back to the army. no problem??"

"Do you want to go?" Fili had stopped the action immediately. "When will it come back?"

"It is about 7 o'clock in the evening." Le Leng took a stack of business cards while he said, "You are resting at home today, don't run, these are takeaway phones, Chinese and Western foods, lunch, you called They sent it up, if I came back at night, you don't have to wait for me, or you can take a takeaway ... "

"Oh." Feier took those business cards. "In addition to these numbers, I can't read it at all."

"Hey .. Yes, I forgot that you are a French." Leigh the head, "What should I do? If you tell me, you want to eat at noon, I will order it with the restaurant, let them go When it was sent up? "

"No, I can solve it yourself." Feier will return the business card to him. "I am not a child, I will never starve to die? You can do it with confidence, I will wait for you at home."


"No, but, Luo Wei." Fei Jia was white. "If you really don't worry, then take me to the army? I can accompany you."

"That can't be." Leigh react is very big, "the army is all men, one is like hungry for hundreds of years, and I can't meet women in the past long. If you are so beautiful, if you go to the troops, they I can eat you. "

"Which is so exaggerated." Feier couldn't help but laugh. "Isn't you a few soldiers last night? It is you think of too much."

"In short, it is not." Le Le will deliver the wallet and a mobile phone to Feier. "These money gave you, if you feel bored, you will go out, what you want to buy, but you can't run far, what is it? If you have to call me the first time, this phone is prepared for you, there is three numbers in it. "

"Which three?" Qier asked curiously.

"I, police, ambulance." Leisi simply answers, "Here is different from France, the phone number is also different, in short, I use the French language, you can understand."

"Hey, you are still quite thoughtful, thank you."

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