"These are all Director Zhao?" Leigh is excited.

"Nothing, it is already good." Mo Sir's own collar.

"Fool, why do you want to adventure for me?" Le Lee is awkward, "You a girl, how dangerous to do these things, do you know?"

"I know, but I don't want to see you every day, I will look, I will be very distressed." Mo said crying, "Le Le, do you know? I love you, I love you, many years, I have never changed ... "

Le Le looked at her, and he looked at her. He is more difficult to say. In fact, Moiro's mind, he is not knowing, just, he always thought that the pure emotion has long, this time Replay is just a kind of coincidence, but he didn't think of it, Mo Port had increasingly reduced his feelings, even behind him silently ...

He couldn't help but remember Williafi, although she didn't leave him when he was so lost, but now she betrayed this feeling in the family, he said, in her heart, he will always arrive in her family, or even not worth it. She trust, why can't she wait? He said that she will guard her, I will definitely find a way to save her family.

But she put all the hopes in Austine, and even sacrificed her own ...

This shows that she doesn't believe him at all, don't believe his ability ...

But Mo said, in her heart, Leles will always be the best. She is not only love, and she can do anything for him, and even don't live.

And these, Williapi will never do it.

Two women have formed a distinct contrast to his feelings, producing great contrast in Leigh. .

A strong saten in Leles, reached again, and slammed Mo Sir in his arms, and there were thousands of words in my heart. At this time, it can only be quiet ...


At the same time, Austin returned to his castle with William Feier. Here is a beautiful scenery, surrounded by rare people, quietly like the gods of the world.

William Figer came down from the car, and the beautiful scenery around him. I couldn't help but remember Leizie. Ai Hua was like a ghost. It was reminding her that Leles's fate was controlled in her hand. She told the actions. More dangers of Leles ...

Anyway, I have to take that step soon. Why do she continue to drag? ? ?

Thinking of this, Williafi took a breath and looked at Austin: "Austin ..."

"Well?" Austine turned his head and looked with gentle smile, his hand was just cooked coffee, and the maid was packing your luggage, and they can then go to the building.

William Fiier has a lip, I really want to open an opening to invite him to her room, but she can't say it ...

"What's wrong? Is it uncomfortable?" Asked in Austin.

"No ..." Williafi hangs his eyes, very messy, her reason tells her, take the initiative, take the initiative to take this step, as long as I do it, Leizan saved, but her emotions and self-esteem Let her not open ...

"What happened?" Austin came over, "Don't you like it? Let's change a place, I have other villas."

"No, no ..." Williafei shakes his head, once again, "I, I, I want to return to the house."

"Oh, okay, I will go up with you, just right, I have to go to the book house .." Austin holds William Philippine, two people go upstairs.

The maid has paved a lot of delicate petals for Williapi's room, which is filled with natural flowers, and they also give her a bath water in the bathtub, which is convenient for her to bathe.

"The princess is in the room, the room is finished, we serve you to bathe?" The maid asked respectfully.

"No, I will do it yourself." Williamphore said, "There is still, don't call me the princess in the future, I am not a princess, you call my name."

"This ..." Maid looked at Austin.

"Return." Austin frowned command.

"Yes." The maid immediately returned, and only their two were left in the room.

"Sorry, I forgot to pay those things to them, I hope you don't mind." Austo apologize.

"It doesn't matter ..." Williamphi smiled slightly.

"This cabinet is your clothing, do you see if you don't like it?" Austish deliberately broke the deadlock.

William Fei's open cabinet and looked at it. It was all the style of her, and all were very expensive. There were many luxury goods, although she did not have too high requirements for substances, but these already prove that Austin I have a heart, she laughed from him: "I like it very much, thank you!"

"You are welcome ..." Austin's mood is a bit emotion, "In fact, I have prepared your clothing here, I hope that one day, you can come over with me, when I was injured in the first few months, here It took for more than half a month, and my mood was very depressed. I thought that I would have a chance to take you here, I didn't expect it to achieve it so soon. "

Williapi does not speak, just low heads, eyes humid, is like a numb ...

