On the road, it rains under the sky.

Leizan closed the window, and went Williafei: "Is it cold?"

Williamfi shakes his head. If they don't speak, they both forth for an hour. It has been silent, and now he will speak with her.

Leles took off his coat to Williapi: "Don't catch cold."

"I said it is not cold."

Although Williafei's mouth said, the heart is dark, wearing a jacket, there is a body temperature in the clothes, she feels very warm, very practical ...


The car parked at a villa door in remote suburbs, Williapi looked at the empty villa without lightning, and asked: "Where is this?"

"My house." Leles opened the door and took William Feier to get into the villa.

The rain is still under, the two rushed out of the rain, and the front of the door, the fingerprint sensor was started, and the infrared rays flashed, the glass door was automatically slippery, Leizi shot Take a look, the light in the villa is on.

The setting of this house is exclusively, noble is unique, elegant, beautiful, like a fortunate castle.

"What is to do, come in." Leisi took the palm and the door was automatically closed.

"Do you have a house in the United States?" Williafi looked up with the house.

"After thousands of feathers married, I just bought this villa, although I rarely came over, but I still have someone once every three days, I will change my fresh food and wine."

Leisons are sitting on the sofa, which is too tired of these days, although I have slept in the afternoon, but now I feel tired.

"Oh." Williafei should have a drink to the kitchen, take a bottle of drinks from the refrigerator, and drink the big mouth, she is hungry for a day, now the stomach is very uncomfortable, drink the drink, she is from the refrigerator Looking for an apple.

"You seem to be very hungry, didn't you eat at night?" Leigh frowned.

"Not because of you." Williafei is white. "The gas is full, how is the appetite to eat."

"It's okay, you gave me a call in the morning ..." Leishe looked at her, "Is it angry before calling?"

"I have been waiting for you on the bed, I have not waited for a night." Williamfi is a mouth.

"Well, it is my fault." Leager pinching her little face, "The next countdown second room, go to take a shower, change your clothes. I have something to eat."

"Oh." Williafi took off his jacket, "Then you put it on the coat, don't catch cold."

Said, she bent over the suitcase to find clothes ...

Le Lee's eyes unintentionally swept to her spring, the good white **** perfect naked, slender small waist, the crystal clear rain, full of sexy little chest, his throat I can't help but creeze, the mischief said, "I am hungry, it is better ..."

Said, he fell to Williafi.

Williapi is running, but it is still defeated by Leizie ...

After Le Le, the Williafi was tightly hugged, and the two rolled into the sofa. Le Lejun overlooking her, the deep desire of deep desire was pour, and Williafei blinked the big eyes, flustered. Looking at him, his hands were close to his chest and whispered: "Don't mess."

Leizie pinching William Fili's chin, lightly she, whispering whisper: "You are very active before, how is it so much? Well?"

"You also said that you are very shy. Now it has become a thick face." Williafei remembered the things in Hong Kong. At that time, Le Lee is ashamed, she always teases him, but now, now Good proactiveness. .

"At that time, didn't we start? After this incident, our feelings have flying to a certain extent ..." Le Leizhen, the sorrow, "On the bathroom, you will become mine." People ... "

"I hate, I am not there ..."

Williapi's words have not finished, Leisha's kiss is slid down from her forehead, and the burning kisses erosion in her cheek, she is not closed by her own ...

Her body is slightly shaking, nervous, conscious, can't help it, only the remaining kindness is reminding her not.

"Let me go." Williafei woke up, pushed out for Leigh, "How do I want to do this every time I see me?"

"There is no way, who makes you seductive." Lere re-covered.

"Don't ..." Williafield flustered, "I, I am not very comfortable, let go."

"Uncomfortable? Maybe it is a rain. Let's take a bath first. Slowly come slowly." Leizie means a deep smile and let go of Williapi.

William Fiier wrapped in Leigh's coat, quickly ran upstairs, Leles looked at the back of her wolf, and the lips hooked the sweet smile. It was prepared to return to the kitchen to continue to cook. His mobile phone suddenly sounded. He turned on the phone and heard the unanimous inquiry of Qiao Qing: "Leager, where are you?"

"Qiao Qing, I am outside ..." Le Leng gentle answered, after discourting, and then looked at Williafi and found her footsteps, but soon continued to go upstairs.

