Things have been revealed, can only be brave.

On this day, Sophia had a long talk with Williafi, and Leles took a long time. She told the matter of the year, and she said her own is already, but more fate is unfair to Dawen ...

It turns out that Darn is not only being disabled, but now I have to cancer, life has come to the end, he only wants to pay back to her daughter before dying, and a family is living together, even a short-lived fantasy, he also feels satisfied . .

William Feier has not accepted Darn, knowing these inside, crying. .

She never thought that she had a relative in this world, and the loved ones were suffering from the world's brutal torture ..

And in the past two years, she is secretly protecting her, waiting for her, helping her to spend another difficult relationship, but she still rejects him, resentment him.

Now think about it, she has regretted. .

Mrs. Sophia took Williapi, whispered: "Feiier, Mommy knows that this is too sudden, between, you may accept it, but Darn is not wrong, from beginning to end, he It is a victim. He doesn't want to do his responsibility to you. It is a chance to give him a person. You have to blame the mad mommy, don't blame him ... "

"Sorry, I am sorry, I don't know what is, I am too taught ..." Williamfi cried.

"Don't cry." Leisha distressed the wipes of William, "Now I know that I regret it, I will have a good fortune, I will be filial."

"Well." Williafi cried nodded.

"After, I don't know if there is any chance." Sophisticed her shed tears, "Now your identity has been demolished, the Queen is sending people to bring us back, you ..."

Speaking of this, Sophia has taught it. "William has already turned over, he may not help us again, I ruined the royal face, the Queen will not let me go, but Feier, Mom Mi can't let you have something ... "

"Mummy ..." Williafield panic shakes, "What is going on, we face it together, I will not leave you no matter."

"And me, I will also pass the difficulties with you." Le Le immediately said.

"Hey ..." Sophor sighed, "Le Le, before you do something, we still have to understand, always have to take Fi, now I have changed us, but you support us," I really feel very embarrassed. "

"Auntie, don't say this." Leis said, "You feel bad, I am afraid that she is wronged, this is a critical condition, I can understand it."

"Thank you." Sophor is far-sighted, "Le Le, I am very apogase, although it is never, but I have to separate you and Feier once, the people of Queen will come tomorrow. Arrival, now, she has to leave here with Dan, otherwise the consequences are unimaginable. "

"How do you do it, then what about you?" William is asked immediately.

"This matter must have a confession ..." Sophored sigh, "although it was hopped by fate, I was still doing wrong, ruining the royal reputation, I have to go back to bear the consequences."

"No." Williafi shook his head, "Mommy, no, if you have something, I will not forgive yourself in this life, you will go with us."

"If I am gone, the Queen is not letting our family." Sophia looked at her, "Although your father has a wealth, it is impossible to fight a country, this There must be a knot, otherwise it will be willing to be in trouble. "


"Don't, I still have some time now, you hurry with your father."

Sophifier pushed Williafei, but at this time, Darn slipped around the wheelchair and walked deeply. "You don't have to go, let me go to the old woman negotiating."

"No, you can't go." Sophisticated Mrs. "You should not be good," I can't afford to fight ... "

"I am a man, you should protect your security." Darn held the hand of Sophia, and he looked at her. "To another, if I am not impulsive, I will not be taken back, I won't be by Austin. Discover, it will not be found by Edward. "

"This is not your business, Austin knows very early before." Sophia was red and said, "At the beginning, he threatened me."

"What ??" William Feather is very unexpected, "" Austin knows this thing? Is this true? "

"Well." Sophored, "I doubt this thing is to be smashed by Austin and his father love Warde, they also bought the media to promote them, now in this point, I have no The road can be returned, you must go back to face ... "

"Mummy, go back, I will return with you." William Fiper said, "Although I didn't have a blood source relationship, he fought for more than ten years, and the queen grandmother, she has always been So, love me, I don't believe that they really will be so unrelenting to me. "

"Feier ..."

"I brought the opinions of Feier." Leie interrupted the words of Sophia, "said it seriously. Is it true, who can be sure? Queen's Majesty is in order to take care of the face, you can announce that this is a fake news, of course ... "

Leizan looks to Dann, "still has to cooperate with William."

"No need." Darn frozes, "I have a self-evidence, you don't have any intersection with William."

"Do you have any way ??" Soviet Madam is a bit angry, "What is the means of the Austin before? What is the difference between them? It is cruel, for the purpose of the purpose, I am not a thing. It will be accepted. "

"Sophie ..."

"You don't want to say." Sophia interrupt him, "I know you distressed that we want to take care of us, protect us, but many things don't necessarily use extreme way to solve, we have to use the most Peaceful ways to reduce damage to the lowest level. "

"Mommy is right." William Feier also supports. "We are now to accumulate morality, good talents have good news, do bad things, after all, they are retribution."

"I also agree with the aunt's statement." Leis said, "The Queen's representative is the entire French royal family, and there will be no better than her hard. It is best to talk about it."

"Hey ..." Dabang sighed, did not say, he was gently made into disability when he was young, and it was already half a waste. It can have today's wealth, not only because he has enough ability. And the mind, more importantly, he is enough ...

For so many years, I am in the mall, and I have a unique way of doing a unique way of doing. In the past ten years, he has done a lot of bad things, and the means of lasting Austin has been used more than once.

Maybe because of this, he will get cancer now.

And Sophifiers and Williapi have lived in a noble and elegant palace. They are used to the life of the kind of life, plus intrinsically kind, never imagine any bloody violent incident, with his life concept, values Produce a lot of division.

So, he will continue to say that there will be no results ...

"Just decide this." Sophored, "Fei, you left you together, I will return to France."

"Mommy, go back together." William Fili immediately said.

"Feier ..."

"Hey!" Suddenly came to knock on the door outside, interrupted Sophia, everyone turned back, Darn's cold asked, "What?"

"The owner, the French royal people found here, and the car has already entered the greenway of the manor." As an anxious report.

"What ??" Dawn is very shocking, "How can it be so fast?"

"Yeah, are they not saying that tomorrow is going to Hong Kong? This is too fast." Sophor is also a big change.

"I see that they are intentional confused, so that you have no chance to escape." Leigh frowned, "It seems that there is no room for choice now, and aunt and Feier have to go back."

Sophored is soft on the sofa: "I am a sin. If they want to punish me, I have nothing to say, but this matter is not related to Fei, if Feier will go back with me, finger Do you have to suffer any sin ... "

"It doesn't matter, I believe that the queen and the queen will not be difficult." Williafei said relaxed, "said, you said, I didn't do anything, they may just let me test blood."

"Fili, Mommy is sorry for you ..." Sophored is very embarrassed.

"Don't say this now, I will return to France with you, if there is anything, there is a photo." Leigh decisive.

"But what should your father's case?" Sophored.

Le Le: "I can't do anything now, and my dad is told me to stop the investigation, so as not to occur, my mother also said, some people will investigate this case, call me waiting to open the court, now final review The time has already come out, that is, the end of the month, I can accompany the Philippine before the end of the trial. "

"Thank you." Williamfi is excited into his arms.

Leigh is William Feier, advised Sophia: "Auntie, you don't think too pessimism, this is a personal affairs, now it is already in the 21st century, and it is not like feudal society, they have no power to put How are you? "

"I hope so!" Sophia smiled slightly, and looked at Darn. "Promise me, don't do anything that is extremely biased, wait for us to come back, rest, I must accompany you !!!"


Recommend my new book "Championship: Love the Evil President" http: yunqi. QQ. COMBKXDYQ506947. HTML, I hope everyone will support it! ! ! !

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