Le Le did not talk, only took care of clothes, the angry flaming burning in my heart, he wanted to vent, but also said that it is very meaningful, just like herself. .

"What happened to you?" Williafei said in front of him, and asked in confused. "Where did I get you ?? Why do you suddenly this attitude?"

Leles still ignored her, nor did she wore her pants, and took out a shirt ready to wear ...

"What do you mean by this?" Williafei is anxious and urgent, "I can't help others ..."

When she came out, she was swallowed, her eyes were red, a beautiful little face was blozed, her grievance.

Leizie saw her, and some distressed, the attitude was soft, reached out, she retired her half-step, avoid him, and whispered him with a pair of Lingyi's eyes.

"You still got me, I didn't have an angry with you." Le Lee also wronned, "Sleeping around me, I still want another man, do you know how uncomfortable in my heart?"

"What are you talking about? When do I think of another man?" Williamfi is almost biting to teeth, "You are just deliberately find the broken."

"I find a fragments? I am giving yourself airty water?" Leager said, "This is the first time we are, how sacred great moments, I have been with a strong love for you. However, just turned to get up, I heard the name of the Austin, or I thought I heard it wrong. "

"How is it, I ..." Williafei didn't finish it, she thought she did a dream before, and now still clearly branded in memory, Dream, Austin, pointed to the thunder Head, she is screaming, "Austin, don't, don't ..."

In the dream, she shouted in hysterical, but in reality, her voice was intermittent, and it was not complete, so Leizie only heard the name, did not hear the back ...

"I didn't say it." "Le Leng glanced at her," I recognize it now? You don't think about Austine, you just like him. "

"Where did you say?" William Fili said angrily, "I have given you yourself, you still say that I like others, in your heart, I am a three-hearted second, a relaxed woman?"

"If you don't like him, why are you calling his name in a dream." Leighen said.

"That's because ..." Williafei bite the lips, low saying, "Because I dreamed that he took the gun against you, I want to kill you, I am in my dream, I don't want to hurt you, I don't know you hear you. What did it, but the truth is like this, I believe you. "

Le Le looked at her sincere look, the heart was soft, and she stretched her: "Well, I believe you!"

He blamed himself too small in his heart, and he should not think about it. Feiier is definitely loved him. Otherwise, it will not come to the United States with him, and will not give himself to him, think of she just shy and smooth, he once again The blood is boiling, can't help but kiss her ...

William Feier cooperates, when it is concentrated, this kind of thing turns into the same, they love each other, can't help but want more, more ...


The two were lingering at home for more than an hour. This time Leigh is determined, ready to take Williapi to see the family.

When I went out, William's unrest is uneasy: "You have just been out of your home now, everyone is not very good, this time, will you take me to see them will not be very good?"

"Always ethname." Leles opened a single hand, and the other hand and Williafei ten fingertips, palm is relatively, "My dad and Qian Yu already know that you are here, then hide, then do it, then say If you don't take you home, you have to live here, are you willing? "

"Of course I don't want to be willing." Williafei is a mouth, "I have to be with you every day."

"I am also." Leizan kissed the back of William Fi, "I have to hold you sleep every day."

"I hate." Williafei was shameless.

" ..." Leizie came to kiss her, she avoided him, "Be careful."

"Okay." Leizie had to stop, but also comfortable, "In fact, you don't have to worry, my mother and my sister are very good, my family is more stubborn is my dad, but he is actually very good, he I don't have any opinions on things. I just gone with Austin. Then I was abused by your power, so he will be angry. As long as you have a little, he will soon Improve you. "

"Know it." Williafi nodded again. "I must perform well this time, I will never let the uncle are disappointing."

"I have confidence in you." Leizan knows that William Fei is always good, and the character is very cute, it is easy to win everyone's favorite, so I don't worry about these things.

"But your mother is very low because of your father's mood, I will go see her now, will she not happy?" Williamfi is still worried.

