When I heard Austin, William was ignited a blazing flame in his heart. She really thought that the face of so many people revealed the true face of Aust Ting, but now, Leizie and Zhuo Airlines, and Williapi The parents' life, all held in his hand, she did not dare to act rashly. .

Even if you don't want to be your heart, she can't sin him. Instead, I have to work with him, first keep Leizan's life.

Anyway, just announce the news first, not getting married immediately, she still has time to grind him ...

Thinking of this, Williafi's lips raised a touch of light, followed by Austin, she didn't want to have a long suffering here, so I took the microphone announced: "Austin said It's true, I agree to marry him !!! "

This sentence just said, the scene was stunned, everyone was shocked, the media presented to Williafei took pictures, all kinds of questioning the details of the wedding ...

The dazzling flash is stab that William Feier's eyes, William Feather opens his face, turn around ...

"Fili!" Austin looted her, "I will wait ..."

"I have already said, what do you want ??" Williafei is cold and cold, whispered, "I warned you, if you don't press Relationship, Leizie and I am," I even It is dead, and will not marry you. "

"At this time, don't mention this unhappy thing ..." Austin intimately licking William Feier's waist, forcing her to the media, whispered, "Laugh one, happy!!"

Williamfi smiled at all, and he wanted to earn him. He said in her ear. "You don't want Leigh to be shot?"

"You ..." Williafi's bite his teeth stretched him, hate him, and Austin knew that her temper was stubborn, even if she was reluctant, she also laughed, so I didn't force her, he didn't worry about her. Face, deeply kissed her ...

"Oh ..." Williafei's horror smashed his eyes, struggling, but Austin's hands were strong, she was unable to break away ...


On the car, Liu Kang took Leizie to dress up the wound, comfortable: "Don't think about it, there must be a road before the mountain, we can always think of the way."

"Open car TV to see, do we have news." Zhuo Air suddenly proposed.

"Okay." Soldiers opened the car TV, the TV is just putting news, the lens is in a luxurious hall, all the stars are bright, and hundreds of media reporters surround the pair of kisses, they rushed to take a photo ...

"This, this is not that ..." Liu Kang saw his eyes straight, and the tongue said that he could not tell.

"I didn't look at it, I didn't look," Zhuohang said.

The soldier is preparing to turn off the TV. The brightener in the TV said: "William's princess announced that the Duke of Austin, broke the two not talking ..."

Leizie's shock, looked at it, his eyes were great, and the heart jumped, almost all stopped.

Austin holds William's face, affectionate kisses, and William Figer is like a soft bird in his arms, can't move, and there is no signs of resistance. .

Leizie remembered that he kissed with William, she was ashamed like a flower, so that he loves it, but now she is a tenderness in another man. .

He can't believe his eyes, this is true? ? ?

She really decided to marry Austine? ? No, it is impossible, absolutely impossible, she is threatened, must be threatened. .

For a long time, Austin finally looked away Williapi, but also held her face, with her forehead, affectionate kissed her lips, the lingering feeling, it looked like it is A couple who loves to deep, can't see any signs of reluctance.

Leigh's hands grasp into a punch, and the body's blood vessels are almost rushing.


Williamfi hatefully pushed Austine, but his hand took her waist, she couldn't open it, surrounded by flash, take it on her face, her expression could not realize in TV lens. In vain, she is struggling in the eyes of the audience, just like a means that wants to refuse to welcome.

"My people have chased Leles, I don't want him to die, I will obey."

Austin said this sentence in Williapi's ear, finally letting her, do a gesture, send a big bundle of purple roses from immediately, there is a delicate ring box, he holds the ring single knee She looked at her in front of her: "Feiier, marry me, I will let you be happy !!!"

Williamfi wrinkled, without any response, she didn't want to promise him, she would like to say to people around the world, she doesn't love him, she loves people Lead, but she knows, she can't do it, do it. It will be harmful ...


