When Leles is heavy, I received a phone call from William.

"are you asleep?"

"No, just talk to my father."

"You talk so late? The father and son are quite a lot of languages, ."

"My dad seems to have especially feelings tonight, and I have said that many people haven't said before."

"Maybe because I will be separated tomorrow. So I feel better."

"I don't know why, I always feel that he seems to have a feeling, and I have an unknown hunch in my heart."

"Why? Is it what I found?"

"No ..."

"That should be too much you think, your father is high, who dares to move him? And there are so many experts around, can you have anything? If you don't worry, you will get up early to send him to the airport. "

"I think so too, wait for me to set a alarm clock, get up early."

"I will go with you tomorrow."

"No, I have to start at five in the morning, now I am almost one more, you have to come from home, you have to sleep tonight, don't you sleep tonight?"

"Sleep." Williafei's smirk, "You open the door to see."

"Ah?" Le Leido.

"What ah? Open the door." William Fiier Command.

Leizie took the mobile phone to open the door, see Williafi, standing outside the door, he likes it out: "It turns out you ..."

"Hey -" William Fiier glands with the Leigh lips, "Go in."

The two entered the room, William Fili immediately took the door to: "Almost by your dad, there is a risk."

"Bad girl, when are you coming?" Leigh is intimate with her waist.

"Just arrived at the hotel when you call you." Williafei hooks his neck, "Do you miss me?"

"Of course I want." Le Le took a look on her face, "What about you? Do you think about me? Don't you think that you will not come to me in half a night?"

"I hate ..." Williafei is shy bites the lower lips, "people want to stick to you with you every day."

"Oh, I am also."

Leizie hugged her, let her climb on himself, bringing her to the hot kiss on the wall, and William Philippine responded, his legs are tightly lingering ...

The two are deeply lingering, and there is no hand.

Sleep overnight, finished the third round, just get up to wash, go to the airport to send the thunderite.

Time is just right, the two have been washed, after changing the clothes, there is a door to open the door, Lei Zhen Ting and his department are ready to go out, Leizie quickly came out to call them, Williafei's hurried shoemide ...

"I have said that you don't have to send it." Lei Zhenwei said, "Go back to sleep."

"I can't sleep anyway, send you, I am in my heart." Leissee father took the bag, "Dad, Feier shoemides, you will wait, she immediately came out."

Lei Zhen Ting took a room, whispered: "She is sleeping here last night?"

"Well." Leisi is sorry, "I talked to you back to the room. She came to me. She just want to go to you to board the boarding with me, and walk to this side ..."

"Ok, find less excuses." Lei Zhen Ting interrupted his words, "young people, junior personnel, more passion is understandable, but also have a little modified, don't break the body, and, Pay attention to contraceptive measures, you can make you old. "

"Oh, Dad ..." Leizie's face was red to his ear, "You have been an age, and tell me these, it is true."

"I don't tell you, who tells you? Your mother is not around, these things can only be teach you." Lei Zhen Ting is white.

"What is teaching?" At this time, Williafi came from the room, just heard the last sentence.

"Oh, there is nothing." Leager quickly responded.

"Uncle, you get better so early." Williafei smiled, "It's unbelieving, let you wait, today I will send you to the airport with Leizie."

"Okay, thank you." Lei Zhenting nodded, "Let's go."



When a group, a group came to the airport. On the car, Williafei said with Leisheng, but also chatted with Lei Zhen Ting. She curiously asked: "Shu Shi, your French said, you are young Have you learned? "

"Well, when you learned a lot, I haven't used it before, I have never used it. This time I am using it." Lei Zhenwei said.

"My dad is very much." Le Le said, "He is not a thick person who will only use Wu, he is proficient in the five languages, and ..."

"Leigh." Lei Zhen Ting interrupts Leigh, "Those who have passed the past, don't mention it again."

"Oh." Leisudi is not very good, "Dad, did you not sleep well last night?"

"Well." Thunder Ting nodded.

"Then we don't quarrel you, let's take a break." Williafei said.

"I will squint for a while, call me the airport."

"it is good."


