Leles's explanation made William Feier more doubts: "I didn't say anything, why are you so nervous? Are you doing thieves?"

"I have ..." Le Le Lie's voice did not have a cold. "I am the most honest, never lie, what thieves, what is wrong ??"

"I also said that you didn't, my eyes didn't dare to look at me." William is angry, "You this bad guy, give me a hard work, what is your relationship with the girl?"

"I have no relationship, really." Leilao said, "She is with my sister thousands of feathers, but also my mother's daughter, it is, the thousands of feathers have a lot of things, she has never left I don't care about her, so our family is very grateful to her. She is different from the outside, I treat her as a sister, but we really don't have a half-men and women. "

"Do you really don't mean to her?" Williafei questioned question.

"Really, I swear." Lerevan said.

"Well to drive." Williafei hurriedly advised, "Well, I believe you is, but I still want to see your sister, you don't have to go back and pick me up, save time, I will go straight Airport is mixed with you. "

"No, you haven't slept last night, it is better to take a break now."

Leizie didn't want William Fi. Qiao Qing, Qiao Qing made a blazing of his feelings. He was afraid that William Fei had seen it, misunderstanding will be deeper.

"I said that I have to go, where are you talking so much?" Williamfi is not happy, "Just like this, I hang, I will see it later."

Said, Williapi hangs the phone, then let the hotel security guards the taxi. Before leaving, she must have this sister, clear the relationship between the girl and Leis.


Leles put down the phone, helpless sigh, two women are about to meet together, what can I do?

Although Leles did not have a man in Qiao Qing, Joe Qing's feelings of naked, and Qiao Qing's character has always been great, Williafei is somewhat, he is really afraid that they will happen after they. What conflicts ...

Although my heart is very uneasy, the situation is still unavoidable.

About more than 40 minutes drive, Le Lee has arrived at the airport, is preparing to call Qiao Qing, a familiar voice came: "Le Le!"

Le Leng looks at: "Feiier, are you so fast?"

"Of course, I came over from the hotel than you are." William Fei said, "How? Have you received your sister?"

"No, I don't know where I am, I am preparing to call her." Leager used mobile phone to dial, very fast, the phone is connected, "Qiao Qing, where are you ??"

"I bought a ticket back to the United States, I have already taken the procedure, I will board the plane after two hours, you don't have to come, go to you." Qiao Qing said.

"I am already at the airport. How do you buy a ticket so soon? Also, I am coming?" Leizie is a bit embarrassing. "In fact, you can also return to the United States with us. My mother and Shen Shu are not in France. House? "

"Before the mother did something in France, I accompanied her, now she is not there, what did I do?" Qiao Qing's mood is very low, "My grandmother is not there, I have a relative in Hong Kong, stay There is nothing mean here, it is better to go back to find a thousand feathers. "

"Sorry, Qiao Qing, if you know that you will come back soon, I will do other arrangements earlier." Leles is more than I don't go, "You should talk to me before you come back ..."

"What are you talking about? Can you say English?" Williafei did not understand, some worried. .

"How is there a girl's voice? Is it French, is it ..." Qiao Qing's brow wrinkled, "Is your girlfriend ??"

"Hey .. Yes." Leisi is a bit embarrassing, "she knows you come back, so I will tell me with me."

"Oh, I have a heart." Qiao Qing's tone is a bit cold, and it is to look at it, or to explore, she is having a number.

"Where are you now? Let's go to you." Leizie asked again.

"I am in the Mocha Café in the D area." Qiao Qing said.

"We come here, don't go far away."


Leisi is looking for Qiao Qing with William Feier, and William Fiier has not stopped: "What did you say ??? Tell me quickly."

"Qiao Qing returned to the US ticket, waiting for the will to go." Leager explained, "I feel very apogase, I didn't have a good time to eat, just like this."

"Why didn't she stay more? How is it so embarrassed?" Williafei's testicity, "Is it special to visit you, know that you have to go to France, so she is also gone?"

Le Lele's footsteps: "Your small head is quite powerful, you can think of it?"

"It turned out to be true." William Feather's little mouthped, "I also said that you have nothing, it is a lie."