She was very grateful to Austin, although he had done a lot of things to her before, but his persistence of her has never changed, he pays, she can't see it.

But she is very clear, grateful, her favorite man is Leigh, always ...

Now, she is about to sacrifice himself, she doesn't know that it is or wrong, and the future Leizhe knows that the truth will not forgive her, in short, she has not turned back. .

I thought about thinking, her tears fell down ...

"What happened? How did you cry?" Austin halvedly for her tears, "Isn't I said wrong?"

"No ..." Williafield shook his head, "I just think, you are too good to me, but I am not worth doing this at all."

"How do you say this?" Austine frightened, "I like you, just because you are you, there is no other reason, no value is not worth it, even if you are not a princess, even if you follow Men, I will not change your feelings ... "

"Don't say it." Williafei puff into the Austine, I can't help but cry, "I have a lot of things in this time. I am very chaotic. In addition to Le Le, the only thing is gratified, you, you Really changed a lot, you become very good, so I am so embarrassed ... "

I heard these words, Austin can not help but have some movement, testive Q: "If I didn't use the strong means of overbearing, I didn't have the excessive things for you, you will not accept me. ?? "

"Maybe ... will."

Williapi's voice is very low, but this is a true idea. In fact, she has more the same place with Austin, and they live in the same environment, with the same values, the same life Habits, more importantly, they have a beautiful penny year when they are young ...

If four years ago, Austin did not become so excited from the United States. She certainly won't be as disgusted with him, maybe, he will accept his pursuit, then she will not run to China, not Will know Leizie ...

There are too many life in life, but it is unfortunate that many things can't come back.

At this moment, the mood of the Austin is like a five-flavor, and it is difficult to say, that is, I feel so regretted for yourself, and in the anti-provincial now, it is right to play with my father. Is it or wrong? If she knows the truth, I will not forgive him? Maybe it is impossible to believe in him.

At that time, he completely lost the opportunity to own her. .

"Unfortunately, we can no longer come back. I have already been Leizie, we are impossible." Williafei gently pushed the Austine, said seriously, "Austin, you become very good now." It is really good, so you can re-have happiness !! I hope you can happiness ... "

"Feier ..."

"You go out." Williamfi low his head, did not dare to look at him, "I want to rest."

She still can't do it, just now, she has been thinking about Le Le, thinking that she is going to tear, she thinks, she still has no courage to take the step ...

"Okay." Austish is very lost, "Don't think about it, you take a bath, I will go out first."

"Well." Williamphi nodded, and sent him to leave, said in his heart, Le Le, what should I do? How to do? Should I save you, sacrifice myself, or protect you? ? ?

My heart is hurt, it hurts ...


Austine leaving the room, close the door, standing quietly outside the door, the heart is like a numb ...

Now, he really regrets. When I used a wrong method, I pushed Williafi to the more far, and even pushed to Leizie, he was very happy. Why can't I wake up early? ? ? ?

But it doesn't matter, it is still too late. He will use his best to win the heart of Feier, will definitely.

Thinking of this, Austin went to the study and gave Mo Soft ...


Mo Fu also snuggled in Le Lie, the phone rang, the special ringtone allowed her heart to speed up, she sets the Nursing the ringtone of the Austin, and I know ...

"Your phone?" Leigh looked at her.

"Maybe my father." Mo Shi sits up, take out the phone to answer the phone, "Hey!"

"The plan is very smooth, everything is in my master, but you have to make things faster, do you understand what I mean?"

"Know, Dad, I will pay attention to safety, you don't have to worry." Mo said that he is their secret, and when she is sure, she represents him mean.


Recommend my new book "Championship: Love the Evil President" http: yunqi. QQ. COMBKXDYQ506947. HTML, I hope everyone will support it! ! ! !

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