"Say it is also." Zhuo Airlines are very sympathetic, "You can understand these reasons, but you have to explain it with people, we will leave, she stays alone in the hotel. "

"I know, I will go find her anyway tonight. You help me talk to her." Leager said, "In addition, you help me buy her mobile phone, so that we contact us."

"OK, I will do it, you can rest assured."

"Thank, go back and return you."

"Roll, keep it with me."


Hanging up the phone, Leizie sighed a sigh of relief, he was really tired, three days and three nights did not sleep, now dizzy, in the mind, the heart is full of things, family, their own things, confusion Such as numb ...

But he knew that he must support it, he is a man, is the top pillar of the home. Now it is the most important thing that the family needs him. He must do their strong backing ...


Blue Qian Yu knows that Leizie has worked hard these days. When you go out to do things, bring Zhao Jun, especially, take a rest at home.

Lei Zhen Ting is also very distressed, saying that cold if the ice is too emotional, he will keep her, let Leizie go to rest.

Leizie was going to see Williafi, and Lei Zhen Ting came again: "I know Zhuo Airlines to go back to China at night, but you don't have to send them, I have already passed the phone with your benefactor. Going to China to visit him, you give me a good sleep now, in the evening, your mother has anything, not let me approach, you still have to come over. "

"Know it." Le Le is very helpless, he doesn't want to make his father in this time, so there is no going to go out, thinking about sleeping now, there is a bit of spirit when I walk out in the middle of the night ...

So I ate something, took a shower, and then went back to the room to rest.

Maybe it's too tired. Le Lee is sleeping until the morning, or is awakened by the phone call ringtone. He touched the phone from the pillow. It is a SMS sent by the new mobile phone ...

"Sorry, maybe I can bother, but I still can't help but want to ask you to sleep?"

Leizie took a look at time, it shouted, and quickly took the mobile phone to go to the bathroom to call Williafei, Williafei quickly received the phone, very cold: "Do you?"

"Sorry, Feier, I have been drying you in the hotel these days, I don't have time to accompany you, I know that you are not happy, but my family is really ..."

"Forget it, you don't have to say, I understand, you continue to be busy, I hang." William said.

"Don't do this, I will come to you now." Leigh said.

"What is it for me?" Williafei's voice was swallowed. "I throw everything follow you to come to the United States, you will be like this, let me dry here, no matter what, don't ask, even the sentence is not, or People Zhuo Airlines accompany me. "

"I know I know, I am also very embarrassed, so I am not saying to come with you now?"

"Do you know what? You don't know anything!" "Williafei is excited," Do you know how much pressure I have to bear? I am safe now, but I am a mummy? They are life? I don't know if I die, have you bullied me by the people in the Austin home, I don't even call them even a call ... "

"Sorry ..." Leizie is very embarrassing, not stopping, "I know, I am not good, don't be angry ..."

"There is also Austine, he is in order to hurt, he didn't know that his injury was better."

"He is a metamorphosis, you are still worried about him?" Leizie suddenly anger, "How did you forget how he treats you? Three turns four times wants to violent you, but also use your parents to force you to follow him marry……"

"Yeah, he is a metamorphosis, but he is really loved, this is much better than you, you don't love me at all." Williafei's emotions also broke out. After a few days, the resentment has been depressed, "I know this, I will not come to the United States with you."

"Then you go back to find that metamorphosis !!!" Leles roaring like thunder.

"Go back back, I will go back now -"

William Fili Hyster's crying, directly put the phone on the ground, sit in the bed, cry ...

"Go to your mother." Le Leng kicked on the wall, he was angry to teeth ...

Two people are sad and crying, and I am burning in an angry, I'm being ignored.

For a long time, William is standing up, go to the cabinet to find clothes and pack your bag, ready to go back to France.

Leisis thought, still couldn't help but rushed out of the phone and wallet. He no longer be like the last time in Hong Kong, no matter what Feiier, no matter how it is, it can no longer happen. .

Even if there is anything, it should be clear.

