All the beautiful memories of all beautiful memories are all in the cloud, and they will not return ...

Austin's change makes William Philippine can't avoid it, she is increasingly annoying him, more and more afraid of him.

He chased, she fled and farther ...

He doesn't understand why this is why, it always said that she changed, changed.

Maybe he still didn't understand it now, why did she change it, why hate him? Why do you have a small and beautiful emotion?

Unfortunately, he never looking for the reason, so he became more and more biased, even in order to get her, no means. .

All of this, thinking about it, it is very heavy, like a thousand pound of boulders, it is necessary to breathe, and she sighs a sigh of relief, praying in my heart, I hope that I hope that Austin does not have something.

Even if she really wants to get rid of him, she doesn't want him to die ...

In fact, his nature is not so bad, in the final analysis, he is just a victim of the family. .


In the past half an hour, Leles felt a long time like a century in the past, he kept urban car driver quickly, hurry, hurry.

He wants to fly around William, protect her, take her.

But at the same time, he was very worried that she was as forced to leave like this last night ...


Time is a little late, everyone hanging a heart, anxiously waiting.

Finally, the door of the emergency room opened, the doctor came out.

"Doctor, how?" Edward, Mrs. Könie, Mrs. Sophored welcomed the past.

William does not take close, but far looking at the doctor, waiting for his results.

The doctor took the mask and the unaware of the matter: "The Duke of Austin has already traveled the dangerous period."

"Ah, it is great." Mrs. Cove was very happy, "Great, great ..."

Everyone is relieved, Williapi's lips also raise shallow radians, nothing, it's okay, otherwise, she will not be peaceful for a lifetime.

Sophia gently patted his heart. When the doctor came out, her heart was about to jump out, but fortunately, the Mustin is fine, otherwise she really don't know what to do.

"Immediately dispatch the best doctor, treat my son with the best medicine." Edward told me, "Also, all the patients of this hospital, only treat my son a person, one person ..."

"To the right, our home has only this single seedlings, don't let him leave any sequelae." Mrs. Könie said, "You ask some people to take care of him ..."

Sophie retired, pulling Williafi, said that the Mrs. Könie said: "William Feather, you give me here, wherever you wake, wait for the first eyes, the first eye I have to see you. "

"Yes." Edward Command, "From now on, you live in the hospital until Austin is completely recovered."


"We know." Sophia interrupted Williafei's words, only Ino said, "Feier will stay to take care of Austin, but I have to take her back to take a shower, unload makeup, replace Clothes, you have to pay with your home. "

"Those things are going to do, she can't go, I will arrange a ward to live here." Mrs. Köni pointed to Williafi, "You come over !!!"

"I went to the bathroom." Williafi did not pay attention to Mrs. Cönie and walked straight into the toilet.

"You, don't listen to me?" Mrs. Kiri was angry.

"She wants to go to the bathroom, what are you doing?" Sophia is very angry, rushing to Williapi.

"There is this reason, this for the mother and daughter are not cleaned up." Mrs. Könny bite his teeth. "If you are afraid to wake Austine, I must give them a little color."

"Okay." Edward is not frowned, "Here is the operating room, quiet."

Mrs. Cönen glared him and didn't talk.


Sophifer came to the bathroom, Williafei was standing in front of the washing station, pale, eyes, no light ...

"Fili!" Sophie came over and comforted. "Mrs. Könie is the kind of virtue, don't pay attention to her."

William Fei is eye-catching, sad saying: "I as she fart, what she said, I really don't care, just ... I think I am so sad, life is not self-owned, let others arrange, maybe this life It's been doing this, there will never have any changes in the future, I will live in this people who are bored in this life, can't be relieved before death. "

"You don't want to be so pessimistic ..." Sophorians were comforting William Feier a few words, the mobile phone in the pocket suddenly shocked, she took out, just that number, she likes to answer the phone, and send mobile phone Give Williapi, then look for it, see if there is any other person ...

"Who's phone?" Williafei took the phone and asked.

