Listening to these words that Mother said, Williafi's mood became more heavy. In fact, she thought before, she didn't want to believe, always love her grandmother will treat her as a victim, now she has to accept it. reality……

But this realistic is too cruel, if you can, she really wants to continue to make it. .

"Fili, grievances." Sophia gently touched Williafei's long hair, "I will last for a long time, but in any case, Mommy will protect you, always be dominated by you!!! "

"Thank you Mommy." Williafei took Sophifier, and only mother, always standing on this side ...

"I know that I will be separated, so I am reluctant?" Austin's voice came, let Williafei's body shock, she looked back at him, and her eyes were abhorrent, "What do you have to do?" "

"Mrs.!" Austin said to Sophor Madame, "You have been so anxious, I haven't come to tell you, I have already shown it with the Queen, let Fife live in my home, this, we are also convenient to discuss William Earl 's case.

"I don't agree." Sophor responded very fierce, "You and Feier's things have not yet been determined, how can I let her live in your home ?? We have a villa in Paris, what is going on, can be discussed at any time."

"It is." William Figer is angry with Austin, "You don't take my grandmother to press me, I am not let you play."

"How is it so difficult ?? I also follow the will of Queen." Austin smiled at her, "I have limited time a day, I don't have time to spend your own villa, you discuss your father's business, if you don't Living in my house, I am afraid I will delay a big thing because of the time is not enough, let alone, your father is sinful, you are not too safe in Paris, live in my house, I can protect you. "

"Less less talking to me, anyway, I will not live in your home." Williafi didn't want to talk to him.

"Really don't want?" Austin picked her eyebrows.

"I don't want to kill me." William Feather's attitude is very resolute.

"That's okay." Austin nodded, "I lived in your home."


"Barton, pack your bag, move my usual things to Williator's villa." Austin directly paused.


"Madam, bothering." Austin rushed to Sophora, walking straight to the side of the car.

"Austin, who allows you to live in my house? I don't agree." Williafei yells behind it.

"Fili ..." Sophie took her, "Forget it, don't make it with him, pass to your queen, and have to have a branch. The most important thing is that let him live in our home, always better than you It's much better to live in his home, there is Mommy, will not let him bully you. "

Williapi is thinking about it, it is no longer opposed.

"I am going to get on the bus, go home together." Austin shouted on the car.

Williamfi was bored with him, holding the arm of Sophia, now, now she will only hope to rescue his father soon, get rid of this pleasant, then go back to find Leizie. .

But the fact far doesn't have the smoothness of her imagination ...


The car is rushing, Austin's mobile phone rang, he answers the phone, the dignified report: "The Duke adult, the Leizie is now flying to Paris, probably arrive at Paris nine tonight."

"Oh!" Austin sneered, "It's really an infatuation, even chasing France, he really thought that the Lei Jia was in China, and it was able to cross the power in France. He didn't know the height thick."

"Histone, what do you do now? Is it condemned him back?" Asked in the department, "Last Lei Zhen Ting will condemn you to the country, so that you have been so big, this time we must come back, do you want to come back? Find some media to promote it, make things big? "

"So you can only be the next person, some ideas can be able to get it." Austin disdain, "people come here, how are guests, we should do their best, look at people."

"Ah?" That is heard, and does not understand why the Duke of Austin, which is always the news, why is it generous.

"Since he can find France from Hong Kong, it proves that he can give up to Feier. Even if he condemns him back, he will find a way to come to her, so they will be two, will always have us When you can't live, Feier is now exclusive for me. If you see the little child again, you will definitely resist me more, and it is better to solve problems with him for a long time.

"The Ducian adult, you mean ..."

"I want him to have no return !!!"

I heard this sentence, I shocked it, and the followers were frightened, hurriedly reminded: "The owner, you can think clearly, Le Le is the son of Lei Zhen Ting, you want to move him, Lei Zhen Ting affirm Will not let it, this matter is big, the consequences are unimaginable ... "

"Austin!" Austin interrupted the person coldly, "Don't I impeach the drums, tell others, is that I killed the Leigh? This kind of thing, I can do it."


"Here is France, I want to cover some facts, I have no problem, when I will doubt me, I have no evidence."

Austin Yinssen's laughter, secretly calculation plan, those who don't dare to say anything, anything, there is anything, they do, they can only take them. .


France time nine o'clock.

The passenger plane from Hong Kong to Paris finally landed, Leizie came down from the plane, and there was no baggage. Fortunately, he took the international general gold card in advance, first took some money on the airport counter, then found nearby The five-star hotel is temporarily restored.

However, when he handled his hand, it was found that someone stared at him in the dark. He went to the elevator, and those people went up from another elevator.

Leigh Brow, Who is these people? He just arrived in Paris, it was told that these people have long known that he comes to Paris, is it Austin?

should be.

In addition to Austin, Leles no other enemy.

However, these people were found so soon, they were obviously not a master. Le Lee didn't put them in the eyes, entered the hotel's business room, first took a bath, then called some eating, call notification Room service let them come to take his clothes to dry cleaning, and finally beautiful sleep ...

Leizie used to be a policeman. Later, he had done a criminal investigation in the army. He is very clear. Some things are in a hurry, and do things must have an order, so that you can achieve the expected results.

It is a bit moving outside, Leisi knows that the person who tracks him has not yet, he can't worry, it is not anxious, if those people drive, he can solve the problem soon.

Due to these small characters, it is completely unverified.

However, Leles turned on the opposite side, could not fall asleep at all, I don't know what Philippine is doing now? Have she missing him? Should she return to her home? Is there no Austin? ?

Thinking of these, Leles' mood is very heavy, take out the mobile phone again, still there is no news, she even has a text message, but she really didn't think about giving him an allegation? Is the fact like she said on the phone? She has never liked him, just deceiving his feelings ...

No, he does not believe that this is the fact.


In the middle of the night, I finally didn't have a movement, Le Leidu took the mobile phone to the bathroom, called a friend who had never contacted him, and the friend graduated from the police school. When the two-year police, I sent people to France, now Opened a private detective agency.

The phone is connected, and a surprise sound came: "Le Leo? Is you?"

"Of course, I can, who can still?" Le Leidu smiled, "You know, my mobile phone number is constant thousand years, and others will not use my mobile phone."

"It's rare." The voice was excited, "I haven't seen it for two years, you have rarely call me, but I have added a lot of trouble to you. If you have lost your help, I can find it. That criminal, the case brought me a lot of benefits, not only earned hundreds of thousands of dollars, but also gave me the name of my detective agency. "

"The worker of the dog, and we are friends, it is what to help each other."

"To be right, so do you have anything else to tell me, don't be polite."

"I will not be polite with you, this is not something to find you."

"Really? Too good." The voice is jealous, "I thought that the inefficientened Thunder will never find me to help, so I have to owe you the big man in this life, I didn't expect it to act now. Have the opportunity to be, this is also a big holiday for me, I have to be happy, hahaha ... "

"You are a small child, do you want to be so exaggerated."

"This is not exaggerated, it is my lungs, hurry to talk about it, what do you need to help ?? I went to the soup fire, don't speak."

"You don't need you to go to the fire, I just want you to help me find someone."

"Who is worthy of our thunder, I'm looking for? Will it be a beauty?"

"It is indeed a girl, she is William Feier, the granddaughter of the French Queen!"

I heard this sentence, I was stunned, I went back to God for a while, "Le Le, you, know this girl?"

"Well, she is me ... very important people, in short, you can help me find her, other things I will do, things are urgent, so I will find you to help, please !!"

"You are looking for me, I must do it, but I am curious, what is your relationship with her? Can you say?"

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