"Where have you been?" A strict voice came, Lerentton took footpoint, looked back, "Dad! I, I went out, there is a friend, I have to look at it."

Leizie will not lie from small to most, almost never shed lies.

"What friend?" Lei Zhen Ting stared at him sharply.

"Oh, don't ask so much, I will come back, I will come back." Leis turned to go.

"Is Williapi?" Lei Zhen Ting asked straightly, "You bring her to the United States."

Le Le wrinkled, thinking about it, looking back to his father: "It is her, she gave up everything, I came to the United States with me, I have put her in the hotel for four days, I can't wait for her, you said, do people Be responsible. "

"Less to me," Lei Zhen Ting is very angry. "I have taught you to be a responsibility, but that is the right person, not why do you do this. Williafei three turn four times. Download You, and other men have marriage, you will be entangled with her, you can only show you stupid !!! "

Le Le sucked a breath, strong in the heart of anger: "Dad, I don't want to quarrel with you, no matter what, I must go out tonight, what is going on, do we talk about it tomorrow?"

"I can't say it." "Lei Zhen Ting's strength," You now, immediately, immediately return to the room. "

"You really don't want to benefit." Le Le finally fired, no matter so much, turn it away ...

"You stink, give me." Lei Zhen Ting is angry with low, "people ..."

"You call you like this, you will be shocked." Leager looked back to him, "How do you get it at the time?"


"Mom seems to wake up, go to see her." Leisheng ran out, he knew that his father was most careless, as long as the mother moved out, his father did not ......


Leizie opened Blue Qianyu's car straight to Hilton Hotel, in the middle of the way, he worried that Williapi didn't go to the airport because of his breath, so he didn't call her, but how to fight His brow wrinkled, my heart is more anxious, this gimmick will not really leave? ? ?

I thought about it, Leles called the hotel: "Is there a 1109 room William Philippine check out?"

"Which is you?" Room service courtesy.

"I am Le Le, your VIP customers, the rooms are booked in my card." Leishake said.

"Please wait a moment." The room service checked the phone number, confirmed, "Hello, Mr. Ri, Miss Williafei did not check out, but she just mentioned the suitcase, I saw her face is not too Ok, I also asked if she had to help, she didn't care about us. "

"Have she gone?" Leigh was shocked.

"She ..." The room service is about to talk, and the mouth is changed. "She is back, you will wait."

Room service will put on the phone and say hello: "Hello, Miss William, what can I help you?"

"Help me to order the ticket to Paris, it is the fastest." Williafei was ready to go, but I thought that the ticket was not booked, I went to the airport and then booked too late. I am afraid that I am not here, so I am going to be in the hotel. Dublish a ticket.

"Oh, ok." The room service has a phone call and starts to register the document message for Williapi ...

Leizie heard these words, and urgent, this stinky girl, every time I was angry, I just said a few breaths, she actually really want to go.

"Well, your document message is already registered, I will book a ticket immediately. Please ask your head and the economy class?" The customer service staff asked.

"Casual, in short, you will be the fastest flight." Williapi's lost low.

"Okay, I will give you a book right away, you can take a while."

"Please click, thank you."

"it is good."


Williafi took to the side and sat down, and the mood was very depressed. She asked Lie to go to the United States with a wonderful wish. I thought she had a happy and sweet life. I didn't expect that I have encountered such an indifferent, thunder. I even said that she said that she went back to find Austine, go back and go back, what is gone? Her Williafi is not no one wants, but he is not to depend on him.

Thinking about thinking, Williapi's tears fell down, she sat there silently, Chu Chu Pitting ...


"Mr. Ray, have you heard?" The customer service person whisper said the Leles in the phone "" This ticket, I or not? "

"Of course, don't bind it." Le Leng hurriedly said, "She is my girlfriend, we quarrel in the phone, she is going to go, I will go to the hotel immediately. I will help me stop her, waiting for the award. "

"Okay, I know what to do." The customer service personnel heard the last four words, and the whole face was happy, directly torn it, torn it, watching the door, patience Waiting for Leigh.

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