"No." Leizie is certainly said that "my mother is very happy, and there is a matter of matter, he will not mix it, and her two days have many emotions, no longer closing yourself, maybe I may see you. After a happy, the mood is better. "

"That's good ..." Williafei said a little angry. "I just said a few words with Qianyu sister just in the phone. I feel that she is a very good person, I think, I will do it with her. "

"Qian Yu, you don't have to worry, she is very character, you will like her, she will like you."



The two chatted all the way, and they quickly arrived at night.

At this time, it is already ten o'clock in the morning, and Blue Qian Yu has slept lately in the evening, and the morning breakfast is too late.

A family is surrounded by breakfast at the table, Leizan is holding William Fei's walk in, everyone is stunned ...

Everyone saw Williafei, I was very surprised, cold, Blue Qian Yu, Qiao Qing's attitude toward William Feather is very friendly. Only Lei Zhen Ting's attitude is more indifferent, he is in front of Williapi's face, He also called him to talk.

Williapi is very embarrassed, or the cold is called the round field, Le Le is putting a peace of mind of William Fiier, and then following his father.

William Feather is actively asking for cold and blue thousands, and is eager to talk to them and want to close the relationship.

Cold if ice and blue thousand are very impressed by her, Williafi knows that a family is worried about the surgery of Night flames, thinking of a famous physician who knows himself is very good at this area, so introducing to blue Qian Yu.

Blue Qianfei is still not too easy to change easily, but if the cold is just that Williafi said the doctor, the medical skills are very high, but it is very difficult to retire, but it is difficult to hire, but William Feier vowed If you will be able to get people, you are very grateful to her.

(This is speechless here, and before writing the story of Blue Qian Yu and Night flames. Here, now it is with the front.


Lei Zhen Ting took Leizie a meal in the study. Leizan's initial resistance was explained by his father.

But Leles is unswervingly, he must be with Williapi, will never let go of her hand.

Lei Zhen Ting is angry with iron green, and the father and son are not happy. Lei Zhen Ting's strong order Leigh, must take Williafi to take away William, he doesn't want to lose his temper at night.

Leizan thought that the night is now there., and the father's temper is strong. He doesn't want to make things too embarrassing, so he has to promise.

After the next building, Leles called the mother to cold, and discussed with the mother to let William Figer live in her home, cold and cool consent, and very happy to do it, she is for Williapi Impression is very good, noble but not tertiary, elegant and not doing, but the generous is not arrogant, but also very enthusiastic, it is a girl who is very good.

Leizie was very grateful to the mother's understanding. At this time, Williafei has already called the doctor and convince the doctor to come over to do surgery for Night flames. The well-known old doctor agreed, because she once looked William Feather grew up, it is very painful to Feier, like his pro-foreigner.

If you leave if you leave a special plane to receive the famous doctor, then send someone to pack it out, let Leizie and William Fi have to stay there soon for the doctor ...

Everything will be said, Williapi's arrival gives the new hope of cold ice and blue thousand feathers. Everyone is looking forward to the doctor who can help the night flames, and prayers to carry out smoothly. ......

Everyone is happy because of this unexpected good news, only Qiao Qingxin is heavy, the look is sad, she has always thought that she and Leizie still have hope, although Know Leles like Williapi, but Leizie this time When I returned, I handed with her with her, they were so close, and they were as tacit as they used ...

Qiao Qing thought that his own chance came, and now I know that Leles and William Fi do have reached the case that cannot be separated, all of her luck and luxury are broken, and there is no chance. .

Qiao Qing felt very sweet, but she strive to hide the injury in the deep place, not to discover, do not affect the mood of other people, even if she knows, in fact, it can't hide ...

Williamfi saw her sadness, took the initiative to talk to her chat, set, Qiao Qing, although she lacked a kind of intimacy, but also polite, thinking that she is a woman who loves love, Qiao Qing can only silently in my heart. Bless them. .


That night, Williafi and Leles lived in cold, the French doctor contacted the French doctor in William, has also taken a special plane to the United States to do surgery for Night flames.

William Fiier said with Leles, she will pay her home with him, together with all the difficulties, no matter the rich and poor, she will go with him ...

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