"Thank you ..." Le Lee kissed Williapi.

Now, he finally understands why the night flames and Blue Qian Yu will get better and better. The two people have experienced the ups and downs of life, suffering from hardships, and wealth, such emotions have experienced secular tests, they can go to the end ... ...


This night, two people slept very well, wake up in 11 am the next morning, they saw time, they were shocked, did not expect to sleep until so late.

The two quickly got up to wash the clothes, and Le Leng called the friend to take the key. The friend told him an unexpected message ...

"I thought you know, before the head of Lei, I bought a house for your friend Bach family, but later he was suspended to review, all the houses must be blocked, including Bach them, although Written is Bach's name, but because it is only available in the near future, it is also seated above, and the head of the thunder is worried that the Bach family will be held, so they arrange them to stay in your house, now they live here. "

"It turned out to be the case, I haven't seen my dad after I came back, so I don't know this, thank you, tell me, I know how to arrange it."

"Do you have no place to live now? Would you like to come on my home? My home is spacious, and I have no problem, I have someone else."

"No, I have some other ways, thank you."


Hanging up the phone, Leles' mood is very heavy, now it is trouble, there is no place to stay, what should I do? One of him is not a matter, just find a small hotel to cope, but he can't let Fei Lei follow him suffer.

She is the body of a thousand gold, has not had a bitter day, she can't let her follow him during the day, go to the small hotel in the evening?

At least, you have to live a star hotel, but his property is frozen. If you have to wait for the above review, you can solve it. When he comes back from France, the cash of the hand is almost the same. What should I do now?

"What happened?" Is there any problem? "Williafei was combing hair, see Leles and heavy things, she guessed that there is something," Is it the house can't live? "

"Well." Leisi nodded, "My father's property was frozen, so the house is temporarily living in Bach family."

"Oh, it is very good." Williafei is not lost, but it is more gratifying. "I also worried that your father was in trouble, Bach, their family will be honest, since they are all right, I can rest assured "

"Don't you blame me?" Leishal's hand, "Now I really don't have a house, maybe we have to stay in the hotel."

"Why do you live? This matter is not available for a long time, you have to live for a long time, the hotel is too wasteful." William Fi is hook his neck, "We still go to the hotel." There are a lot of chain hotels in Hong Kong. It is also quite good. "

"How can you keep you living ?? This is not." Leigh firmly opposed, "During this time, I am very embarrassed, I am already very embarrassed, the fish dragon is mixed, all of which people are not only unsafe, Not too sanitary ... "

"How can you think so bad? Some reputable hotels are still good." Williafield said, "And some hotels have a fun, I think it is good."

"No." Leisis thinking, "This, let's stay at this hotel for the time being. I will contact the real estate agent. I will see if there is a good house can rent. We will rent a house. In case it takes a long time, it is enough to cope. "

"It is good." Williafei nodded, took out 10,000 pieces from the wallet to Leizie, "Your cash in your wallet is used by me, this is the money I took out yet, you should take it. Go to the hotel money. "

"I actually lost money to use women." Leager is very depressed.

"What? I am your girlfriend, my money is your money." Williafei said that "said to me, have you been a girlfriend?"

"I just think I am useless now." Leigh sighed, "I will take it first, we have to go out, everywhere, I will take my watch, and change some cash." "

"When? What do you mean?" Williamphi didn't understand.

"It is a business way of circulating in ancient China, putting something mortgage in a pair of shops, change some small amount of cash, wait until time, then take a higher part of the money to take it." Leisi said while picking a watch.

"Ah, can you still have this?" William Feier regretted, I knew that she should take the necklace to take the necklace, sell it to the black store, it is dead, that necklace she can like it.

"Wear shoes, let's go to the room, then go to the pawn, then visit Bach ..."

"it is good."


Leles' watches are limited edition boutiques, more than 7 million to buy, put them in seven million, three months, three months later, take 100,000 to get it.

Seven million, it is temporarily possible to pay for a while.