"Fili, Feier ..." came from Leigh's voice in the phone, and Williafei shouted, "Le Le !!!!"

"Hey -" Sophia quickly became a gesture, showing her small voice point, "Philippine, the toilet is no one, but it is difficult to protect the outside, you go into the toilet, I am here to give you here."

"Well." Williafi nodded, took the mobile phone into the toilet, hidden with his hand, whispered, "Leigh, really you? You haven't gone yet?"

"You are rushing me ..." Le Lee low, "Do you really hate me?"

"No, no ..." William Feather swells to say no.

Le Lee's emotions were also excited, sucking a breath, heard the sorrow, whispering: "My friend bought me two o'clock tickets, I could go, but I knew Austin I have an accident, I am afraid that his family is unfavorable to you, so come back to find you. "

"Thank you, thank you, didn't give up me ..." William Fei is touched to tears.

"I have fell in love with you, how can I say that I will give up?" Leizie's voice is slightly dumb, "it is you, it is really free, say no, don't but I don't want me."

"No, I don't want to ..." Williafi bites the lower lips and cries.

"Forget it, don't talk about these sad things." Leager transfer the topic, "Now the result came out? Does Astin die?"

"No, he spent the dangerous period." William is answered.

"That's good, should they won't be what it is." Leisong has a breath.

"Le Le, you will go, if you let Alussin know you, you can't get it." William Fei is urgent to urge.

"What about you?" Asked Leisham, "Do you really want to marry Austin?"

"I don't want to marry him ..." Williafei cried, "I just want to marry you, I am thinking of you when I wear a wedding dress, dreaming dreaming to become your bride."

When I heard this sentence, Le Lee's heart was trembled, and her eyes couldn't help it: "Then you will go with me, now there is time, you will go with me."

"I ..." Williafei is about to talk, and the outside of the door is coming, and the Sophia is hurriedly responding. "Who?"

"What is going on? Who is locking?" Is a woman's voice.

Sophor is busy and opens the door, it is a nurse, she asked Ming Ming: "Why do you lock the door?"

"Oh, I am sorry, I want to change clothes." Sophored found an excuse.

"Change clothes to replace it." The nurse is white. "How do you have the door lock here, how do people to wash your hands?"

Sophifiers did not respond, worried about the toilet where William Feier is located ...

Williapi does not dare to talk again, afraid that others have heard it.

"Fili, I know that you are not convenient to talk now." Leilan didn't say, "If you are willing to go with me, you will be two, if you don't want, hang up the phone. I am now downstairs, as long as you You are willing to go with me, I will come up with you, the end of the world, we are together. "

William Fi is can't help but cry, and there is no talk to the lower lips ...

Leizan is anxious, continue to persuade -

"Feier, you don't want to look forward to it, Austin is not dead, his family does not dare to put your mummy, wait until you leave here, I will ask my father to pick you up Mommy China is temporarily rested, in short, I will guarantee their safety, if you continue to stay here, your life can't change ... "

William does not respond, just crying.

"Who is crying?" The nurse is somewhat scared, "this big day, shouldn't it be a haunt?"

"No matter what you have, I have been going out." Sophored said.

The nurses hurriedly solved the problem, washed hands, and ran out ...

Sophia kept the door and walked the door to Williapi, anxiously asked: "Feiier, Le Le is going to take you?"

"Well." Williafi cried nodded, "I am afraid that you are tired and you, if I am gone, they will never let you go."

"You don't worry about it ..." Sophia helped William Fei's shoulders, "You just answer Mummy, you love not Leizie, do you want to go with him?"

"I love him, I want to go with him." Williafei rubbed tears, "But ..."

"Don't be." Sophia pulled her, "I hurry now."

"Mommy ..."

"We will not have anything, Edward family does not dare to put us, you have already released it, they can't give him a conviction! When Mommy is because of the overall situation, I lost the true love, this life Along the regrets, you are gone now, at least this life will not regret, will not regret, otherwise, you will not be willing in this life. "

Sophie took out a small bag from his own bag, "This is your ID and bank card, let's go !!!"

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