"You are too much !!!" Williafi is very annoying.

"How do I have? Which sentence I said is not right?" The Queen watched Leles scorn.

Leizie is not angry, just calm saying: "Yes, our Lei Jia is nothing, I am Le Le, but Feiier still loves me, I will not give up, I will also care about all guards. She, and the Queen you? If one day, you are no longer the Queen, who will guard you in this world? "

"You ..." The Queen's face changed, she obviously didn't think that Leles will hit her, and even if he thought of him, she could not refute.

"You are so sharp to your biological son and former loved ones. It is really hard to imagine what attitude towards others !!!" Le Le continued, "In your eyes, people are using the potential position Distinguish, there is no meaningless claim, so if you lose these things in the future, it will be all. "

"Is it enough?" The Queen is angry with anger. "What are you doing? Dare to accuse me?"

"I just said, I am not all, I don't dare to blame you, I am just the truth." Leigh smiled.

"Don't self-temperate !!!" The Queen calmly glared at him, ordered him, "I went out."

"Yes." With it, I will go, I am ready to take Leigh.

Williafei immediately protects in front of Leles: "No one will move him !!!"

"You let it open." Queen frowned low.

"If you want to hurry, take me away together." Williafei said excited, "Without him, I will not cooperate anything."

"Do you really think that I don't dare to move you?" The queen stared at her, "" The test results did not come out, you are not my friends, I can't say it, I will not be polite to you. "

"Even if I am not your kind of girl? I have not done anything, can you like me." Williafei said straightforward, "Now the society is different, even if the royal family, there is no power to abuse private penalty "

"Well, very good!!!" The Queen nodded, "The wings are hard, but I have to see, you can really fly out my palm." She turned against Le Le, "anyway The DNA test results will come out, I will let you stay more for a while, and then make a decision. "

Said, she waved, and she immediately retreated ...

Le Lee stood in the side of William, waiting for the waiting result, William's countertrans, and looked at Sophia, he saw that he was very loved by Sophia, even at this time, He is still worried about the safety of Sophia ...

And the Sophifier did not look at him, since she knew that Darn's legs were disabled, and the relationship between them entered the hot, she hated him, I can't wait to get rid of him quickly ...


Time is a little bit, the atmosphere is very dignified, Williafei is a temporary, in fact, the mother has directly admitted that she is Daren's child, then the result of this test tonight is well known, and the result will come out How do the Queen handle their mother and daughter? And Leles will not be implicated? ?

Le Leng did not move the sound, he found that Sophifier was very calm from beginning to end, she seems not worried ...

Leizie felt some strange, Sophifier has always been very painful, even if everything has become a foregone, there is no room for changing, she also fears the consequences, but she should worry about Williapi's safety, why she will So? ?

Is it ... she has left the road? ?

"Queen is!" At this time, followed by whispering, "The Duke of Ai Huade and the Duke of Austin !!!"

Queen's slight shock: "How come they come?"

"I also asked their origins." As with the dignity, "The Duke of Aihua said that this thing is not only the royal things, but also related to the political world, so ..."

Le Leek, the face of Sophie is changing, from being caught now, she has always been very calm, but this moment, her eyes suddenly a panic, it seems that she is really going to be planned. But now I am coming, I'm coming, it is very likely to destroy her plan.

The eyebrows of William's counters frowned tightly, this time, the arrival of the father and son is definitely not a good thing.

Only Williapi's reaction is different from everyone. She looked at the door, and she was lucky. If the consequences are really serious, I will save her and my mother? Now, in addition to him, she can't find any savings.

"Queen, don't ..."

"Come here, can I say no?" The Queen said angrily. "If it is now refused to reject the door, the trouble behind it is constantly, anyway, I will be able to handle this matter, they come to come Let's make a witness, the provincial political bureau is quizs my judgment. Please come in !!! "

"Yes." As soon as it immediately turned down.