Leizie and Williafei are afraid to argue to Lei Zhen Ting, no talk, Williafi is resting on Leigh shoulders, Leizie looked at the back of his father, and the mood couldn't help but become heavy. I don't know why, he always feels that his father does Have a heart ...


When I arrived at the airport, Lei Zhen Ting was going to handle, Leizie found a restaurant, a family with breakfast together.

There is no appetite in Lei Zhen Ting. I only eat a little, I can't eat it. Leizie is concerned: "Dad, you are not eaten, or do you change something else?"

"I went to find a Chinese restaurant in the airport." William Fi is busy.

"No." Lei Zhen Ting raised his hand, "The appetite is not good, eat anything, time is coming, wait until there is a meal on the plane, don't have trouble now."

"I just saw there is a shop there, it seems that there is Chinese pastry to sell, Feier, you went to buy a little." Leles said to Williapi.

"Well." Williafi ran and quickly, "I will come back soon."

"Good." Leigh is sent to Williapi to leave.

"I don't have to use it, why still let her buy?" Lei Zhen Ting asked.

"I want to talk to you alone." Le Lee deeply looked at the father. "I see that your face is not very good, do you have any feelings?"

"No, I am very good." Lei Zhen Ting said faintly, "I am just too tired, before you keep your mother in the United States, I haven't slept well for many days. Today, the plane is more free night, so the mental state is not too Ok, it is good. "

"Really is nothing?" Leizie semi sinks, from your father now talking about it is not a strange place, is he the feeling of his feelings?

"What can I have?" Lei Zhen Ting's coffee, "I don't worry if I am relieved is that you and your mother, now your mother's body is getting better, your business is basically stable, I have nothing to worry. This coffee is really difficult to drink, or the tea of ​​our Chinese is drinking. "

"I have already given you a tea cup, don't let the liquid? When you pass the security check? So I didn't give you a tea, wait for you to go to the security check, you can put some boiling water, then you can drink tea. Leil Lie said.

"You think about it." Lei Zhenting looked at him smiling. "You didn't sleep last night? The eyes were filled with blood, and I would make a good time."

"I don't do anyway, some are time to rest, but you have to be tired. If you return to Hong Kong, you should not be too worried, first take a rest, wait until the body is restored."

"Know it." Lei Zhenting nodded.

"I came back." At this time, Williafi took two bags into the restaurant, smiled, "I don't know what you like, I bought a little, everyone eat together."

"Hard work." Lei Zhen Ting looked at Williafi, "He has received anything,"

"Hey, it should be." Williamfi is sorry.

"The first is long, the procedure is going well, we have passed the security check." At this time, follow it. "

"I should go." Thunder Ting stood up.

Leizie quickly went to pay, with Williafi, gave it to the security inspection, Lei Zhen Ting once again said: "Le Le, I see that Austine is not like a person who is easy to give up, I am afraid I will play a trick to deal with you, you want Be careful everywhere, do things are calm and cautious, can not be muddable, know? "

"I know, Dad." Leager Ying said, "You must also ensure that your body, don't be too desperate, there is a rest."

"You don't have to worry about me, I know yourself to take care of yourself." Thunder Ting said, "You remember to call your mother, there is thousands of feathers, care more about them, see if they need help, although The wind has passed, and the night is temporarily attributed to calm, but their property is frozen. Now the days are certainly not very good, but the night flaming is a face, you have to master the inch, understand? "

"Understand." Leisi smiled, "Dad, you can rest assured, I have an inch."

Lei Zhen Ting nodded, and said: "If Austin is dealing with you, don't fight with him, bring Fili to the United States, your mother, the time, there is also a common time, you can follow them for two months. Go back to Hong Kong together. "

"Know it." Leilao smiled, "You are really ridiculous, I am so big, not a child."

"Okay, don't say it." Thunder Zhen said a sigh of relief, and said to Williafei, "Leles have anything wrong, you include him, two people have to cherish each other !!"

"I will, my uncle." Williafei said, "I will go back to Hong Kong with Leizan, you don't worry."

"I am gone." Lei Zhen Ting did not say anything, turned into the security check, followed by.

Leizie and William Fiier are standing in the same place to leave ...

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