"I don't know." He said strongly.

"Small black ghost, toasting, don't eat a fine wine." The black man instantly became a face, "I will find someone to find someone, and your family is finished."

Said, he did a gesture, and he immediately rushed in and looking for someone ...

Several followed by a family of Bach in the yard, Bach and his wife are flustered, only Xiao Hiz is very calm, it seems to be completely unfair.

I have been searching for more than half an hour, I have come out, I am eager to say: "Big Brother, didn't see the surname."

"What?" The head of the head is very surprised. "How is it possible, clearly received the newspaper reporting people here, do you find a clear?"

"There are more than 20 square meters here, such a small place, at a glance, we have opened the cabinets, really don't."

"You are staring here, I will go."

The headed black man rushed into the room to search, but he didn't find someone, but he found that there was a bloody medical gauze in the trash can. It was obvious that Leles was in the case, just in them. I slipped away.

The black man found that there is still a back door here. Leles must have escaped from there. He immediately chased it in a large number of people: "Fast, Le Lee is hurt, must not escape, we must take him back See the Duchess. "



There are two people who stay in the yard to guard Bach family, one of them pointed at Herbs: "Stinky boy, actually dare to let go of Leigh, do you know what consequences?"

"I don't know what the consequences." He is coldly eye-catching, "But I know, if you still don't let go of me, the consequences will be very serious."

"Little age, dare to be so arrogant, see that I don't smash your mouth." The black man went to Xiao Hand.

"Don't ..." Xiao Hizi's mother is screaming, Bach is also anxious, look at the gun, it is going to hit the small Herbs, just in this thousand and one, a strong and powerful hand I lived in that person, Bach looked up, shocked, "Le Le?"

"You ..." The black man is about to talk, Le Leizi has attracted the past, he immediately fell on the ground.

Another black man shotgilly avoided Le Le, Leizie's eyes, reached out to win his gun, and the pricky was seriously injured, the strength is limited, the black and people are deadly entangled, the situation is very critical, Bach is hurry Take over the past, this is that the black man is dizzy.

Leles' wound cracks, is slowly filled with blood, and look at it again, Xiao Hui quickly supported him: "How are you?"

"Nothing, we have to hurry away."

Leles' voice is very weak. In fact, he did not go at all. He knew that he was seriously injured, and he couldn't escape. If he left, Xiao Hiji family is dangerous, he knows, the most dangerous place It is the safest place, so before those black people come in, he escaped in an abandoned cabinet in the yard, witnessed everything, just waiting for a large number of black people to be opened, then come out again Save a small positive family.

"I am helping you." Bach pushed Leigh, turned back to Xiao Hizi, "push your mommy."


A group rushed from the front door, got a kilometer, did not encounter a taxi, Leizie has been panting, it is necessary to jump, the blood seepted in the wound has been dyed.

"Stop and take a break." Bach stopped, "I went to the station again and insisted."

"Still?" Leigh Lead, "Is there only buse here?"

"Here is a slum, from the black people who have fled from the United States, there is no taxi to come here, the bus is not much." Bach said, "Wait," We have to ask the driver, let them drive as soon as possible. Otherwise it is to be chased by those people. "

"Shit." Lefieji's wrinkles, "It's too late."

"Why?" Bach questioned.

"They have already chased it." Le Leng looked at the distance, although there was no more shadow, but he had heard the car. "You will go, people who want to catch it is me, I can't let you have something."

"No, we can't throw you." Xiao Hui immediately said, "I have to go together."

"Yes." Bach also nodded, "all have already fled here, how can we throw you a person? We hurry."


"Don't be, let's go, you can't get it."

Bach helps Le Le continue to hurry ...

Leizie had to flee them together, but there is not long after running. The black man is chasing it. They have opened a cross-ride, and the Lereie is another wounded and disabled. It is impossible to fight.


A bullet shot from the side, almost hit the Bach, Bakh Waitsu, the footsteps, fearless and uneasy: "You, you don't want to mess, here is very close to the station, there is police patrol."