"You gave me a good ..." Queen's frankly Sophored, "If the test result proves that Feiier is William, I can still leave you a life, but ..." She put the fruit on the table. The knife lost to Sophif., "If Feiier is not William's child, you will give me it on it, don't dirty my hand."

William's counterattack, shocked.

"What ??" Williafi does not dare to believe in his own ears, "Queen's grandmother, how can you ..."

"I said, before the test results didn't come out, I don't allow this to call me." The Queen interrupted Williapi, "Your Mommy makes so shameless things, what is the face of the face? Do not die will only let People look at jokes. "


"Mother, no." The Best of William stood up. "This thing should blame me, you can't ..."

"You give it to me !!!" The Queen grabbed the coffee cup to William, and closed his eyes under William, and the tea cup wiped his ear and fell on the ground and made a crisp sound.

"How can I have a born something that is useless ??" The Queen's anger pointed to him. "Do you still lose your face? Do you still have to do it for this woman? I warned you, no matter what kind of thing I know that I don't know if I have, I don't know, otherwise I can't even get it. When they come, you are not allowed, I haven't heard it? "


"If you dare to say eight, this woman ..." The Queen pointed to Sophor, "I will make her born to die !!!"


"It's enough!" This time, Sophifier interrupted William Earl. She looked at him coldly. "You don't have to pay for me, I will not be able to deal, take care of themselves."

"Sophie ..."

"You have heard it, you are in order to care for her, but her mind is not at all." The queen is burning in anger, "this hammer, I just don't know how to be shameful, come, give me !!!"

"This ..." looked at each other.

"Your ear is deaf?" Queen yelled, "I swelled her face, anyway, she didn't have face."

"Yes." A woman will play Sophia from walking.

"Stop ..." The Earl of William and Williapi wants to stop it before, and the two will hold them from immediately, and even Leles also stay together, the three will not move.

"Hey!" The woman came from a slap in the past, and Sophia was played down to the ground, the face was more red, and the woman came from looked at the Queen, and continued to fight ...

"Don't, Mommy -" Williafei is excited, "you have too much."

"Stop, stop !!!" William's countertur is struggling, wants to save the Sophifier, but there is no power.

The woman followed the Sophifier, and the slap is connected to a slap. Soon, Sophia was hitting the nosebleed, the face was blood, it was shocking, but the Queen did not know, still there. "" I will continue to play, don't stop !!! "

The woman followed by, the loud voice echoed in every corner of the hall ...

"Stop !!!" A brighter voice came, and the woman came with a move, looked at it, touched the fierce look of Ai Huade, scared to the side of it.

Ai Huaded frowned to see Sophia, secretly clenched it, he originally wanted to take this opportunity to pull Dawne, and let Sophia and William's countertreat are completely broken, and William Fi Children rely on him and Austine, then, their father and son can get my beloved woman ...

But he didn't think of it, and the matter was only started, Sophored was hurt because he was.

Austin is complicated to William Fiier, from this hall to now, his eyes have not removed from her ...

The Leighbops wrinkled, and the heart was very uncomfortable.

William Fei's tears looked at the mother, and the mind is completely not in two men.

The Queen deeply looked at Ai Huade: "Ai Huad, you have to come, I am teaching this kind of woman who creates the house, even if this is my family, I will never do it?"

Ai Huade moved away, the fair publication: "Your king, your family, I am not convenient to ask, but since this matter is related to the royal reputation, I also affect the political situation, so I came to see, no Thinking of you are so embarrassed, how? DNA test results have been out? "

"I haven't come yet." Queen said, "Just, you can look with me together, and save someone to quit my fair."

"Also." Ai Huadhe sat down, and Austin sat around him.

William British scottled with his teeth: "Don't think I don't know, this thing is that you have publicized, you have a book, don't hurt my wife."


Recommend my new book "Championship: Love the Evil President" http: yunqi. QQ. COMBKXDYQ506947. HTML, I hope everyone will support it! ! ! !

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