Leijia ...

Austin dragged Williafi into the room, squatted in bed, then fluttered like a beast, fiercely tearing her clothing, William Philippine kept struggling: "Let me go, let me go ..."

"Close up." Austin gave her a slap in her eyes, her nose was blood, and her face quickly appeared deep palm. Austin's eyes were unbearable, but she thought of her betrayed him. He is very fast. I am here, "The monk, you and the surname, I know the day, just go to bed, what is the criticism of in front of me?"

Said, Austin holds the shoulders of Williapi, wants to take her pants ...

"Don't, don't ..." Williamfi is struggling, but it can't earn him at all ...

Outside, the two followed and Nara defeated the door, they didn't dare to speak. The situation was very urgent. Williamfi was like a fish on the chopping board.


Leles is demonstrating the soldiers to demonstrate the shooting, and he has always been lost today. The first shot only hit the seven rings. The soldiers were dark, and the deputy teaching guides were very surprised. Leles stared at the gun, and the eyebrows Close up, don't know why, from lunch, he has a bit of heart, there is a strong unknown hunch in your heart, it seems that there is a bad thing. .

"Colonel!" Zhuo Airlines said, "What happened today? The soldiers look at you."

Le Le came to God, and found that everyone looked at him with a doubtful look. He quickly recovered his thoughts. He opened three shots to the gun, "Hey," every shot is red heart, this finally I found back the face, the excitement of the soldiers, and it is worthy of their reverence, the gun law is like a god, never disappointed.

"Zhuo Air, you look at this first, I will go to call." Le Le lost the gun to the advice, turned and hurried away.

"What happened to the colonel? It seems to be a heart today." A soldier whispered.

"Will it be a thing?" Another soldier said.

"What is a blind man?" Zhuohang asked confused.

"Deputy instructor, you still don't know? There is a girlfriend in the colonel, it is a French girl, it is beautiful, we still eat Sichuan cuisine last night." The soldier said excited.

When I heard this sentence, the team felt the pot during the team -

"Wow, there is a girlfriend in the school? Or a French girl ?? Really fake?"

"Will it be the girl saved by the sea that day? This is a few days? It is a girlfriend? The colleach is too powerful."

"I have given me a mouth." The deputy teaching officials are bold, "Now is training time, not allowed to discuss private affairs."

The soldiers immediately stopped discussing, standing back to the original position.

"There is something to go in the colonel, now I will lead you to continue training, one word is released, ready to practice shooting !!!"



Le Le returned to the office with the fastest speed, took out the mobile phone to Williafei's phone ...

At this time, Austin has torn off William's clothes, and urgently wants to occupy her, just at this critical moment, suddenly came to the ringtone, Austin's movement, Williafei pushes the Austin, Madness runs out.

And this time, Austin did not stop her ...

Williapi ran to the sofa to pick up the phone on the carpet, tremble with the phone to answer the phone, excited crying: "Leizie, save me, save me -"

"Feier, what happened?" Le Lee is asked.

"I ..." Williafei has not been to talk, the mobile phone is robbed by Austin, Austin Yinsen's laughter, "Le Le, you will get started very quickly, I know two days, I will sleep her !! "

"Austin? What do you want to do? Don't touch the fiary." Le Le ran in the parking lot.

"Moving my woman, it is necessary to pay for a price." Ausin took the mobile phone in hand, and the other arm was holding the Philippine, shamelessly biting her shoulders, caught the painful cry, "Betting, put Open me - "

"Don't touch her !!!!" Leizie is so crazy, jumping on a off-road vehicle, driving with a single hand to flying into the city, paying attention to the application.

"Why do you tell me this?" Austin bite the anger of teeth, "I spend my heart thinking about her, please, she can't get her favor, you only spend two days, I will give her. But this can't explain that you have a matter, you can only explain her hypocrisy, now, I will take her a few times in your home, you listen, her voice is not the same last night, hahaha ... "

Said, Austin puts the phone in the call, then put Williafi on the sofa ...