"Well ..." Le Le did not want to cheat William Feather. "In fact, she really likes me, but I really have a brother and sister."

"I will know." William Figer has a white eye, "she is very beautiful? Is it very charm? Is it better than me??"

"Oh, a little princess that is not all? Is it so unconfirmed?" Le Leizhi pinned her cheek, "Reassured, this world, in addition to my sister, no more than you More beautiful girl. "

"What is." Williafi is anxious, "Do you have a sister than me?"

"Almost, you have a featured." Leisha took her shoulders, the rhetoric, "My sister is Dongfangmei, you are Western Beauty, this is going to be jealous, don't eat vinegar At the generous, Qiao Qing is on your first impression, but it will be directly conveyed to my mother and my sister, where the future wife's aunt can not feel well, you have to see your performance today. "

"Wow, is her influence so big?" Williamfi is a bit nervous, "I really have to show it."

"now it's right……"


The two have just entered the café and encountered someone quarreling. Le Le Lie can listen to Qiao Qing, and he is busy with Williapi to go.

It turned out that Qiao Qing just went to the toilet, accidentally hit an Italian, the man's side of the coffee sprinkled out to scald his hand, so he was airtight, and Qiao Qing apologized, he did not It is necessary to slap Qiao Qing and go to the hospital with him to check, Qiao Qing fire, is a big noisy with him.

"Qiao Qing!" Leizie suddenly rushed into the front of Qiao Qing, asked the Italians in English, "Mr., this is my friend, what can be said to me directly."

"She hit me, let me scalled my hand, I asked her to send me to the hospital for examination, but she did not want to go, clearly shirking responsibility." The Italian said angry.

"Half cup of coffee, can you have more hot? You are clearly looking for it." Qiao Qing is not a water-saving lamp, will not be easily knocked.

"I wound others and dare to say this kind of wind, I see you is looking for." The man is looking for Qiao Qing.

Le Le immediately blocked his fist, and he dreamed: "Dare to hit my friend, when I am transparent?"

"You want to bully less?" "The Italian exaggerated yelling," Everyone is coming, these Chinese people have bullied me, burns, people are not responsible, I still want to find me. , Is your Chinese do not have quality ??? I want to tell you ... "

"Since you think we bully you, it is better to call it." Williafei is cold, "let the police have hosted fairness, if your hand is really burned, how much we have lost, if not, then you have to get Apologize with my friend. "

Said, Williapi took out the phone call alarm ...

"No." The Italian is changing, "I have to board the plane in the afternoon, how can I wait for the police? You pay for me, I will go to the hospital yourself."

"How much do you want?" Le Le took out the wallet, he just wanted to solve the problem early, his time is not much.

"Wait ..." Williafei stopped Le Le, sharp staring at the Italian, "We can't let you go to the hospital for examination, what do your hand is serious? What should I do if your hand is serious? That is not a little money to rule Ok. This way, we still alarm, let the police take you to check, how much is the loss, we have no two words. "

"I have said that I will pay some money, why do you want to be entangled? Do you want to find trouble?" The Italian angry.

"I look at the trouble people?" Williafei ridiculously laughed, "You have been with your right hand, look, it seems that it is because of injury, in fact, when you just lift the punch, I It has already been clear, your hand is not a matter, you are clearly extorted. "

When I heard this sentence, the person's face changed, and my eyes became flustered: "You don't tell you, I don't talk to you, count me bad luck."

Then he hurriedly left ...

"It seems that it is really guess." Leishao called for a sigh of relief, "I wanted to solve the problem early, I ignored this, fortunately, you found it in time."

"Although we don't lack of money, you can't let these laws and sons are organic. They have to be a time, and I will be extorted in the future." Williafei said, "Let your wallet get together. Let's find it. Sit down! "She looked at Qiao Qing," Yes, Qiao Qing's sister, I haven't introduced myself, my name is Williafei! I am very glad to meet you. "

Qiao Qing looks deeply William Feier. This girl looks only the age of 178, which is like a delicate flower, noble and elegant, and the spirit, it seems so weak, but dealing with things It is no wonder that Leles will like her. .

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