"It's so late, are you going out?" Qiao Qing testing question.

"It is something wrong. Go back and tell you later, rest early. Good night." Leisha has hanging up the phone straight, and also took the mobile phone battery. He didn't want anyone to bother him and William.

When I came to the room, Le Le heard the sound of flowing water in the bathroom, and the lips smiled slightly, and the light of the light and foot came in. I tried to open the door of the bathroom, but I found that the door was locked, he consciously By boring, I have to go downstairs to cook ...


Williapi closed his eyes and stood below the bath. He thought of Leizie and Qiao Qing. Before Hong Kong, she saw Qiao Qing like Leigh, and Leles also especially in Qiao Qing.

William Feier thinks that there is no more intersection between them. Now she seems to be wrong. Qiao Qing has not put down the emotions of Leles, and Leles seems to have to keep her distance from her.

The relationship between them is very close, but also supports their families, which makes William Feather feel uneasy ...


After more than 20 minutes, Williafei washed a shower, changed in pajamas to go out of the bathroom, sitting in front of the dressing table, leaned the hair, Leizan cooked a big dumplings.

"Come and eat ..." Leigh looked at her.

"Let's put it there, wait for me to eat my hair." Williamphi said faintly.

"Are you not very hungry? Hair waiting will blow, come, eat hot," Leager is considerate.

"You don't have to worry about me, go back to the house, you are so late." Williafei's tone has some indifferent, thinking of Leizie and Qiao Qing's relationship, her heart is uncomfortable, but she hopes Leizie to explain to her a bit.

"What happened? Just still good end." Leigh frowned, he had some fog, it was a temper, and he didn't know which is not right. He completely did not consider Joe. Sunny problem.

"I have to sleep, you go out." Williafei's face is very unrestrained, Le Lele's attitude is obviously not aware of his mistakes.

"It's really unreasonable." Leizie has a little fire, his body is not very comfortable, tired and sleepy, and it is also not eating all day, I have thought to eat it with her, how much is sweet? She is Ming Mingqi to lose their temper.

"I am this virtue, I don't like it, I will go back to find your Qiao Qing." William Firage hit.

"Neuropathy !!!" Leigh is completely angry, directly licked.


William Feier is very lost, but she still has not turned back. She knows that she has some small questions. She doesn't understand why she can't bear it. I can't help but I can't help him ...


Le Lega returned to the rooms next door, closed the door, sitting in bed, thinking while going offshore socks, this woman is really moody, too unmetriors.

Therefore, people say that don't look for this kind of glow princess, the temper is too bad.

He has been exhausted, like waiting for the queen, she is grateful, but also rushed to him, he is really a trip.

William Feier is also very wronged, is I really wrong? I just asked the people I love to pay attention to me. Is this wrong? Why can't I get to him from one, he can't do it? So many sisters, I don't know if there is any relationship.

Shake your head, William Fiier does not want to think about it, close the light, drill into the nest, but it is a heavy weight, sleep in the bed.

After the night, when Williafi was about to sleep, the door was gently opened, she was nervous, saw Leizie's long-standing figure, he stood quietly at the door, watching her, I hesitated for a moment, I walked into the room, she immediately closed her eyes, pretended to fall asleep.

Leisuit was sitting on the bed, reaching out gently touching Williafei's forehead, and seemed to wanted her embarrassment, he understood what she was thinking, but he also hoped that she would understand his hardship. He wants to let each other think about it, so he has just been so indifferent to her.

Williafield's heart is nervous, she dares to move, I am afraid that he found she didn't fall asleep.

Suddenly, Le Lee slightly, gently improving the forehead of Williafei's micro-wrinkled forehead, just prepared to leave, but found that her eyelashes were slightly, his brow wrinkled, and the lips have hooked the evil smile. Sorctive drilling is in the middle, and William Feier is in the arms.

"What do you want to do?" Williafei finally couldn't help but open his eyes, and the low drinking.

"I finally didn't install it? Well?" Le Lee reached out and pinned William Fei's face, evil said, "I just want to kiss your forehead before going to bed, I didn't expect you to sleep. Do you want to sleep? Hold me, so I can't sleep? Well? "

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