"Your family is really a long-distance, actually dare to run away with Leles? Do you know who you don't know?" "The leader of the black dress is very fresh," I really let me send you today. Lower hell. "

Said, those who follow the guns aimed at Bach family ...

"Stop !!!" Leisha immediately protects them, "Your goal is me, don't kill innocent."

"You also know that our goal is you? If you really have so good, you should not let them run away." The black jacket is sneered, "said nonsense, it is not China, it is France, no cover you. You came over, he went back to see the Dukener, we can still let go of the family, otherwise they will die because of you. "

"Okay, I will go with you." Leigh went over the wound.

"Don't ..." Xiao Hero pulled Leigh.

"I won't have anything." Leizie lightly careped his hair, "Oblishes, standing next to you, pay attention to safety."

Xiaodi's tears fell down, looked at him sad.

"Heping, come over." Bach will pull Herde to herself, and he said to Leizie. "Sorry, save you."

"You have helped me, I can't let you have anything." Le Lee deeply looked at Bach and looked up to those black people.

The black man held a gun aimed at Le Le, for fear that he played a trick, last time in Hong Kong, they have seen his skills, now no one dares to neglect ...

Finally, Leles came over, and the black man immediately held him, regardless of his wound, twisting his hands behind, then press him on the wall, searching for weapons on him.

At the same time, the head of the headed blackman took this to the mobile phone to spread this to the Austine and Williapi-Philippine, Williapi is so disappointing, excited roaring: "Let him go, Let you let him - "

Unfortunately, the mobile phone did not open hands, Leizie did not see Williafei's voice, he did not even pay attention to the move of black people.

"Big Brother, there is no weapon." Blackman reported.

"I look at how you can come." The head of the black man walked over, and the Le Le is a few punches, Leizie is hitting blood, standing with his teeth, "The dog is moving, waiting." "

"Ha!" The black man is laughing, "How? Do you think you can still go back? Even if I will kill you today, I don't need any responsibility."

"There is a kind of you will shoot." Le Leng did not fear.

"Reassured, we will not kill you now, you have to play your life slowly." The head of the head is acknowledged, "But this family can no longer stay again."

He is aiming at Bah, "Don't blame me, weird blame, you are too embarrassed, I like more and more, I know too much, I have to kill you !!!"

"Don't ..." Bach's wife was frightened, Bach took his wife and Xiaoz to the body.

"You don't say, as long as I come over, will you kill them?" Leighful screamed.

"If the enemy said, you also believe it? You can only say that you are so true." The head of the black man directly buckled the board machine.

"Stop." Leizan wanted to protect the family of Bach, but four black people took him, no matter how he struggled, he could not break free. "Let me go, let me go -"

"Go to death -" Black man is ready to shoot.

"Hey !!!" A gun ring, Le Lee's heart is almost stopped, he is horrified to open his eyes, but I thought Bach was killed, but when he saw it, Bach is still good at station, falling The next is the black man ...

"Hey," At this time, a gun sounded, very fast, the scene was messy, Leizie quickly reacted, push the black man when chaotic, regardless of everything, protect Bach A family hides behind the nearby wall ...

"These are not the police, who is they?" Bahh panicked.

Lei Lie is clear, happy: "It is my person."

"You ... Who is it?" Bach vaguely felt that Leizie is not an ordinary person.

"Reassure, I am a good person, I will definitely protect your own security." Lerevan vowed the promise.

"I believe you." Xiao Bach worships Lie, he doesn't know, his fate will change because of saving this person, in the future, he will not live in the slum, and will not live in a poor Life, he will become the masters of this city ...


Zhuo Air and Liu Kang came in time to save Leizie. The black people fled and fled. The Williapi, who was the phone, heard the voice, could not help but mad: "Leager is nothing, I know that he will not have something. of."

"There is this !!!" Austin is so angry, "This is a waste, it is really useless !!!"

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