Leire continued to have 20,000 pieces, and then bought something with Fei.

Bach family now lives in Leles for a $ 150 square house for Blue Qianpun, today is just weekend, and a family is at home, and he is happy.

Leizie took William Fiier to visit them, they are very happy, if they can't finish ...

From the middle of the conversation, Leizie and Williapi learned that Lei Zhen Ting did not affect them. Bach's wife regularly went to the hospital to accept treatment. Xiao Hiz is in a foreign language school, Bach is also working in the school. A family lives very happy.

However, Leles found that they lived very much, and the refrigerator is a little cheap vegetable, and the meat is very small. In addition to the furniture appliances before, there is no additional items, and even the clothes are also brought back from the United States.

Before Le Le, he listened to Liu Kang to say that Bach refused to give them the money to Zhen Zhen Ting, saying that Lei Jia bought them to buy a house, arranged a job, and arranged his wife to arrange a hospital. The child arranged a school. He is already very grateful. Now he will rely on his own effort, can not rely on others' squeezing ...

Lei Zhen Ting appreciates his character, and there is no reluctant to force them, just forcibly let them accept some small money.

Originally, the money is enough for them, but after Lei Zhen Ting's accident, the hospital can no longer give Bach's wife medical treatment, Bach uses money to medical wife's disease. .

Leizie knows that Bach is a bone who has a bone, and there is no face to say something, just when he left, quietly put the remaining 50,000 pieces in the small bed ...

Leaving that community, sitting on a taxi, Leizan said: "I have never sent it to the money, although my dad is very strict, give me a little pocket money, but I can always think The way to make money, but now, I know that there is no money, it is really difficult. "

"It doesn't matter, I still have money here." Williafei smiled, "I still have more than 100,000, enough for us."

"I must find a way to make some money ..." Leisi frowned outside the window, I thought about it, he said to Williafi, "Today, I will think about it again. Now, let's go to my home first, see I can see my father. "

"All right."


After returning to the Leijia, I found that Lizhi's four guards were guarded. I really added a lot of casual clothes, and everyone was stationed in each place before and after.

Lei Zhenting was imprisoned here, and it was difficult to fly.

Leizie wants to visit him, the officer who is directly outside the door is stopped and will not let him go in.

Leizie followed their theory, they only said that they mean, they just worked as regulations.

Leizie was very angry, but he knew that it was not angry now, he only had to leave William Fei, and to find Lei Zhenying's solemn to help find a way, see if you can ask above, at least let their father and son see one side ...


In the next day, Leles and Williapi were rushing every day, finally, seven days later, she finally agreed to let Leizan asked Lei Ziying, but time is only three minutes.

Le Leishaw came out, and immediately took William Feier, but the guardian of the guards only allowed him to enter and insisted that William Feather will enter.

Under the helpless, Leles had to let William Figer waiting outside the door. He first goes.

I haven't seen you for a few months, Lei Zhen Ting is a lot, and there are many wrinkles in the corner of the eyes, and the eyes are full of blood. The whole person looks very embarrassed.

Leizie saw that his father is like this, it is not a taste in his heart, but he dares to show it, but it is easy to make a smile, "Dad, I am back!"

"It's good to come back." Lei Zhenting did not give his son to increase the burden, "What about Feier?"

"Guard does not let her come in, I have to let her wait for me outside." Le Leng smiled and said, "She is very embarrassing, I bought you very much today, but unfortunately I can't bring it."

"It doesn't matter, there is an opportunity to come to the Japanese." Lei Zhen Ting smiled at the son. "This time, many people were involved, you are my son, the days are afraid, in this case, in this case, Philippine Children will not leave you, prove that she is a good girl, you have to cherish people. "

"I know." Leisi nodded, "Dad, you don't worry about us, we are very good. You are you ..."

When it comes to this, his voice can't help but become hoarse, "I am tired. You can rest assured, I must find evidence for you, prove your innocent !!"


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