"I brought the wedding dress. This is the custom of Aust Tint. You look at it doesn't like it." Mrs. Kön pointed at the side of the model hanger.

"It's good." Williafei took a look and didn't put it at all.

Mrs. Könie saw her so indifferent, and the heart was very uncomfortable, but today is a key day, waiting for Williapi to marry their house, then slowly collect her.


"Eat breakfast." Sophifier put the last fruit salad to the table.

Williamfi also sat on the table and looked at the rich breakfast. She didn't appear, but she told himself that she had to eat, so that they have to deal with those people, those things ...

Mrs. Cove saw that Williafi was so cooperated today, no noisy, no trouble, my heart is secret, she probably knowing that she has not retreatable, so she has become so good, no matter how, today's wedding It can be well carried out, and I know a wish of Austine. .

William Feather is very hard to eat breakfast, but it has not eaten, doctors to give her a scar on the neck, change the medicine, and reboot.

Mrs. Könni frowned: "How to wear a wedding dress in this way, how can you wear a wedding dress?"

The Sophia is very unhappy, after all, the mother of others, I don't feel her daughter at all. I saw that Feier was injured. The first time I thought about wearing a wedding dress is not beautiful. I don't think that the Feier pain does not hurt. Strict is not serious.

"Okay." Jim doctor handled the wounds, and the William of William said. "The wound can't encounter the water, eat things can only eat light food, don't have big actions."

"Is this wound serious? When can I be good?" Sophied.

"The thorn is not very deep, it is not serious, but because of the neck, it is more careful. If you change the medicine on time, it is good to maintain it, it is not a big problem for about a week, but it will leave a scar. Dr. Jim said.

"It's okay." Sophored was relieved. "After the scars can be eliminated, the key is to be healthy."

"Not so serious, the lady please rest assured." Jim doctor comforted.

"That's good." Sophored, "You go upstairs to check with me, I have a lot of injuries, especially the waist, hurt, I have given him a medication last night, He has improved slightly, it seems to be made in the morning. "

"The sick of the Earl of adults has to be treated slowly, and you can't break up." Dr. Jim packed the medicine box. "Let's take a look."

"I will take you." Sophie stood up and said to Williapi, "Fei, you also go to the building together."

"What is resting? Every nine o'clock, waiting for the next Austin to come to pick up, now change the dress makeup." Mrs. Könny said.

"Is there a hurt in Feier, is it so anxious?" Sophie is really reluctant.

"How is this hast?" Mrs. Könny said coldly, "10 o'clock received people, I can go to the church, do it, I will hold a ceremony on time, these procedures are prior arrangement Ok, you are delaying the time now, and the procedures behind are all to be changed ... "


"Mommy!" Williafi interrupted the words of Sophia, "Forget it, anyway, avoid it, don't care about it, you can take care of your clothes."

"It's still a lot of love." Mrs. Kön said.

Sophored is full of hardship, but Williafi said, she is not good again, but she has to compromise: "Well, when you change clothes, don't get wound, if there is any discomfort I will stop immediately. "

"Know it." William Feier sent her mother to leave, thinking, if she is really away today, will the Austin home will not deal with Mummy? Mommy pays everything for me, is laborious, what can I do if I have encountered anything? ?

"Fili, you should go to the clothes." Mrs. Kirie reminded, "Is it possible to arrange your own makeup?"

"What makeup room?" Williafei asked, "Is it not in my room?"

"No, you don't have a specialized makeup room?" Mrs. Könie wrinkled, "Even if there is usually, it should be arranged in the special period. How is your Mommy to do things?"

"Mrs. Könie!" Williafi interrupted her words, said coldly, "Our family is not so paying attention, just make up makeup, which room can not be chemical? Why do you have to pack a room? Also, please You are polite, don't move, you don't want to criticize my mom, you don't have that power. "

"You ..." Lady's face is very ugly, but it still takes this breath. "Today, I don't quarrel with you, wait for you to enter the door, I will slow education again."

"Oh!" Williafei smiled coldly, thought, you didn't have the opportunity.