"Don't, don't -" William Fili Hyster's crying struggles.

"Breast, don't touch her ------"

Le Lere, unfortunately, his voice could not stop everything. He sent a crazy step on the petroleum. I just want to fly home to save Williapi, but the front of the road is still very far away, not an hour can't arrive at all ...

"Call, call your loud point, let him listen to you is the same as me in me -"

Austin is hard to cry with Williapi's legs, and Williapi has a big cry. These sounds like a sharp knife, and he is so embarrassing, he is so embarrassed, can only go to the phone, " Austin, I want to kill you, kill you ---- "

"Come, wait for you to come back, she is already mine .." Austin is preparing to account for Williapi.

"No ------" Leisha's heart is coming out.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of "", Austin lived, and the two were ready to open the door, and the door was opened, and there were several people who have not responded yet. The officer won, followed, a tall stary of the gains came in, this person is Leigh's father - Lei Zhenting! ! ! !

"Is you ???" Austin's looked at Lei Zhen Ting, he had seen him on TV, the high officials of the military, the high level of weight, and the endless majesty was revealed.

Lei Zhen Ting did a gesture. He immediately held a stay in Austin, and a female officer saved William. She took a blanket to her, and Williafi was panicked to curlert the sofa, not stopping trembling. .

Lei Zhenwei looked at William Fei, his eyes stayed on the phone on the phone two seconds, lifted against Austin: "Duke of Austin, although you are a French aristocrat, but in our country, you are just an ordinary outside Borrowing people, there is no power to let go, everything you do now, violating my country's law, to be criminal responsibility !!! "

"Leigh, I know your high weight, but Williapi, my unmarried wife, I want to do it, I still don't want to take it?" Austin is not weak.

Lei Zhen Ting smiled coldly: "You all say that it is not married, it is still not married? If you are not married, you have no power to do anything about her. Although France's law is not the same, this regulation should be the world Universal! What's more, your foot is about the area of ​​our Hong Kong, that is to abide by our law, in our country, even if it is married, you can't barely do anything she don't want to do. "

"Less it to me." Austin bite the anger of the teeth, "You are clearly wanted to cover your son, he has my unmarried wife, I must count with him this account. Now you want to bully with your official position My outside people? Don't think that I will be afraid of you, things are very big, you can't escape your son and your son. "

When I heard these words, Lei Zhen Ting was slightly accident. Last night, Liu Kang came to him. He knew that Leles and William did, but he did not think that they would develop so fast ...

In the morning, he called to the troops investigation, and Know Leizie today, I will come here, so I wanted to find William Fei's talk, understand the specific situation, after all, what he can't only believe The word of the person, I didn't expect to have just came to the elevator, I heard the screams of the room, followed by such a thrilling scene.

And don't talk about William Fii with Leles, Austin's confrontation, Lei Zhenting as the head, must host a big game.

Lei Zhenting watched William Feier: "Is Leles hurt you? Or is it forced to do what you don't want to do?"

"No ..." William Fili immediately shook his head, excited, "I really like Leizie, we are two love, even what happens, I am also willing, he didn't force me. Lead, Austin Eight, he wants to fall into Leizie, don't believe him. "

"You this monk !!!" Austin gas bitterly.

"You are ignorant." Williafi is ambiguous, "I don't like you at all, you are dying to me, saying that I am your girlfriend, but I have no practical relationship with you. Everything you do today, I will tell the Queen's grandmother, she won't let you !!!! "

"You ..." Austin's face is a bit stiff, although the Queen is also looking forward to marriage with the William family, but Williafei is a Queen's relatives, if the queen knows him, I am afraid it will not light him.

"In accordance with our Chinese law, you can sue him." Lei Zhenting said seriously, "Now the phone is next to you, if you want to tell him, you can pick up the phone alarm."

On the phone, Leles had already heard everything, knowing that William Feier is not dangerous, he is slightly breathing, but his father Lei Zhen Ting intervenes this thing, things become more complicated, he knows that after he returns home, he will face Another storm ...

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