"I don't look, I'm close." Zhuo Airlined looked at Le Lee and prepared to reach the TV.

"Do not gather." Le Lee bite his teeth, his eyes stared at the TV screen, and he didn't blink. The wound on his body was broken again. The blood could not live out, but he didn't know, Burning the bears, let him fire in anger ...

He didn't understand, did not understand, he took the danger of life, even tired so many brothers and friends, ran to France to find her, he clearly heard her screaming in the phone, she didn't love Austin at all. , But now why should I promise to marry him? ? ? why? ? ?


"Marry him, marry him, marry him !!!!"

There is a deafening shout, everyone is in the heart, let Williafi marry Austin, Williafei is a temporary, she really wants to leave here, leave this hypocritical world, but she knows, Once she is now, many people will be implicated.

How to do?

"Fili, I know, you won't let me down." Austin still gazing her, "our parents, relatives, friends, are watching us !!!"

He is reminding her, her parents, relatives, and friends' lives are held in his hand ...

Williapi did a deep breath, only a firm belief in his eyes, she can't let them have something, absolutely can't.

"I am willing !!!" Williafei finally said this sentence, although the sound is small, but it is also spread to each angle of the landing microphone, and also through the live camera to the TV, and ... ... Leigh! ! !

Leizie closed his eyes, desperate and sorrow, this moment, he felt that everything he did was wrong, he shouldn't move with her, it shouldn't take it to France to find him, nothing should ... ...

She is not worth it.

"Le Le, do you don't like this, maybe Feiier is forced." Zhuo Airlined moved.

"Good one is forced ..." Le Leishi is bitter, "Just believe she is forced, so even if she told me in the phone, I still have a rushing channel; Because she is forced, I don't care about my father's order, I don't care what I came to France ... I have an accident, I saw her driving to the hotel. I would like to know, she knows that I am coming to France. Since you know, why also promise to marry Austin ????

"Maybe, she is thinking about your comfort." Zhuo Airlines pursued the road. "Maybe Austine threatened her?"

"I am not in the hands of Austin, there is any good threat?" "Le Lee excited anger," Even if she is really forced, it is also to save her unscrupulous father, simply Not for me, yet, she thinks that I am a person, no ability to help her, so I will marry the Austine without hesitation. In her eyes, I am not worthy of she is worthy of her. Waiting, not worthy of her point risk, not worthy of her trust !!!! "

"Hey ..." Zhuo Air came to a sigh of relief, I don't know what to say.

"Le Le, don't be angry." Liu Kang said, "I am a rough, I don't know how to comfort you, tell the truth, I will not optimize this Williafifei from the beginning, she is with you, fundamental Just to hide in Austine, then I want to use you to save her father, you know how much time you know, how do you know how she is? Can you have a woman in Austin? It's just two people. If you have a trip, you will find you ... "

"Liu Kang, don't say it." Zhuohang interrupted Liu Kang's words, annoyance, "How do you do it in this ignition? Is it not chaos?"

"Well, I shut up." Liu Kang didn't talk.

Leizie smiled coldly: "In fact, Liu Kang said, maybe from the beginning, she didn't like me, she just want to find a hawkwar ..."

"Le Le, Feiier is not such a person." Zhuohang advised, "" Maybe she really has a bitterness. "

"Casual." Leigh raised his hand and frustrated, "I don't want to pay back these things, for her, I have exhausted my heart, I have been tired of you, I have been tired of Bach family, it is really not worth it. She wants to marry people, let her marry, now I should do it, it is to settle the family of Bach, and then leave you safely. "

"Yes, this is what a man should say." Liu Kang loudly said, "Le Le, men's husband, should be heavy in the future, women are just second, let alone this is still an unreasonable woman, you don't want her anymore Sad."

"No ..." Leigh smiled and looked up at the TV screen, "no longer .."

Austin puts on the proposal ring for William, and then hugs her, Leizie can't see William Feather's expression, but his heart is already broken ...

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