"What is it? What is it? Please come to a white meal? Not will not give the princess His Royal Highness." Mrs. Kiri sprinkled the makeup artist and clothing.

They are very uncomfortable, but they have soft hand, they have to say good words: "The princess is, please!"

William Figer got up to go upstairs: "I went to my room, I have worked hard."

"Okay." Makeup artists think that William Feather is much better than Mrs. Könny, at least people will not be so arrogant.


Leizie and Zhuo Airlines came to the airport smoothly, Wang Kai was responsible for handling them, and a group is waiting for the VIP.

Xiao Bach excited: "I am so big, or the first time I came to the airport, I didn't have a plane."

"I can try it this time." Leager smiled at him, "I went to the United States, I will give you a new residence and work, but also to arrange schools, you have to study, know? "

"Well." Xiao Bacchi nodded, "Thank you, Uncle!"

"Leigh, thank you, if you don't meet you, our lives of our family will never change." Herd mother said, "Bach is eight years old, there is no to learn, if you can and others Like the child, I will be very good. "

"Don't worry, I will arrange it." Leisha smiled.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? It seems that you are not happy." Xiao Hi is paying attention to his father.

"Yeah, Bach, big brother, do you have any feelings?" Leisheng asked.

"Hey ..." Bach sighed, and dignified, "In fact, we have originally Americans. In the past, he fled to France. After I was afraid, I will be found by the previous Qilist ... "

"Case?" Leizie is some accident, "What is your law?"

"I am awkward, I really didn't make a law." Bach is anxious to explain -

"I have been working hard in San Francisco. Later, I was staring at a group of poisonous dealers. We would help them, we refused, they would fight us to die, but also grasp our family, we are forced Since helpless, I have to promise them.

They put drugs in us, let us decide, but they have been discovered by the police in the middle. The poisonous traffickers have a gun battle with the police. I died a lot. I took the opportunity to escape, saved my wife, left the United States, come together France settled, my wife was injured in that incident, and the legs became disabled. "

"It turned out to be like this ..." Leisi nodded, "I wanted to buy a set of houses before, let you do a little business, now it seems that it is not safe. If you encounter those people, I will trouble."

"Yeah." Bach is very worried, "those are dead, I don't dare to provoke them, and I don't have that ability, before you say that we brought us to China, I am quite happy, although the language is not But at least. "

"In this case, then you will return to Hong Kong with Zhuo Airlines." Leizan said, "I have a lot of houses in Hong Kong. You will pick a first, wait for me to go in the United States, I will go back. You, give you a job and school. "

"It is also." Bachlian todped.

"Don't worry, you saved me, I will definitely be responsible for you." Leles patted Bach's shoulders.

"Thank you, you are a good person." Bach is very grateful.

"Oh ..." Leigh smiled.

"Wang Kai, how?" Liu Kang's voice came, Leizie turned his head, Wang Kai, his face came, anxiously, "I booked a special plane was forced to cancel, saying is aviation control, today can't arrangement."

"How can this be?" Liu Kang asked.

"Have you asked the passenger plane? Now booking, passengers go back." Zhuo Airlines said.

"Ask." Wang Kai said, "I am also preparing to buy tickets, but they say that Leizie and Bach have problems, do not sell to us, I will call the airport police, I am afraid If you have a lot, come over and discuss you. "

"Our documents have no problems, although they have never used it, they are all in the formal unit." Bach is eager to say, "I thought before, which day, the bad guys were caught, I took my wife and children. Going home, so I have made your passport soon. "

"They have to find excuses, how do you say that there is no problem, and my documents are more no problem. They must see my documents and say that you have problems." Leager is angry, "must be a ghost that Austin , Secretly command the airline, do not let us go out. "

"It should be, otherwise it will not be so clever." Zhuoa wrinkled, "Now it is 9:00, I am estimated that Austin is going to wait for him and Fei's wedding."

"Shit !!!" Leigh is angry, with his fist, smashed the wall next to it.

"What should I do now?" Liu Kang did not show, "Is the wedding completed normal?"

Zhuo Air made a look, indicating that he didn't say this.

Liu Kang was busy with his mouth.

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